The human form





I am trying to play a warshade, but I do still have serious problems with the human form - which is the only actual true shape - the shape I created in my eyes. Novas and dwarves are anonymous, it might be nice to switch to them briefly, but it's not something I'd consider playing for extend periods of time.

Now, the impression I got so far is that the human shape has about the firepower of a defender (actually a little more raw firepower but no snipe so far and generally less range), the defense of a stalker (a little more hitpoints and a little less efficient defenses), hardly and support or crowd control at all - she can only heal herself and teleport allies for support and she can immobilize a single target for crowd control; that's it.

Still, I have more serious endurance problems than with any other character I had before. Despite having stamina now a fight against 3 even level minions leaches me dry. That's quite serious - even the best set in the world's useless if you don't have the endurance to trigger the powers.

I do have the nova shape and while I added two slots to the shape itsself the nova powers do not have any but the original one slot. The nova shape is slotted with two accuracy buff enhancement and one fly, the powers are all slotted with one accuracy enhancement. The same DOs as any other. And while the nova has far less slots than the human form it is superior to it in any situation, except fighting ghosts the undead slaying axe works against. And even that is not due to Warshade abilities, but because of the veteran reward power. The nova has - despite the lack of damage enhancements - far greater firepower, more area attacks, more range and it can fly. It has two knockbacks as the human shape has, but they reload faster. The range and the ability to fly more than make up for the weaker defenses, so, unless I am fighting ghosts ... what's there to make a human for worthwhile? Maybe the interesting powers come on higher level? Or is that you simply gotta wait for IO sets to at least get endurance problems sorted and then see how it goes?

PS: The current level is 21




what's there to make a human for worthwhile?

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Very little, without the forms. They do get some good powers, but most work best in conjunction with shapeshifting.

PBs do better than WS if you want to focus on human form.

I really should do something about this signature.



Yeah I have a lvl 22 WS too (had the ability to have one for a while but never did until now.)
Like PRAF said PBs are better as mostly human form (tho has major end issues due to the shear amount of powers)
Personally though I am quite liking my WS atm, though this is because I dont mind only using human form for double sunless mire (with the dwarf as well). I feel it can be quite effective when built right and taking advantage of all forms (though I could do with some more slots.) And I think the human form may be more useful later on but I doubt you will be able to escape using the other forms with a WS.
Mabey you could try out a PB and see if you like that any better. It would be interesting to hear someone elses comparison of the 2.

@Clara Finch



The warshade is a late boomer. It's human form becomes very powerful in the end, due to a higher recovery than the 2 forms (with stamina ofc), the shadow form + shields and the extracted essences provide good AoE. Gravity well is a powerful tool against voids/quants (crappy otherwise imo compared to the PB IS). You will need the nova form to advance in the earlier levels, where your human form is vastly inferior to PB (my PB has been almost perma human since level 24). The dwarf form is important because of the mire. It's tanking ability is ok but not effective without some slotting, and always keep in mind that slots are scarce for kheldians

Warshades are worthwhile if you can take the "weak" levels. The nova form is the only real option for me in the early levels (i hate being weak ).

Good luck with your kheld project



don't have the ability to make one yet, but is it possible to stay in human form pretty much permanently and be as good as another AT?

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Only if you always had a full team (with no other keldians).

I really should do something about this signature.



Only if you always had a full team (with no other keldians).

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well with CM (or an equivilant (sp?)) then i can say human form ws's are extremely powerful. (PvE ofcourse) Tp into a mob, Eclipse, Mire, Damage Aura on, OG clone on, summon pet on dead enemy, continue to kill with capped resistances. stygian at end for full health and end. But without some mez protection of sorts, your pretty much a wannabe scrapper/blaster that gets held alot....



Firstly, you can't give up by level 21. Secondly, wait for SOs, thirdly slot your forms!

A Self-Buffed Warshade with pets circling around them while in Nova form is an amazing force.. Yes, maybe more difficult than other ATs, but that's why it's given to people with 50s, not newbs.



Well with the right team makeup you have damage at cap, resistances at cap, acc at cap, no end issues against anything below an av thanks to Stygian, a very good pet which can be summoned multiple times, stealth and +perception and from level 1 a travel power. You can use your nuke (and the mininuke as well) as part of your normal attack chain without having to wory about the end crash - expect it to detoggle you, then hit Stygian and suddenly you are back to full health and end to continue fighting with virtually zero downtime.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



as chi says dont give up it gets better, my p/b it 1 bar off 39 and i love it,dont have many end issues unless its a big battle(i do have conserve energy and stamina) but even so i can hit hasten--cons/energy--run into a group release photon seekers--hit build up--go nuke then pop in a blue insp and with care carry on....(die a few times) but hey its fun especially if its a full team...also ess/boost is like dull pain but heal(very useful) can even hit it before jumping in group adds to max hp...can survive the alpha strike too.... my shade i only played 3/4 times want to lvl up my p/b first but cant wait to crack on with it

the hero formerly known as Mr.M
kin--d/blast lvl50 (retired)
'm reborn' lvl50 p/b(retired)
little miss psyche lvl50 ice/mm blaster on defiant
lil miss shade lvl50 warshade
GGRRR s/g member



Ah, but human form PB is much better than human form WS.

I really should do something about this signature.