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  1. A blaster. Great hit point debuffs and they recharge fast.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
    So for the delay in updating, but some of you do/did have some true horror stories...heres another one of mine.

    Long story short I begin a Kahn and in the first mission, 3 of the players decide they want to clear for shards instead of doing the speed run i recruited them for. I promptly 1-star'd them and /kicked and reformed. After we restarted we did a great run btw...23-or 24 minutes.

    But as you will see revenge is sweet.

    You're awesome.
  3. Quote:
    I also don't get why I should need to "prepare myself!" for new content. It's a game, not life and death. I shouldn't need to spend hours preparing myself to be able to enjoy further content.
    So you played all of the content to this point with no preparation at all? Never learned where the stores were. Never logged into the forum. Never checked the wiki for info. Never downloaded tools like Mids, Vidiotmaps, or a badging tool. Never slotted anything. Never used the market. Never asked others for help. Etcetera, etcetera.

    Let's at least get better arguments for the whine threads, everyone. These kinds of arguments in these threads couldn't beat a grey conning deadman. If you need to whine, at least do that right. Show some pride.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Toony View Post
    There are a few members on this board who will never admit the devs made a mistake EVER in the games history and will defend the devs as if they were their parents.
    There are a few members on this board who will never attempt to understand the reasoning of the devs EVER in the games history and will attack the devs as if they were their parents.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Le Blanc View Post

    And remember, anybody who tells you one shotting an opponent is overrated, CAN'T one shot an opponent.
    It's probably not as easy as pressing one button.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Yeah, but ED actually destroyed the forums. Now *that* was an epic fail on the Devs' part, not seeing that fiasco coming. We even told them it was going to and they still did it.
    Sometimes you just have to let the children cry before they realize that it ain't so bad, after all.
  7. The image, the entire idea behind, and the ridiculousness of concept only further enhance why I only read older comic books.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aliana Blue View Post

    88 shards vs. running the WTF once is pretty extreme.
    Yep, but I must point out again that the Notice is gated content. I think we're underestimating that fact too much in this thread.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    I tend to avoid them most the time anyway since nobody ever wants to actually "play" through the TF any more. It's all about getting a Master Of in the fastest time possible.
    I hear you there. Not much fun for me to spend all of my time avoiding playing the game. I'd rather die 9 million times than do a speed run.

    That said, the new content is getting much harder and that makes these kinds of tactics less common. Yes, the Apex and Tin Mage have been run extremely fast, but we're talking highly optimized builds doing it. Sheer difficulty has curbed some of the speedsters.

    Luckily, there are people that do like to run TFs casually, and you may be able to find them on your server's global channel, or start your own TFs with it being known that it's a casual run and not a speed run.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I have nearly 500 shards on one toon, and am easily pushing 2k shards collected. I believe those numbers are likely inaccurate.
    They very well may be inaccurate. They're best guesses right now.

    When we're talking randomly generated drops and empirical evidence, it's hard to get a solid number.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
    It's smarter to start with a high number of shards and lower it as deemed necessary. Then everyone will cheer the wisdom of the devs. If they started low, then decided they need to bump the number up, the boards would throw a fit.

    Same result, opposite reactions. We're pretty simple.
    I have no doubt that if advanced aliens do exist, they're too busy laughing at us to come down.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    If we go by the drop rate numbers in ParagonWiki, in order to get 480 shards for the Very Rare from scratch, it would take:

    480,000 minions -or- 72,000 lieutenants -or- 24,000 bosses -or- 6,528 mitos

    I don't know what to add to those numbers, other than "that's a lot".
    Now, that's a more useful conversion, because that puts it into terms of a solo player, and well understood by everybody.

    I'm using that conversion because I'm trying to communicate to anyone on the dev team who might read the thread a rough estimate of exactly how much harder they've made that transition.

    I mean, seriously, do they really want to set the ratio to 1 WST/IT = 8-12 TFs = 80-500 solo missions (depending on difficulty)? That's just a rough estimate but it does jibe with rough averages I've seen from both solo missions and TFs.
    The problem with this conversion is that the solo player is often not doing the Weekly Strike Target because they don't want to do TFs (for a variety of reasons), so converting 1 TF into ~10 TFs doesn't make sense in the context since neither is explicitly solo content.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
    And teaming would still be rewarded under the more reasonable idea of Dr. M.
    The Notice of the Well is currently gated to one a week, though. I'm sure they have a conversion formula that used average earning potential as a basis to come to this conclusion.

    With all respect to Dr. M, he's postulating a pattern that may not even exist as the reasoning behind his structure. That pattern does not take into account that shards themselves are not explicitly gated, but Notices are.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post
    Just pointing out that the "solo option" is the equivalent of ~10 TFs.

    Since I'm going to extend the devs the benefit of the doubt that they can do value substitution and basic addition, I have to assume that's a deliberate statement on their part.
    I'm not sure why you're using that conversion, though. It doesn't clarify anything, it isn't standard, and it isn't a good conversion to go from team based earning to solo based earning.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
    I seriously doubt this is what it is going to end up being as.

    If it is then

    There's making the solo option hard then there is making the solo option HARD.
    Originally Posted by Black Scorpion View Post
    Hey again, Black Scorpion here to expound a little bit more on the Strike Pack.

    The Weekly Strike Target is the only means of obtaining rare and very rare Alpha Slot abilities before Issue 20. We understand that this means grouping. The addition of the WST will make finding a group for the focused content easier; we believe that people will run the WST multiple times, either to earn the badge or to earn the increased rewards on multiple characters, or even just because it will be easier to find a group for it. Also, to get yourself a single rare ability and earn the level shift will only require running the WST once, and to get a very rare ability it will only take two additional runs. If thatÂ’s not your cup of tea, the Incarnate Trials in Issue 20 are going to be an alternative means of obtaining the same abilities.

    We are investigating a variety of strategies for the solo player to engage the system as well in the future. No one is more excited than I about the excitement concerning the Alpha Slot and the Incarnate system, and we want to offer more ways for people to participate and enjoy the content they love. On the other claw, sometimes in developing a massively multiplayer game we are going to have content which encourages and rewards multiplayer play.

    Your bud in the Incarnate-powered armor,

    Black Scorpion
    Emphasis is mine.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post
    You'll need to do 8-12 of them if you're not doing a WST.
    You don't say........
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    they're suffering for their taunt auras.
  18. I did an LRSF that made me very proud of my teammates.

    Took us 4 hours, around 100 deaths, and we essentially had to load on purples and take one AV at a time, die, then come back with purples. It wasn't a specialized team (far, far from it), just 8 players that needed it done and were willing to do whatever it took to make it happen.

    Not once during that 4 hours did I hear a player recommend quitting.

    That achievement, to me, is more remarkable than any speed run. It has been a very long time since I saw a team stick out a TF/SF like that.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Furio View Post
    I'm going to assume that wouldn't mean much in the context he mentioned it if those shards couldn't be turned into notices somehow.
    That's really the issue, especially with the 'we're still investigating' line Black Scorpion gave the other day, in regards to soloability. I would like to think the devs have seen the enormous amount of feedback on this issue, and have come up with this as a measure to satisfy that need.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Truly we've lost our edge.

    We need a good head nod emote.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    Players will always gravitate towards the path of least resistance.
    Which is why, as the path of least resistance effectively goes up, the more players will want more rewards for doing what is essentially the same thing they do before.

    If the player level shifts so that white becomes blue, they crank the difficulty up one notch, turning it back to white, and expect the rewards to be compensated based on the 'new' difficulty.
  22. In absolute terms, a level 20 enemy and level 30 enemy are 10 levels apart. Relative to a level 25 character, that is highly significant. For a level 50 attacking them, they are relatively equal, given how much power a 50 has in comparison to either.

    In this game, toons have begun to gain so much power, that there isn't much relative distinction between -1 and +1, particularly for minions and LTs, despite the absolute +2 difference.

    This relative difference is a big reason we are seeing so many threads like this one. Players know exactly what they can handle, and they know they can handle higher than even cons with little or no more risk than they can even cons. At that point, the discussion of reward vs risk is rather academic, considering the relative risks are at or nearly equal.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    You can't deny that a +1 is tougher than a +0 or -1.
    In absolute terms, a level 20 enemy and level 30 enemy are 10 levels apart. Relative to a level 25 character, that is highly significant. For a level 50 attacking them, they are relatively equal, given how much power a 50 has in comparison to either.

    In this game, toons have begun to gain so much power, that there isn't much relative distinction between -1 and +1, particularly for minions and LTs, despite the absolute +2 difference.

    So, yes, in relative terms, I can deny there is a difference, even if in absolute terms I cannot.

    This relative difference is a big reason we are seeing so many threads like this one. Players know exactly what they can handle, and they know they can handle higher than even cons with little or no more risk than they can even cons. At that point, the discussion of reward vs risk is rather academic, considering the relative risks are at or nearly equal.
  24. brophog02

    Alpha, my Alpha

    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    Seriosly like this anti KB hate is pure forum nonsense