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  1. i think Sal's is pretty much the best way to get teams for TFs and the like on Union. If I ever do see anyone posting in Union Taskforces or Union Badgehunters (I think that's the other one) it's usually only after asking on Sals and not getting enough response.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rent_ View Post
    Anyone who says the EU servers aren't dead now are seriously in denile or are so scared of change, they are the folk that rage when their local supermarket moves products around. Which is amusing.
    I Fraggling hate that!
  3. I was going to bring up the all-arrows Defender. This was the first class/powers combo that I had real fun with (partially since shooting people with arrows is so much fun) and while he does shine in a team, he's also fairly capable of soloing most missions. Maybe had a few panicked moments playing him, but I've had that with nearly every other AT I've played as well, many of which have had them more frequently. I will say that often when teaming with a good team, I do try to debuff as best I can, but often swap to just adding a bit of damage since everything is dying by the time I've fired off my debuffs.

    Mentioning COV as a good example of the type of classes wanted by the OP is good, as I've certainly found that whilst playing it. My SOA really hates COT missions, but other than that, so far, he's got to lvl 30 without having to team...I've done some SFs and event stuff, but can quite happily smoosh most enemies, even if I do sometimes need prep-time.
  4. I don't think they should make trainers valid attackable targets. Bad idea. Unless they were the same level as the rest of the mobs in the zone, so we could go to Cap as a 50, take out the Arbiter and impersonate him for a while, but give people the wrong info and refuse to train them.

    If each trainer was a bit more unique, or gave out their own missions, we could get them in instanced missions and fight them there though.
  5. I'd probably pay good money* for the pistol Arcee uses in the real Transformers Movie.
    Otherwise, I'll repost the suggestions I had in the other thread on this:
    Megatron (a tricked out Walther)
    Robocop gun
    Grave's guns from Gungrave
    and after seeing it in this thread earlier I'll add:
    a Mac10, because that's what I thought was the Uzi that I wanted

    *not very much mind you
  6. craggy


    Originally Posted by Cyberknight View Post
    As long as it is not the Eu servers you can die of old age befor you will get a GM to reply .......................
    I think someone did last time I had to petition.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
    he thought that 'sub-human beings' would contaminate Germany and slander her pride.
    arguably, he was right, but it was a self-fulfilling prophecy
  8. here I was expecting that you'd only use it once or twice every episode and it'd be exactly the right fortune you gave out for the particular moment it was used.
  9. I'll see your "comic book dialogue sounds pants when read aloud" and raise it with "Kevin Conroy = Batman"
  10. craggy


    Did Lusca do a bad thing?
  11. a server list merge would be great, I don't disagree. I'll probably still keep playing on Union though, since they've said they won't do it with GR, and even by then the server transfers will be costing us money again. Might get a load of colonials joining us though, that'd be cool.
  12. I still want a "Magneto was right" t-shirt.

    Also: Arachnos have better outfits than the Nazis. And less camps. Win/win situation if you ask me.
  13. characters have origins!

    also: there's supposed to be a pack for mutants, whaddya want in it?
  14. Beastly run might be fun. Hand/finger claws definitely would. I've a bird themed character who is supposed to be using talons. Some kind of mutated self-rez would be good. Furry stuff, reptillian stuff maybe something like a translucent body that could be energy, or ice or a sentient gaseous entity.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    I haven't gotten a chance to play any of the 6 toons I transfered to Champion yet. They are all toons I've "retired" but I would like to see how the population on that server is.

    The only story I have is that I should have done a name check before the transfer. I transfered my Dark/Dark defender named Eternal Rest only to log onto Champion to find him named Eternal Rest1. Although I like the name it's not a big deal as I hadn't played him in over a year.

    So my advice to you kiddies is don't be a n00b like me, do a name check before you do a transfer!
    Seems like Eternal Rest is a great name for a character not played in a year!

    anyway, being an EU player with less of a grasp of other languages than I do English, I'm not getting a huge amount of use out of this free transfer gesture. I may yet use it to rename a toon or two though.
  16. craggy

    Hamidon raid

    interested. needs prep time though, and a plan. sure we'll hear more about it as things develop
  17. As much fun as it might be rationalising the existence of your global in-game, I think it should remain a purely optional thing.
  18. Actually, I look at this more often than I do the specific server boards. I've glanced at the Union one from time to time, but haven't even done that for the Defiant one since moving to the new boards. All my toons are Unionites. I'd be interested to see where this goes. May be able to commit something to it, since I've a load of low-lvl toons that need a boost.
  19. we're dealing with a game where zombie invasions are not uncommon, so the term "dead" is relative.

    I've found it to be pretty busy lately what with the Halloween event and now the Winter one. Seems like most people stuck around inbetween the two. Earlier in the year I often struggled to get enough people for one taskforce, recently I've been logged on and turning down people for teams, while there are other ones running that I'd have liked to have joined.
  20. or a fish head: It's a trap!
  21. I want to go get training off an off-duty Arbiter in his bermuda shorts sitting outside the Golden Giza!

    edit: actually maybe that'd make a better idea for a contact. We should get contacts and trainers and the rest of the NPC's actually doing stuff while they're stuck waiting for us to come up to them. At the very least let the dude in The Hollows shoot off a few rounds with his men from time to time.
  22. I suppose there could be an option added, but I like having 50s (even though I've only got 2 at the moment) so I don't have to worry about TFs and stuff. Besides, my first 2 (and therefore main) toons are kinda my badgey ones, so I keep playing lower level stuff for that anyway.

    I know there are people who say they move on to a new character when they get a 50, and I do too to some extent, so maybe there could be an option to retire a character after 50, maybe you could get a re-roll with the same name but the option to pick a new AT or even just new powersets and get a wee boost (some temps or such) to help you out at early levels?
  23. thats part of whats cool about the game. you could be a MA/WP scrapper who's magic, because he's really an ancient demon that's transformed himself into a mortal form or something. if you want.
  24. I created the majority of my characters prior to getting the game, and have just created the closest version possible in game...with one or two put on hold til I re-roll them when GR comes out. There are a few exceptions of course, my VEAT for example. I have tweaked most of them so that they're more in-line with COH lore though, without sacrificing too much. Global handles? ... sure!