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  1. thanks for reply.
    no thanks (to NC) for this horrible message board system that's made me try 3 or 4 times now to post

    edit:now that it's finally posted: thanks for the quickness of reply folks, guess I'll be exemping down at the weekend.
  2. Top Cow or someone indy is more likely. And yet still totally not going to happen.
    I'd love a crossover into some of Avatar's books. "New contact: Doktor Sleepless" anyone?
  3. quick question here about trial accounts and their restrictions:
    can I SK a trialist and take them to Cimerora or RWZ? (I'll admit I don't even know if it's possible to do this with a non-trial SK) or are they only able to go to the already open areas?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    If they let trialists joing supergroups then theres going to be the call to let them also have full access to thesupegroups content. For the newer, less experienced sg leaders this could be VERY BAD.
    A griefer could simply get a trial and go in and boom boom boom, base/enhancements/salvage gone just like that. Then the players of that supergroup will get angry/upset because there is nothing that can be done about it since it is JUST a trial account

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Ok, but can't SGs restrict access to these things on a membership level basis? I don't run an SG, but if I did, I'd make it so that the lowest level member wouldn't have access to as many of the facilities I could restrict, as far as taking salvage/etc. Give them a week's trial or something, then promote. Being in a pretty well stocked SG at the moment I know how good it is and wouldn't have minded waiting a while to access the extra resources.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    im pretty new (since last night) and i would like to point out there a VERY small minority that arent that bad i mean i did have to make some adjustments as it was also my first MMO game as well but after a while i was gettin complimented for my assistance and also got the lead at one point so i would like to ask.... i can has nemesis staff? just kidding but seriously some of us are here to have a good time too and dont intentionally try to ruin the experience for everyone else

    [/ QUOTE ]

    welcome to the game, and the forums!
  6. craggy

    Mission Creator

    quite excited by this, although there are obvious potential problems, I think it will be good.
  7. Woah. For another £3 a month, I'd like a lot of stuff off my wishlist implemented straight away and plenty more guaranteed for the following 12 months. There's been a heck of a lot done lately for no extra charge. (granted, I did buy the Wedding Pack, and have got my money's worth out of it with the fancy tux) In issue 12 alone we've got VEATs, a new zone and TF and the Hollows stuff, along with all the user interface/quality of life upgrades. Then I13 is supposed to be even bigger and better.
    Paying extra would require a lot, especially since I'm going to try out the 2 new games from the competition when they come out, assuming there's some kind of free trials.
  8. less upset reading that it's a temp power and not actual costume pieces, but still!
    it looks awesome enough in the default colours that i'd want one.

    I suppose, theoretically there could be people going who don't want the costume who might be kind enough to pass the codes on.
  9. just had to restart because COH froze on me. using a 9800 graphics card. system requirements lab tells me i am above the recommended requirments. funnily enough i was on COV for a good 45mins-an hour, but soon as i popped into Independance Port on COH i get lag, and eventually freezing. driver version
    played all last night with only a little lag. arg!
  10. why can't we use names of characters in other comics? DC and Marvel both have Captain Marvel. I know Marvel is the only one allowed to have a comic called that, but they each have a character with that name, and both companies have a Scarecrow and Sandman as well.

    anyway, here's a name or 2:
    Knockoff Nigel-he illegally downloads films, thus making him the most evil man on the planet and worthy of everyone he knows mocking him (according to the advert)
    Donna Matrix-a dominatrix type, maybe a mind/thorns dominator?
    Hot House-a plant/thermal controller (alternate name HotPlants)
  11. I've a few characters whose names I'm quite happy with.

    Tin Man-he's a dude in a high tech metal suit, but there's obviously the Wizard of Oz reference as well. I was shocked it wasn't taken.

    Monarcher-he's a TA/A Defender, quite regal (his bio has his surname as King too)

    Fire Reign-play on the sound of the words rain and reign. A fire 'troller. reminds me of a song too.

    oh and Prom Queen, my first main (who I've ignored for far too long) basically, the prettiest girl in high school, turned super strong heroine, in the wonder woman mould.
  12. thing is, I did claim them. just didn't stick any toons in them. I will check the other columns

    edit: yay! they were hidden in the 2nd column of slots. i feel stupid for not looking, but i still have one of my original 12 slots free and then underneath it asks if i want to buy more. threw me a bit it did. thanks!
  13. craggy

    looking for SG?

    Hi there, I'm trying to get my Thugs MM up to lvl 50 so I can get a spider of some kind (also love playing Thugs MM) and would like to get him into an SG of some kind so as to share/swap enhancements and get more chance of regular teams.
    Would prefer an 80s cartoon snake-themed terrorist type group but any science/tech type group would work fine. message me @craggy or as Laird Destro (see why the snake theme?) if you'd like a new member, or if you'd like to start a new SG with me along these lines.

    edit: just logged in to find that the very casual SG I was already a member of has somehow made me their leader. So now, unless I get a better option, I'm going to try and make the Vile Controllers a better group than we are. Of course, the will require some of us to log in more than once a quarter...

    Oh well, any offers still valid, likewise anyone wanting to join, let me know.
  14. I had a problem with my credit card, just reactivated my account after it being stopped a few days after i12 came out. I'd logged in and selected which server I wanted my 2 slots in (union in case it matters) before getting ceased, but after reactivating I see they're gone. Anyone have any guess as to why?
  15. craggy


    i find teaming a LOT better on heroes. far easier to get a team, or get one together and once you've got a team, it's usually filled with mostly sane people.
  16. I've a character that'd be great for this group. Street Cowboy is about lvl 10 or 11, so if you've all rolled new chars I can wait a bit before joining you, but I reckon his martial arts scrapperosity would be well suited to cleaning up the streets.

    global @craggy
  17. craggy

    The human form

    don't have the ability to make one yet, but is it possible to stay in human form pretty much permanently and be as good as another AT?
  18. Just come off finishing my first ever Task Force (well, it finished a good few hours ago, but I kept playing) and want to thank everyone who turned up in Skyway City to help my group smash the Babbage. There were only 5 of us, all about lvl 20s and we were doing nothing but staining it's feet with our blood. A bunch of kind folks turned up to help and voila, some mad minutes later it was down.

    Also, thanks to that team, and eveyone I've played with the past few weeks as Prom Queen, Monarcher or on of my lower lvl alts. You guys are great and have made my first month a half really fun and rewarding.