Test Servers




Okay so today i just wanted to see if they where still closed as i dont go on forums oftern to check i try to log in with my account i use for live servers and its saying its wrong? is that because its closed or something else i have made sure i am entering correctly so i dont know whats up :s



Are you saying that it won't let you login at all? It is still CB, but you should be able to login and try to get on the Test Servers (one will say it hasn't gone public yet, and other other will tell you you have the wrong version).



It wont let me log in at all says my username or password is wrong but i know there right checked 5 times i dont know whats up :S



Did you subscribe within the last 48 hours?



Nope been like almost a month now



Hmm, I'm not sure what the problem could be. Perhaps a poster more knowledgeable about such things than myself could fill you in. Failing that you should contact customer support.

*Edit* You can log into the actual game right?



Okay thanks



I don't think she can login at all. It was my understanding that she's getting the "wrong username/password" message.



are u s US or EU player do u have the right test downloaded?



i tryed again today and i have made sure i have installed it all right and i have so i really dont understand why i cant even get past the log in screen?



Originally Posted by NictusJones View Post
i tryed again today and i have made sure i have installed it all right and i have so i really dont understand why i cant even get past the log in screen?
Email support if you can not call them, right now, if you have not done so. Also, do you know if the payment went through?

Repeat Offenders forever !

Make all IO's available in Paragon Market! NCSoft, the chinese are making BIG money selling influence and other stuff in the game. Best way to stop them = make the paragon market a place to buy all IO's and perhaps other things as well.



I am going to email now and yeah payment went though fine i can play on the live servers i just cant log on to test server :s



That's all you can do then; make sure you downloaded the EU client just in case.