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  1. omg talos took my toon!!! its hero genecide i tell you!
  2. yes i need this toon on my main badge toon!
  3. well i have posted in the new ask a dev thread about the future for the EU if our numbers still decline weather this question get answers begs to differ... those who also want answers i urge you to ask similar questions they cant ignore us all!!!!!!!
  4. if the EU numbers contiunue to decline after the launch of GR will there be anything in place to stop the end of our servers that will let us keep our toons and or jump over to the american servers?
  5. fatalnova


    hey brambelino, the population is on the increase with the new issues comming out and the expansion going rouge! if you do return there are a few global channels to join..

    union server channels

    'sals badgehunters'
    'union chat'
    'union task force'

    these three channels are very active and there will always!! be some one online teams task forces random missions raid etc are advertised in these channels so u can shout out or shout up when u need one or other people are looking for another person to team with

    if you have toons on defiant they have sim ilar channels but dont know the names to give them yto you, new lots has changed since i11 and i12 so its worth comming back even if its only just a month to test to see if you want to return. the english servers arnt bursting at the seems with players but we have all become a close knit ciommunity and all friendly!
  6. i dont even think they take notice of this thread anymore dont ever hear back from them and they said they were keeping an eye on it
  7. hey not fussed either way wou;ld p0refer to hold on and w8 for u guys tho!!!!
  8. bit pissed that they didnt answer any questions on the razer comp about how GR will be promoted in europe or how they will increase our player base there just uptight wankers
  9. its ridiculous the devs in interveiws have been quoted saying '' we have the best relationship with our community than any other MMO'' well then show us EU somthing or at least have the decency to reply to a thread that you say you are going to montior FFS its not that had to post a reply.
  10. hey guys sorry i wasnt there this evening with out ant notice RL issues again but is now all sorted WILL be there thursday sorry again had no way of letting u guys know
  11. bit dissapointed with this post


    it takes you the the AMD games page

    but no mention that there is a EU version of the game so....... is it going to carry on like this no dev replys as of late with the big announcments you think they would have SOME info for us.
  12. Niviene storms the brighton offices in protest for the EU customers only to find that it has now become a Mc Donalds. Anger struck when she was offered a 'kids meal'

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  13. hey guys will be on tuesday as normal for more fun but dont know about thursday! if im not around lemmie know the arcs u have run so i can ''catch up'' and be the same as everyone else like with the 1st tf and my random going away before last mish but was fun and just wonna be yup to date :P
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    I still believe that the EARLIEST we'll see anything happen [if at all] will be towards the end of the year after the GR buzz has died down.
    yeah there proabily waiting for GR to silence us for a while but its been years now we have asked for somthing to help boost our population numbers so this time my rants wont be over till i see results!

    after reading avetas post i dont think they can actually do anything but she isnt aloud to say incase we all **** off and leave games/ some will resubscribe on NA but thats the impression i am getting, if a reason to what these 'hurdles' are were given or just 1 major hurdle was shared wioth us then maybee we could cut the devs slack, but they bring it upon themselves with the lame *** piss poor answers they give
  15. we dont even get to test the new booster pack now! so unfair, i wanted to know weqather its worth purchasing.... or is it the fact the devs want us to purchase before giving us the boot!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    Don't mention sheep, Damz is welsh!!


    that means he LOVES! them
  17. and yet we still have no reply from a red name! i thought the devs were watching this thread carefully??? and a new kick in the teeth to the EU players is that the going rouge prepurchase emails that where sent out all lead to the NA version yet again!!! we cant win
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrWallace View Post
    Hi all. We will start flashbacking tongiht via the Crystal in the Dark Camalot base you all have access to. Plaese try and be on time (7pm BST) as once a flashback arc has started you will not be able to join the team until its finished as it sets up like a TF/SF.

    See you tonight, let the XP and Merit Fest begin.

    P.s will be nice to see all the vils content as well.
    yay will be there on time wuffles!
  19. few names not very good but spitballing plus would defoo be up for this idea!

    Shadow Dwellers <--- as thats what we are
    justice leage europe <--- not sure if that will work or is copy righted
    inferior 4 <----- as all our servers are :P
    Europe united
    EU WHAT!!! <0--- cuz its a crazy and brill idea
    All server squadron<--- as were trying to expand across 4 servers
  20. THE YOUNG ONES!!!!
    The vicar of dibley
    the royle family
    2 pints of larger and a packet of crisps
    harry enfield
    gavin and stacey
    cathrine tate
    flight of the choncords

    dont know if any have been mentioned or what ur looking for but there all funny!!!!
  21. lol no saw a red name online and vented to them go the reply pretty quick though but there was a lot of anger in the post dont know how to quote pms on the actual thread though and it is legit! but we all know where the devs SOON and GOOD NEWS gets us......
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
    That from a PM? If so: when?
    that was from tuesday late tuesday evening got it in my inbox but dont know how to quote emails