I'm on the point of getting annoyed with villain side grouping too.
But it doesn't seem to be caused by people not wanting to team. It's more that people perhaps don't want to run teams?
After an hour on my 43 stalker lft, and then another hour on my 17 dom lft, I finally got annoyed and made a team of my own on my dom. It had 7 people in it in minutes.
I don't know why this is the case, but it sure is annoying**
Happy Playing
**annoying, beaten only by the irritation caused by those miserable people who can't find the 2.4 seconds it takes to whack backspace and type 'sorry full', or 'sorry no', or 'ask <name>' to a request for invite to the team. Don't give me 'I was in combat' excuses. Somewhere within a 30 sec window of being sent the request, it is always... ALWAYS possible to reply unless you're afk or simply a miserable human being.
I'm on the point of getting annoyed with villain side grouping too.
But it doesn't seem to be caused by people not wanting to team. It's more that people perhaps don't want to run teams?
After an hour on my 43 stalker lft, and then another hour on my 17 dom lft, I finally got annoyed and made a team of my own on my dom. It had 7 people in it in minutes.
I don't know why this is the case, but it sure is annoying**
Happy Playing
**annoying, beaten only by the irritation caused by those miserable people who can't find the 2.4 seconds it takes to whack backspace and type 'sorry full', or 'sorry no', or 'ask <name>' to a request for invite to the team. Don't give me 'I was in combat' excuses. Somewhere within a 30 sec window of being sent the request, it is always... ALWAYS possible to reply unless you're afk or simply a miserable human being.
[/ QUOTE ]
just no. if i'm playing my tank and were in a huge battle then i will be flying round the screen like a demented yoda madly clicking wrong doers and hitting 4 (taunt) i am not going to stop this and tyope a response and let the team die. certainly i will try and make an effort to reply to every tell i get but the team comes first.
and to the op there is a lot of teaming going on hero side
ok next question, is there a way to give inf from vil to hero, I only got about 1mil but hey thats alot when you start out :P
Lvl 17 hero here and I have found that there is very little teaming going on midweek. More tells on weekends.
As another has said if you want a team then make your own. As someone who has done this before I can understand why many do not want the hassle of carrying the star. really it isn't that much of a hassle.
i find teaming a LOT better on heroes. far easier to get a team, or get one together and once you've got a team, it's usually filled with mostly sane people.
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
If your looking to start a team send a tell to Eiceman, I don't mind carrying the star either.
If I'm on and not already in a team, working on a MM atm and there's not much happening that side like you say, i'll swap toons and join ya. Got a variety of toons to pick from and I don't mind exemping higher lvl'd ones either.
Morphius - MA/Regen - Union
Taelan - Ice B/Ice M - Union
Hellyon - Ice A/SS - Defiant
Bubbletastic - FF/Energy B - Union
Well I finaly got around to a hero cha, was loving brute, but bit burnt out at 25, so Miss Libertine my ilu/storm controler, is now smacking, I meen aresting people, she only 12 (cant wait for my pets) but seems fun so far....
I started the Plant/Thorn Dominator I'd been promissing myself for ages a few weeks ago.
Strangely, although I've only been able to play half a dozen times so far I've had some cracking team experiences; all PuGs.
I have; "Allways happy to team, blind invites also fine!" as my search comment. I've not logged on that toon once and been without a team for more than half a mission.
I play between 8pm and 1am. Could this be the key?
I think, as has been sugggested earlier, it's not the lack of people willing to team. If someone announces on Broadcast "who wants to team for level X missions?" the team will fill up pretty quickly.
I got on a great team last night answering a broadcast invite. The team was full in seconds and we were tearing through mobs like they weren't there.
There are definately teams to be had out there, both Hero and Villain side. My Dom made it to the dizzying heights of level 24 last night. I'm happy to lackey anyone who genuinely wants company rather than "Teh PLZORZ!!1!!"
It's all subjective really. I can be on a defender, tank or blaster (ranging from 36 to 30) and get absolutely nothing in terms of teams..though the blaster has made a name within my group of chatty cohorts as being the unluckiest PuG teamer, every PuG would have something seriously wrong with it or at least two members of the team being completely insane or inane.
Its gotten to the point where if someone gets a bad PuG they say "got an Old Fox PuG here". Its kinda depressing as I find solo very dull, but I want to get that darn nuke, buuuuuuuut I end up with more debt when I bite the bullet in a PuG. Catch 22 and all that.
Villains side, I can see some validity in complaints lacking teams, but everyone took water instead of wine to the banquet and if everyone's waiting for a tell from someone else then we're not exactly going to get a team going are we? I'm the same, I've complained, but I don't make a super effort to tell folks I don't know, but there again I don't want an Old Fox PuG.
Usually end up on a team with at least one person I know (and maybe 4 or 6 people I don't), that way its like high school and I can /t the person I know about how outraged I am that the latest Dark Miasmist on team that only has "the bloody heal and [censored] howler".
@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
[/ QUOTE ]just no. if i'm playing my tank and were in a huge battle then i will be flying round the screen like a demented yoda madly clicking wrong doers and hitting 4 (taunt) i am not going to stop this and tyope a response and let the team die. certainly i will try and make an effort to reply to every tell i get but the team comes first.
[/ QUOTE ]
I usually type a reply while in the air, or while taunt animation is going off. Not much else to do at that point
Quick question, are groups common on hero side, i'm geting realy bored soloing all time, so very tempted to swap sides if groups exist on hero side..

Groups at 17 seem be very few and far between on villans and since I like playing dom or controler, this can be a bit painfull trying to level like a snail solo
So Zdrada may be switching sides..