924 -
I'm not anti-taunt, but I don't think it's compulsary. Great power, but some people don't need it.
OK, won't be able to make it tomorrow guys, I've got plans for 7pm now, but I'll be sure to catch up in levels!
I may or may not be able, it depends if I get internet acess.
Just to put in a reminder:
anyone who's interested in joining in, the time planned is Sunday the 13th at 8pm at the front of liberty hall (on the steps).
Characters up to 4th level
*must* have a bio written. anything at all. But must be written (which reminds me, I have to start typing mine).
Looking forward to seeing everyone (anyone!!) there.
[/ QUOTE ] Just realised that I probably won't be able to come to this as I'm in London this weekend. Good luck to all those attending though, and have fun! -
That seems fine, what is the recharge and heal% of healing flames?
One thing I would say actually is that you will find the amount and type of protection you want within a set through trial and error. Generally you're going to want most of your primary powers to be survivable (there are exceptions), and if you feel you could use a heal, grab one from medicine, if you feel you are short on res, get some from the fighting pool.
All the sets are different, and have different focuses. Also, it's not just Def and Res values to look for! Different tanks have different levels of Def, Res, Regen, +hp, healing, and maybe even debuffs.
Would probably be able to be more helpful if you ask about specific primaries! -
Damn you all, I'm so tempted to continue leveling that fire/mental blaster! A pox upon ye!
Ok, thanks, already new about the non-hide-breaking part. Thanks for the info!
Just a quicky - I want to roll an elec melee character, and am deciding between Brute and Stalker (Hurry up, I13 and extra proliferation!). Now one of the main things that's important to me about the set is the T9, Lightning Rod. How do Damage Buffs, Fury, and base damage modifiers effect it? (Eg, will it at base do more damage from a stalker, will BU and Reds buff it, and will fury buff it?) I'm doubting whether fury will buff it, as it is a short duration buff and IIRC doesnt work with scrappers.
Thanks! -
Meh does the origin that you have displayed really matter? Not IMO. I dont ever look at those anyway.
Foresight's defence is a nice amount and I would recommend it ASAP to be honest, unless you are building a controllery fortunata and feel you don't need much defence.
The scaling resistance can be nice too. Foresight and Combat Training: Defensive together give just a bit more res than the 3 /SR passives do. It will stop you going down as fast, but it's not an incredible lifesaver. -
My Blaster that I was going to join with is Tech based as I consider AR & Devices to be tech, even though the Hero is natural he is using tech to fight crime.
Can I join with him tech based?
If I need to remake him I think I'll opt out.
[/ QUOTE ]IMO AR/Dev works fine, as the team is not intending to be flashy superhumans. AR/Dev is far more natural then the tech of a Power Suit. -
Okay I think I'll roll up an ar/dev for this. I am going to, and this is a good idea for all of us to do, but it's not compulsary, take leadership. All of it. (Maybe not venge till later though.) With that stacked up we'd have a thematically fitting solution to the problem of the lack of buffs and stuff. And when we fight foes with smash/lethal res, we need all the dam buffs (assault) we can get really. Different people will have different build tightness, but for those with spare picks definately consider leadership. I would order the powers like so in importance: Maneuvers, Assault, Tactics. Tactics is less important as one or two are more than enough.
Medicine is a plausible pool to take, however I personally would prefer leadership, but that's just taste. It could be handy to have the stimulant mez protect available, and there's always a time when a rez comes in handy (Possibly have someone with rez and venge?) Aid Other I personally wouldn't like to have to use, especially in combat, due to the long activation. But it's going to be the only targetted heal available, so perhaps useful.
Fighting is a pool that can be recommended more for anyone going scrap/tank. It's just extra/sl res, no intrusive gfx, and generally fits the concept.
Presence pool. Though mezzing, it's a natural way of doing so. You're skilled enough that you can make your foes quiver using the fears. I'm a presence fan, and though I can't fit it into the AR/Dev I'll probably use, I love this set. The AoE fear has a not bad rech/duration and though it is not hard mez it can nicely reduce incoming damage and effects.
Fitness is a great one to take, as I'm sure being travel powerless will be eased by having swift/hurdle (Jumping with hurdle is faster and more useful than swift btw) and stamina is great.
Those are the pools that I feel on the whole fit the concept nicely. Also takeable are the ST attacks from the pools; air sup, jump kick and flurry aren't bad and if someone wants them I say go right ahead. Maybe not flurry, I dunno, it might be too fast, but taking it would not be a great offense.
If this condradicts your vision, feel free to object, Ramon!
PS: It's late so excuse me if grammer makes no sense. -
In my opinion, a good All-Natural themed group would be Natural Humans and/or mid-level technology (so AR is ok, but no power suits for other sets.) Travel powers would be off the table, though fitness still used, and leadership would be a good option. After all, a team of normal people will have to come up with tactics that will allow them to do maneuvers to best assault their enemies
A list of sets that I think would be suitable, not necessarily a definitive list though, would be as follows:
Tanks: inv/, wp/ to a lesser extent. /SS, /WM, /BA, /DB
Scrappers: BS, Katana, DB, Claws, MA. /SR best for secondary, Inv and last WP (this is because of both graphics and mechanics.)
Defenders: Only see TA/A working as a true natural here.
Controllers: I'm not sure any of the primaries work for this, but if you find a great idea, then /TA is the only natural I see working with it.
Blasters: Arch/, AR/. /Devices.
Now, with all of these you could take one of your sets and just take passives from it or something to go for a better Natural. For example, a blaster could go another secondary, like Energy, taking some of the buffs. Though there is a lot of gimping, I think that a team like this could work if the team go together often. Especially if leadership is taken, and possibly one person dipping into medicine. Not uber min/maxed team, but not overly shooting one's self in the foot, and player skill and teamwork would make it viable IMO.
In my opinion, if you do a concept team it's good to define the concept better, otherwise it's just people teaming together with slightly similar stuff, and it's not a special kind of team. -
hmmm, not sure.
are skyraiders naturals ? they have fly and tp using devices.
probably best to think in those terms.
[/ QUOTE ]They would be natural, however their powers come from technology (in my book).
IMO a 100% natural AT will not have any travel power, not even a vehicle (not that the game allows that anyhow).
But the biggest argument would be is natural origin inherent???, as you could get around issues then by saying you naturally have the ability to teleport, run extremely fast etc....
[/ QUOTE ]Oooh, how about a MAN BUILD team, where people take as few graphically intrusive powers as possible, no travel powers, and generally as un-super seeming as possible? -
To me, natural is both tech and natural, so no scientific modifications to yourself, no mutants, and no magic users. Natural has different definitions for different people, so we need more specifics I think.
Nuke wouldnt be able to kill all because of AoE cap. Maybe a fire/mental would do better with fire ball and psy shockwave. Or a fire/kin ofc
[/ QUOTE ]Or the Ice Storm attack from ice mastery. Because afaik rains don't have the AoE cap.
Also do-able is taking a pocket ice/ or fire/ blaster with their rain along. Preferably ice for blizzard. -
I'd be interested too.
Knockback IOs now increase the kb protection in Acro, since it's been nerfed.
Not really. Stone already has plenty of lethal res that that part will be useless, and the melee def won't be enough to stand out from the typed defences unless double stacked, which will be harder with granite's -rech. I'd say that parry really doesn't offer much to stone.
I'm betting that Broadsword will have a bigger impact on other sets.