112 -
thanks for the info
I've tested both to 12 (I know not high - but played bots to 36 before) I thought I'd dislike thugs but i actually am starting to love those lil' punks -
Hi all
I'm wondering about something - I'm considering rolling a /pain dom on the red side. But as for a pvpable combo what would be best bots or thugs? -
Hi all
I tried asking before without much success - so I'm trying it once again.
I rolled a MA/Regen scrapp with the eye on pvping with him
(please don't say reroll to fire/,BS/,... coz I wont)
Thing is I was wondering which are the "skipable" skills from the MA set and which are the must-haves -
Some people have pointed out the issue might be GMA related - probably why the new MBP don't have the issue
I'm wondering though - didn't the new aluminium MB come with a better (non GMA) videocard? -
I listed the workarounds for the mousebug in case anyone needs them to make the game playable till the fix
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=194330 -
If you scroll down few posts you see this
I listed most of the workarounds to make the game more playable while you wait for a fix -
I've been on these forums for a while now and there's quite a bit of people having the notorious mousebug.
As I have no clue when they'll fix it and people ask for workarounds daily, I thought it might be interesting to list them.
- Clicking mission doors:
There's 2 options, (a) put your cursor next to the door and rotate with q/a or d/e untill your cursor is on the door and left click the door.
(b) approach the door with your cursor and right click like mad untill you reach over the door, once the coordinates reset* left click the door.
*note: right clicking ingame makes your cursor reset on the last rightclicked location.
- Talking to contacts, interacting with objects:
You can take point (a) mentioned above with mission doors or you can take point (b) aswell, but instead of left clicking after you reset on the character, keep rightclicking him - when you rightclick a character you can select chat (press c on your keyboard), objects you can select interact (press i on your keyboard).
- Enlarging your chatbox, other windows:
Same principles apply as above (your mouse will be resetted on last rightclicked location), so just rightclick your way to the border till you can enlarge it.
- Enhancement slotting:
The toughest one of all in my opinion: the problem is that whenever you're hovering over an enhancement in the management menu, the mouse will be reset. So you want to navigate your mouse towards the wanted enhancement and quickly click it while your mouse is still over it. IMPORTANT: keep your left mouse button clicked as releasing it will release the enhancement and you have to go through the proces all over again. This takes about 1-... tries. Depending on how fast you move, click,...
- Selecting locations on a map:
Another nightmare process. If you know where you need to click on the map without seeing the actual map already place your cursor into position, press m, select location. If you don't know it however you can use the rightclicking method. However you'll have to start rightclicking on your way to the map. (Rightclicking on the map adds a "thumbtack" or an extra location in other words) Rightclick/Thumbtack your way close to the location you needs, when you're close to the "bubble" of the location you want to click simply left click it. (This works when the thumbtack is close to it).**
**note: If you want to select a contact - I advice opening the contacts menu instead of the map and simply select the contact from the contacts menu.
- Exit fullscreen mode:
I have always used cmd+enter and it has worked for me wihout problems. But I read that alot of people used cmd+<other key> which don't work anymore. (Also note: cmd+q to exit the game no longer works, you'll have to go to menu-> quit to desktop)
Extra: Dragging inspirations or skills to another inspiration/skill slot your mouse will also reset. The simple workaround is: left click the skill and keep it left clicked as you would do when dragging it from slot to slot. IMPORTANT: do not release your left mousebutton. Let your mouse reset, and then drag the skill or inspiration to the appropriate slot.
Extra 2: on your chatbox to change the place where you type ( the L,B, T,S,... buttons (local, broadcast,..)), start on the left side of your screen (given that your chatbox is in the bottom left corner) and move your way down to the buttons on the left side of the chatbox, whilst going to the buttons, go over the tabs and do NOT go over the line that divides the chatbox in help/combat and chat. If you go over the tabs the mouse wont reset, if you don't go over the tabs the mouse will reset as you'll "touch" an extendable windowborder.
Note: a much easier way is to just rightclick in your chatbox and select the channel you want to type in.
This is all that springs to my mind at the moment.
I hope this will help alot of people untill this is fixed and an easy to find thread. I hope however that this issue will get fixed asap as it's annoying to play a game with tons of workarounds.
Thanks to CuppaManga for giving some of the workarounds, other mac community users for sending in the petitions, finding workarounds aswell,...
If I forgot anyone and (s)he's hurt by it, let me know, I'll include you in the post.
If you want anything added - just post it and I'll paste it.
p.s.: I haven't bothered using the mission architect since the bug kicked in, if you have a workaround for the issues there, feel free to post it.
p.s. 2: Some people apparantly have problems with the tailor aswell - I personally don't have these problems, so I don't know a workaround for it either. Again: if you have a problem with it and have a workaround, feel free to post it. -
Quote:I'm having the same cursor issues (on a mac mini). On Friday, tech support and I had fun attempting to fix it, but no dice. Any word on when this'll get a patch so we can all start running some missions again?
no clue on when the fix is
If you wanna run missions - talk to target, and when you're on "ask available missions & leave" right click your way to missions, if the mouse resets it'll be on your last right click. Takes a few sec longer but you get to do mishes, if you have to do glowies: right click your way to the glowie and press "i" for interact once you rightclicked it. There's a workaround for almost everything - but it's sooo annoying -
I got the white macbook 13" with intel GMA X3100 - there's a bug for mac atm for mice, dunno if it's common outside GMA cards
I ran coh fine (single instance of it) on my 2GB RAM, recently upgraded to 4GB and running flawless now - settings are on performacen btw
No clue about 2x coh though -
As said in other threads (by cuppa if iirc) - it's probably the old coding with the orange hand. I just wish one of the frequent forumusers could have a 1 on 1 chat with a guy from tech support. I think it'd alleviate alot of questions on the mousebug
Quote:I doubt ncsoft will give anyone specific help - well actually there's 1 guy to which they told him to do something, which absolutely did nothing but change his mousecursor from white to black.I had a mouse glitch, my friend said to re install it, as that fixed his, and now I'm having the same porblem you are. NCSoft hasn't given me any help yet.
I pushed for replies for a few days - untill they told me they'd escalate my ticket to higher support, which was a polite way of them saying to me to stop mailing them.
Either they got no clue where the code (as cuppa mentioned above) is and with what to replace it. Or they're working on something else and can't be bothered helping us straight away. I hope it's the first one, but it's pretty sad at the moment. -
anyone knows when they'll be trying to update the client with a fix?
I'm doing the same thing for my enh - i had fun reslotting my WS, as you said doable - but a fix is sounding like heaven at the moment
Few days ago support told me they'd escalate my ticket to receive more support from the tech staff, but I think they just told me that to stop mailing them -
command+enter is what has always worked for me
Don't really like those two and I've seen MA rip people apart if you're willing to spend a buck on it.
Hi all
I've decided to build my new scrapper for endgame pvp (I do plan to make him a badger aswell just for the flash ofcourse)
So I was wondering wether you guys could provide me with some builds.
I've played /regen before as claws/regen but ma is totally new for me
( I'm reading into most guides)
However I was wondering wether you guys have a nice pve/pvp build which would work in both, a pvp build with SO slotting and a pvp build with IO slotting (can be most expensive slotting).
I usually refrain from asking specific builds but as this is the first toon I build which I intend to use for pvp mainly I thought the extra builds & ideas might be nice. -
well I know a few in PG - starting there out anyway, but ya was wondering about major pvp sgs & how many high qualities were around, thx for the info
Well I'm happy you mentioned union - rerolled there since I'm back to CoH (due to people saying it's more populated now than 2-3 yrs ago) and my defiant slots being almost filled to the max
If someone can shed some light on pvp sg's I'd be incredibly happy -
I was wondering about this - I hear pvp left and right, but is there still pvp going on on union or defiant? And are there some "major" pvp sgs? -
yah you're totally right - a fix would make our cohlives so much easier
but well as for targetting - i'm used to tabbing in other mmo's -
Quote:quoting myselfI hope so, this bug is quickly sucking all the joy out of playing. It takes forever to lvl up or even select a mish.
I've found a semi-acceptable work around for talking to npcs etc
whilst doing quests in RWZ I found it annoying that I couldn't ask available mishes so I toyed a bit.
I you left click & drag your mouse close to the text - without reaching the point where your mouse resets -
and then rightclick, the next time your mouse will reset is there. With some time you can actually let it reset ON the text but it takes too much effort. But if you just set it to reset close to the text, you'll have an easier time checking for mishes, lvling up etc. Every time you open a conversation you have to do this again though, but it makes mishes acceptable now.
p.s. once you've asked for available mishes, just click the mission description you get with the text - beats clicking accept in the text & works aswell.
p.s. 2 I read the thread "orange hands are back" and actually it set me thinking, before the update I had that blue hand to drag stuff. After the patch the troubles kicked in and the hands changed to orange. Is there a chance there's a connection?
Hope this helps you people a bit -
Yup & i'm on the 3100, then again - I've had a bad experience with ncsoft support before - but once I managed to push through I usually got some nice help. So that's why I didn't ignore their response (had once a big guild hall related issue in guild wars, took us well over 10 mails to get a human that fixed it in 10 mins
isn't it back since wednesday -
Btw any chance that can relate to with the mousebug so many ppl experience? -
Ok this is getting ridiculous -
I got a reply back from NCSoft stating my system requirements do not meet their requirements.
My system requirements -apart from the videocard- meet all the recommended requirements, my video card meets the minimum requirement.
Also if it would not meet the requirements why did this bug started after an update of theirs & which they "Addressed a (Macintosh) memory leak related to Mouse movement.".
I know this is a rantish post, but I'd rather get support instead of generated answers (had a problem with guild wars once before aswell, I got over 7 bot replies before getting a real reply)
Update: I've written NCSoft a(n) (angry) email and I've got a plausible response so far,
"Thank you for the update on this once again.
I am escalating your ticket for further assistance. Once your ticket has been reviewed someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.
NCsoft Technical Support"
Maybe I get real support ? xD
I've found a semi-acceptable work around for talking to npcs etc
whilst doing quests in RWZ I found it annoying that I couldn't ask available mishes so I toyed a bit.
I you left click & drag your mouse close to the text - without reaching the point where your mouse resets -
and then rightclick, the next time your mouse will reset is there. With some time you can actually let it reset ON the text but it takes too much effort. But if you just set it to reset close to the text, you'll have an easier time checking for mishes, lvling up etc. Every time you open a conversation you have to do this again though, but it makes mishes acceptable now.
p.s. once you've asked for available mishes, just click the mission description you get with the text - beats clicking accept in the text & works aswell.
p.s. 2 I read the thread "orange hands are back" and actually it set me thinking, before the update I had that blue hand to drag stuff. After the patch the troubles kicked in and the hands changed to orange. Is there a chance there's a connection?
Hope this helps you people a bit