Psychic Patrol: Regular Psy Themed Team Event...
Sonic/Mental Blaster - Psyne Wave
Mind/Sonic Controller - Psine Wave
Wednesdays may or may not be OK for me, I'm not sure if my regular SG team is taking a break at the mo. Friday and Saturday are good times though.
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Both times are good for me too. Saturday's even better as we can make it to 19:00 - 24:00 BST and such.
I can make a new WP tanker or use Defiant's Psy-knight whose at level 4 still.
Sonic/Mental Blaster - Psilence
Wednesday is good for me
Nvm, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to play that often now. Good luck with it
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
The Mentat psi/mental blaster (he's currently lvl 4 but I'd be happy to ex down until others catch up).
7pm might be a little early for me (GMT) as I am normally just in the door from work then. would 8pm to 10pm be an option ? can I join in late perhaps ?
Hello all,
Yeah I'd be interested too. I'll also second the Wednesday 8-10pm suggestion. Especailly as The Apprentice has now finished .
Post up when you've finalised the time/date, and I'll pick something to fill any AT gaps.
Hi all,
I'd be interested in joining with a Mind/* troller or a Psi Blaster.
I can't make this Wednesday. I can make any other day though after Wednesday. I would be able to make Wednesday's after this week though.
I dunno if you wanna start without me & let me join next week to catch up with you. Let me know.
50's -
Scrappers - Xtream & Ouroboros Enforcer. Controllers - Vanguard Phoenix, Midnight Protector & Mythical Illusion. Tanks - Stone Cold Sober. Blasters - Ultimate Solution & Crey Prototype. Defenders - Lucifer - Bound. Peacebringers - Xtream Justice. Masterminds - Xtream Malfunction. SoA - Arachnid Lord
Hey knight, hey guys
This sounds like a great idea and i would like to join you all if thats cool.
Would i be able to join with a mind/sonic controller?
Wednesday nights would be good for me.
Thanks, Protector X
@Protector X
Can't commit to every wednesday, or come to think of it..a lot of regular playtime, but if you set up a channel in relation to this topic, then I'll join as often as possible.
[u]I could offer any of the following :-[u]
Sonic/Mental blaster - Heckle, lvl 7 ish
MA/WP Scrapper - Kai Rartae, lvl 15 ish
WP/Mace Tanker - Grand Slamm, lvl 8 ish.
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
I would like to be in but I can't make this Wednesday.
I was thinking of rolling a Psi/Mental Blaster.
Just rolled Mad Eye Psi/Mental Blaster. Will try and join in next week
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
Looks like it's Psi/Men, Son/Men and Mind/Son all the way
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Well as we have enough person to start a team i am offering following time and date for our first meeting:
21st June 2008, Saturday 19:00 pm
If anyone couldn't make it to that time we will think somethings about it.
As Jay stated team is mostly Blasters and 2 Mind/Sonic trollers. I am fine with it as i know from my main Mind Trollers have some good ways to avoid alpha strikes. So as long as we keep an eye on each others moves there won't be any problems i guess. Honestly i wish there are more combinations in team to color it up a bit but as i said i am fine with anything.
If anyone doesn't have any objection, hope to see you all at Atlas Park on Saturday. Defiant Universe's Psy-knight will meet you there.
PS: I wish i could roll him as a Tanker but after seeing my WP/Stone tanker in action all other secondaries are look... simple.
I can make it for that time.
I'll be rolling a mind troller hopefully tonight so I can give you the name tomorrow.
50's -
Scrappers - Xtream & Ouroboros Enforcer. Controllers - Vanguard Phoenix, Midnight Protector & Mythical Illusion. Tanks - Stone Cold Sober. Blasters - Ultimate Solution & Crey Prototype. Defenders - Lucifer - Bound. Peacebringers - Xtream Justice. Masterminds - Xtream Malfunction. SoA - Arachnid Lord
Okay i played a bit around with Mids and i think i can change Psy-knight from Fire/WP scrapper to WP/Dark tanker if darks damage is high as stated in that one.
If someone more accostumed with tankers and scrappers can say which one of the following secondaries is better i pick that one (as all look awesome and i want to try them).
-Energy Melee
-Fiery Melee
-Dark Melee
EDIT: After reading Shannon's post about Willpower tankers i think i decided to go with a faster one so i will make Psy-knight as WP/Fire tanker. Maybe EM is faster but i remembered why i left my old one; that mind buzzing sound. I was trying to avoid fire for first tier power which tankers must get but i think after few levels i can get rid of it and replace it with AS or something look more classy.
Saturday it is knightly ill be there Is it ok if i do make a controller if u want me to i cud do a scrapper but i would rahter make a controller as i dont have one at 50?
Also any pictures of peoples toons, just want some inspiration for my costume try get it to look good with everyone else's
Protector X
@Protector X
Should be ok for me. Might change to another power set to even things up a bit may be a emp/psy.
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
Should be ok for me. Might change to another power set to even things up a bit may be a emp/psy.
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That's very kind of you Mereman but your 50 is already a Emp/Psy no need to enter same road again. Do what your heart desire. If you really want to play a defender there are to many choices, if you want to be an Empath you can choose Mind/Empath or so.
I want everyone of you to enter with a hero you like to play so we won't get bored of our characters in time.
Personally i have 3 characters in my mind:
Willpower/Fire Tanker
Fire/Willpower Scrapper
Mind or Ill/Thermal Controller and you can even add FF or TA/Psy defender to that list.
If you have that much choices in your mind too decide which one you want to see in a group, which role you want to play.
As far as i see we have a team of 8 but if there are others wants to join and we reach a number like 10 or more we can start two teams.
Saturday it is knightly ill be there Is it ok if i do make a controller if u want me to i cud do a scrapper but i would rahter make a controller as i dont have one at 50?
Also any pictures of peoples toons, just want some inspiration for my costume try get it to look good with everyone else's
Protector X
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Any hero you want to create is okay with me. But as both you and Jay want to join with a Mind/Sonic controller, if you have another juicy secondary you can think it will be better. Mind is a beautiful controller set which carries all secondaries with a certain grace. I tried Mind/Rad (my main on Union), Mind/Kin ('till 20s as a scraptroller), Mind/TA (which i currently love to play) and Mind/Thermal (which i deleted by level 16, as you can guess i regret that one. He was such a nice hero).
I think I'm gonna make Mind/TA troller.
Never got to make the char last night as I did two TF's instead.
I will make the char tonight though & let you know tomorrow.
I would suggest making a chat channel if we have more than 8 ppl so we can keep in touch & organise meetings without using the forums all the time
50's -
Scrappers - Xtream & Ouroboros Enforcer. Controllers - Vanguard Phoenix, Midnight Protector & Mythical Illusion. Tanks - Stone Cold Sober. Blasters - Ultimate Solution & Crey Prototype. Defenders - Lucifer - Bound. Peacebringers - Xtream Justice. Masterminds - Xtream Malfunction. SoA - Arachnid Lord
I think I'm now a more natural Blaster then Defender(last base raid my Emp spent more time attacking then buffing ) I have a psy/mental blaster on, might try a Defender but you are right not a Emp (done that and have the tee shirt
) Dark is a set I like.....
So I'll make up my mind for Saturday
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
I finally made my char
Mental Ranger - Mind/TA Troller
Ready for Saturday
50's -
Scrappers - Xtream & Ouroboros Enforcer. Controllers - Vanguard Phoenix, Midnight Protector & Mythical Illusion. Tanks - Stone Cold Sober. Blasters - Ultimate Solution & Crey Prototype. Defenders - Lucifer - Bound. Peacebringers - Xtream Justice. Masterminds - Xtream Malfunction. SoA - Arachnid Lord
Yup i re-made Psy-knight as WP/Fire tanker. Luckily Scorch's animation ain't what i remember so i am happy with it now.
Also a voice in my head says give up the tanker and roll another mind troller instead. I think a team half full of mind trollers barely needs any tanker or any other AT at all.
Hehe a team full of Mind Controllers and Mental Blasters would be very interesting indead! We'd sure have some nice cone and AoE damage
I will try to join you with Sinaptic Storm, level 8 Psi/MM blaster. I'll have to exemplar, but I think it will be for very short time.
Depending on the answers to other thread here is the starting step for Psychic Patrol themed team.
What's required to attent that team?
Make a hero with psychic abilities and spare a night for attending team. For each AT here is a breakdown:
Blasters: Psychic Blast/anything OR Anything/Mental
Controllers: Mind/anything OR Illisuon/Anything
Defenders: Anything/Psychic Blast
Scrappers: Anything/Willpower
Tankers: Willpower/Anything
Team starts this week or next week depending how many people will we have. I am thinking about Wednesday for weekly gathering. From 19:00 to 22:00 BST .
Starting from very beginning will be good. If you want to join with a higher level hero we can ex them down.
Plesae drop your hero idea, if you're not available on Wednesday's what time you are available and what hours you can join. Like this:
Fire/Willpower Scrapper and both times are okay.
Hope to see you on Atlas at starting date and time.