Re Starting :)




Hey Guys Hero Bill here. i have been on the server for about a year now but i quit for a few months until i got a new job and got settled in but now i loged on my sg has died and all my friends and Global friends havent played in ages so i dont have anything i used to have a friend who would help me alot like gimmie inf and help me find leveling up groups. because of this im now level 36 and not a clue whats going on xD.

I have joined a SG and it is good but a little unpopulated but i have learnt alot from them.

So basicly im just looking for a group of friends any one interested? post below (my main is on heroes).



hey welcome back! just a quick post there are 2 really good chatb channels to join on union

sals badgehunters
union taskforces

join those chat channels your guarenteed to get a group join task forces find a sg and meet really nice people!