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  1. artic1337

    Dark Armor drone

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    I apologize. The change should take effect in the next full build. I thought the latest patch was a full build but I was wrong.

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    yaaaaaaaa hoooooooooo
  2. artic1337

    Dark Armor drone

    Dear Abby,

    I really like my EM/DA brute but the constant droning is driving me absolutely insane.

    I'm on the verge of SMASH!!!ing my monitor . . . help.

    signed "Considering EQ2 in California"

    The repeating audio loop drone on Dark Armor powers is a bug right? RIGHT?!?!!?

    It IS supposed to fade out after a couple seconds, right? RIGHT?!?!?!?!
  3. Statesman,

    Please post at least 1 situation in which a Hero would have the full, unsuppressed, +DEF portion of stealth in effect.
  4. Augenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formen
    Im Staubzucker wälzen und
    Sagt die Zauberwörter
    Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim
    . . . und keine eier
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    My favorite: anything by PuffyShirt. *Snifff* I miss good ole' Puffy. He always put a smile on my face.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    it was always cloudy in Puffyland . . .
  6. they shoulda drawn some thugs in those theatre seats.

    maybe a Skull in the first row iwth a "Kil.Me" sign on his back.
  7. artic1337

    Changes to Rage

    /petition to change the name of Rage to "Killing Spree".

  8. artic1337

    Defense nerf

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    since Invincibilty and Tough Hide provide 2 completely different types of defense my Tough Hide power is doing absolutely nothing.

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    My reading of Geko's post doesn't support that. His post only mentions +Def vs damage types so there is no indication that +Def vs melee would not be added to +Def vs Fire for a fire melee attack.

    regards, Screwloose.
    "I am not young enough to know everything."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    true, but Geko's post also does not deny it.

    it we take Geko's explanation literally then his explanation only applies to dual damage type attacks (the MELEE, RANGED, or AoE component is not considered).

    but if we look at the intent of Geko's explanation . . . "Only the highest +DEF value counts". well then, my eyebrows raise.

    so the question is what exactly does "Only the highest +DEF value counts" refer to? just the damage-type aspects of the attack, or the melee/ranged/aoe-type aspecs as well?
  9. artic1337

    Defense nerf

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    Yeah, but this basically screws Ice Tankers, no have almost NO resistance, and all defense. Now they have MUCH less defense because their stacked armors will not help them.


    Well, that's not entirely true. You're still getting the benefit of the "higher of the two" DEFs. You're lucky they aren't averaged, or worse, taking the "lower of the two".

    Sounds like a pretty good deal to me, still.

    Its been hosing certain toons forever and benefitting others. Now that its hurting some others, the fix "sucks". Not from where I'm sitting, I assure you.


    What the hell kind of lame answer is that? Fix one, screw the other? Are you always that myopic? It's pretty obvious you've never played an ice tanker, so I don't know why you bothered to reply. How does the higher of the two equate to "stacking armors" which is what the Devs JUST rolled out? Since SO many attacks do smashing/leathal, in addition to other damage types, why not just leave up FA, which has a higher defense that the other armor sets? If the lower defense rating are simply ignored, they serve NO purpose at all, except to drain end faster.

    Try to look beyond the end of your own nose the next time you post.

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    Defense still stacks. If you have defense to fire and lethal, you don’t get double defense to a fire sword and regular defense to a regular swords and fire blasts (that is not fair to the guy with the fire sword, nor is that system fair to Dark scrappers, or energy blasters). It does mean you get the chance to apply the higher of the 2 values.

    The lower defense values are not ignored. If you have 30% defense to lethal, and 20% defense to fire, you get 30% defense to a fire sword (the higher of the 2). But you still get 20% defense to a fire only attack like a fire blast. Of course the lower one serves a purpose. And if you get an Insulation Shield put on you, your Fire defense may go to about 40%, so now you get 40% defense to a fire sword (the new higher of the 2), and 30% defense to a broadsword.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    a while ago on the Training room forum some tankers were testing and discussing whether the defense from Invincibility and Tough Hide was bugged (not stacking).

    this system Geko is talking about would explain why it seemed to be a bugged situation.

    if i recall correctly, the original To Hit system in CoH was a check against each defense type the target had. so if a i was the target of a MELEE attack that did SMASHING damage then the attacker would have to make 2 successful To Hit rolls (1 vs my MELEE defense if i had any and another versus my SMASHING defense if i had any). this old sytem insured that each +DEF power i had was taken into account.

    but with the system Geko is describing in this thread many +DEF powers become useless vis redundancy.

    someone has already metioned Ice Armors and Force Fields. another victim of the "only highest defense counts" system is Invulnerability.

    the new Invicibility provides +DEF(melee,ranged)
    Tough Hide provides +DEF(lethal,smash,fire,cold,energy,neg energy)

    i just picked up Tough Hide to boost my survivability against attacks with annoying side effects (end drains, etc). i have noticed no significant improvement since picking up Tough Hide and now i know why.

    since Invincibilty and Tough Hide provide 2 completely different types of defense my Tough Hide power is doing absolutely nothing. it was a wasted pick and im just glad i havent put too many slots in it before seeing this thread.
  10. Junkyard, Tech Invuln/SS

    ID card bio
    Jake Yablonski was a motor pool Sergeant at Camp Powaqatsi (a top secret military base known as "The Junkyard" to the soldiers stationed there). The base was involved in super soldier projects but did not have a successful trial until Yablonski volunteered . . . . at the request of a scientist's assistant he had become sweet on. His hulking build and gruff demeanor made him an ideal candidate. "I eat bolts for breakfast, doc", he was quoted as saying.

    ((i like to trim down my backstories to the bare minimum to try and fit them in one screen of the ID card . . . it's kind of a CoH haiku thing for me))

    Junkyard's incredible resilence comes from a combination of cybernetic implants, sub-epidermal plating, and a personal force field system based off of (you guessed it!) salvaged Rikti technology. The force field emitters are housed in the armor plating he wears around his legs and is distrubuted around his body via a complex network of cybernetic wiring. The wiring network extends down his arms and into his fists. This allows him to deliver force enhanced blows which can daze most foes and lay many on their backs from the shock emitters wired into the knuckles of his gloves. His armored leggings also contain other, more "conventional" technolgies, which allow Yablonski to run at incredible speeds . . . like a human mac truck.
  11. artic1337

    Changes to Rage

    in a high end gaming environment where

    (1) the "squishy" classes can easily be 1-shot killed by mobs,

    (2) the amount and threat level of the mobs increases with group size (missions), and

    (3) 1 AT is designated as the "take all the punishment for the team" person so the group can succeed . . .

    in this type of gaming environment (which only has hints of getting even more challenging) it makes no sense to continually try to completely balance the "take all the punishment for the team" AT. this AT (yes, the Tanker) needs to be given the same feeling of power and ability that the other ATs provide. continue to weaken the "point man" and CoH will go from being a mmorg to a cascading domino effect of lost subscriptions.

    many aspects of the Tanker AT are gimp. stop trying to balance each power (or power combo) out to zero. start adding some plusses to the Tanker score sheet. if you need some tips on how powerful the Tanker AT should be brought up to just look at the other 4 basic ATs . . . 4 out of 5 aint bad, but it aint good enough for a mmorg.

    taking my Rad/Electric Defender for example.

    he has powers withgreat effects that have high costs. but he also has powers available within his power sets that help him mitigate the downsides . . . the balances to the powers.

    for example; no outright status resistances . . . but, AM provides a reduction in affected time and RI provides a way to make the mobs status effect atacks miss more. singularly they both provide a sub par defense against status effects, but together they create a synergy of effect by bolstering each others effects. i see no devs rushing to balance this combo out to zero so that the combination of the two is no better than each one on it's own.

    his "oh so nice" debuffs and control powers have high endurance costs, and yet right there within my power set i have a power (AM) specifically designed to mitigate that downside. and thankfully i still see no devs rushing to balance that facet of my fun-to-play defender to zero.

    the Tanker AT was meant to take the most amount of punishment, but i thought that meant from in-game mobs . . . not from the dev team.
  12. artic1337

    Changes to Rage

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    At the same time, hardcore players with perma-unstoppable or Unyielding . . .

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    woo hoo! my level 8 tanker is officially hardcore!!!
  13. artic1337

    Tanker Update

    Burn is considered a "Summoned Entity" . . . it won't be a part of these new changes.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I know what's in Update 3....

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    an anti-whiner slam stick?
  15. and bury all mobs in the ground up to their necks, so all they can do is shout curses and spit at us while we kick them senseless.

    wow, did you ever think being a Super Hero could be so easy?
  16. [ QUOTE ]

    Must we battle over the definiton of a word?

    I was simply calling you on the definition of whine.

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    if your gonna "call me on the definition of whine", then yes . . . i guess we are going to battle over the definition of a word.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    waaaaaaaah I want it harder, waaaaaaah.

    That's not whining? Ahem, speaking of bizarro universes...

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    when the shao lin master says the pain is not bad enough, hit him harder.

    when the navy seal says the conditions he is training under are not harsh enough, make it tougher.

    when the karate master says 3 boards is too easy, make it 6.

    theyre whining?

    i'd like to see you call them whiners . . . i'd pay money to see that.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I never said asking for more of a challenge was whining!!!

    YOU said I said that. I did not.

    I said some of the posts asking for more of a challenge was whining.

    Lets compare:

    NOT WHINE: "The game is too easy right now. I need to be inspired and challenged!"


    WHINE: "Why is the game so easy? Can't they make it harder? Why? Its so easy its not fair. I don't like it"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    brillinat back pedal manuever . . . i give it a 9.2

    "It's so easy its not fair" huh????

    not only have i never seen that stated in any form . . . it doesnt make sense. the easier something is, the "fairer" it is for more people . . .

    your continual abuse of logic is making my Vulcan blood boil . . . must punch teeth!
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    waaaaaaaah I want it harder, waaaaaaah.

    That's not whining? Ahem, speaking of bizarro universes...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    when the shao lin master says the pain is not bad enough, hit him harder.

    when the navy seal says the conditions he is training under are not harsh enough, make it tougher.

    when the karate master says 3 boards is too easy, make it 6.

    theyre whining?

    i'd like to see you call them whiners . . . i'd pay money to see that.

    "this challenge is not hard enough, make it harder" is not whining . . . it is the anithesis of whining.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    All this aside. Players groaning for more difficulty could be described as whining as well. Whining that it not be changed. Have you read many of the posts out there?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    wanting things to be more challenging is whining?

    what kinda bizzaro wrold are you from?

    whining is the act of complaining unjustly. saying something is too hard when it isnt is a whine.

    making the claim that something is too easy and should not be made easier is not a whine . . .

    i cant believe im actually trying to explain what whining is to someone. oh wait, this is the internet . . .
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    The level you receive the first mission is at level 6, which is way to low, in my case it was from my only contact so I have to do it

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    the first mission from your first SL 1 contact is to go to Lt. D.W. in The Hollows . . . nothing more. all you have to do is click Lt. D.W. and then walk out. YOU NEVER HAVE TO DO A HOLLOWS MISSION EVER.

    i didnt do my first mission for Lt. D.W. until about level 10.

    Statesman, maybe you should just change the introduction to Lt. D.W. "mission" into just your typical run of the mill "introduction" to avoid this confusion . . . which leads to more whining . . . which leads to you dumbing down even mroe of the game . . . which leads to very boring game play . . .

    i find it very odd, Statesman, that a week before Update 2 hits live you let slip your "3 whites = challenging" plans and instead of using Update 2 as a sort of precursor to implementing those changes you piece by piece give into the whines and dumb everything down . . . please, stop. the whines will never stop, the more you give in the more they will want. make a stand. come hang out with us challenge hungry players over on this side of the fence . . . we'll treat ya alot better.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    There has been a plethora of research done in regard to what people get out of RPGs. One of the papers that sheds some great light on MMOs is actually a paper about MUDs - Click Link Here!

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    did NCSoft send out a memo advising it's employees to use the word "plethora" as much as possible?