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  1. Well. I guess that answers that.

    However, in the future, wouldn't it be easier for the Devs to just ask us why we prefer some things over others?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moderator 13 View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Just a reminder: /signed posts are not permitted, as they are considered a form of thread bumping. If you wish to express your approval for (in this case) a suggestion, please do so in a constructive manner that adds to the discussion.

    Thank you!
    Moderator 13

    Really? OK. How about this?

    I well and truly believe that a larger number is better than a smaller number in this case. Because more global friends is better and generally speaking larger numbers are just better any way you look at them. I mean all you have to do is watch the movie "This is Spinal Tap" to understand that. 11 is 1 better than 10. I think that more than supports the idea that more is better in this case. However, I do believe that the op said it more succinctly and I really did nothing here other that reiterate what was said there with more verbiage thrown. How this is better than typing in /signed, confuses me as using /signed in this instance means "I support this suggestion for the reasons stated in the op".

    Have a super fantastic day..........
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    Out of curiosity... if they made an astral to Emp conversion or even a thread to Emp conversion... would that help people out?

    Say 6 astrals- 1 emp or 30 threads- 1 emp. (there has to be some kind of "cost" factor)

    If this was put in place, I would feel a lot better about proposed changes.

    This seems like a reasonable suggestion. However, I'm going to have to side with MG on what the conversion factor would end up being. Not that your math is wrong, it's just that Dev math ends up being very special depending on the day of the week, phase of the moon, etc. You don't have to look any further than the conversions for Notice of the Wells as proof of that. Compare Notice->shards vs Notice->threads for some skewed results.

    On a more philosophical note. Has anyone heard a Dev say why this change is being made? I mean outside of the obvious implied reasons. One of which seems very odd. "So we will play other content"...Dunno. Do certain Devs get paid less if we don't run "x" number of some TF/SF/Trial a week? I strongly suspect not....

    Anyway. On a completely unrelated topic, I got my reward token yesterday. Which makes no sense whatsoever. How can they not know what triggers that to be awarded and when it will drop? Was the code written in holy text and only the righteous can know it's meaning?...

    I guess I should just be happy it dropped and shut up.......
  4. While I know that she doesn't spend the time here that she used to, I do know that she still considers Justice her home server. So I'm putting this here.

    Actually, outside of PvP, I think she just uses the game as an overgrown chat program.

    Happy birthday Philly!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Flux, NT Flamer has been around Victory for a long while. I've teamed with him a fair amount in game. He's a bit more aggressive with these posts than I've seen him in game. He's rather tongue in cheek there. Even has a toon called Fake Masque!
    GP. You seem like a good guy and have been trying to play peacemaker on this forum for the past few months, which is cool. But I probably have 20 years on you and have seen little pimples like NT on the net for years. If he had come into this thread and said, "I like this and this for this reason", I would have read what he said and moved on. Unfortunately, he basically called everyone out that disagreed with what the devs are proposing and then said "If you don't like it, suck it!". Sorry, but that **** doesn't fly. It gets old. I can respect that someone feels a certain way but I expect a certain amount of reciprocity. He wasn't giving that. He was basically trolling (not very well, but still).

    Also, as far as the Masque thing goes, sack-riding another player is pathetic. Unless it's an SO that plays the game, then it's pretty much a given that you have to make toons that have pretty much the same name...

    ***Before someone gets foolish, I was using the surname flux on toons before there was a Hollows......
  6. lol- Hamster has the right of it! I am now going to do individual bartering for recipes and salvage via tells from now on.....

    Originally Posted by NT_Flamer View Post
    Did you even read my last comment? Developers make mistakes all the time, and to take anything they say at face value is to invite disappointment and rage. Disagreeing with Devs also comes with every game, not just this one.

    I agree that the 15 merit cost should be reduced, and Trials like UGT should give better rewards than common salvage and 2 emp merits, but taking away the BAF and Lam merits after earning the Lore and Destiny slots isn't that big of a deal.

    As I've said in game, I bet not even a 1/4 of the people complaining about this change have tested TPN or MOM.

    And just because I'm a member of the Legion doesn't mean I need to side with anyone on any particular subject. It's a title with a responsibility of respect towards other players, not a statement of "We hate the Devs"
    Dude. Way to misinterpret what I'm saying. Or is that your special power? Legion means something more than just the string of letters used in your SG/VG name (See http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/legion). While apparently that seems to have mystified you, I'm sure others understood what I said.

    And yes, I read what you have written. A large portion of your initial post was centered around complaining that others don't play the way you want them to. Whether that is right or wrong is debatable. However, I'm sure that is not showing a lot of respect towards them....

    As far as the rest of the post is concerned, it seemed you were more along the lines of "I like it, so why are you whining?", mixed in with a bit of "If you don't like it, piss on you".

    As I tend to do with posters like you in these types of threads, I am now biding you adieu.

    Take care

    ***I hear that virtual lip gloss and knee pads are going to be on sale at the Paragon Market next week. Be sure to stock up!
  7. I'm not sure if this guy is a troll or one of legion that believes that the developers are never wrong and to question or disagree with them is sacrilege.

    If troll, you need to work on your game. Be more inflammatory, use more rhetoric!

    And really, this decision is foolish. Charge us for the new options or take away the empyrean merits for those trials. Don't do both. I don't like either option but together it seems very punitive and manipulative.

    Honestly, one of the major selling points of being a VIP (for long term vets) is the incarnate system. Pissing people off by making these types of changes isn't the smartest business decision.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post

    AE: Please go Cold Turkey, stop dwindling it. Then we can all rage at once, instead of raging every new issue because some nerf to try and stop/slow farming/PL'ing is made.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Flux, I'd like my old room back in Doomopolis™, please.
    Sure dude. No problem. Hell, even the rent has stayed the same.

    Unfortunately, to actually keep your clothes in your room, you will need to do some task a few times to build up clothing credit. Once you get to a certain point, you can actually store clothing in your room. However, you will then need to buy the clothing. You will also get a token for successfully completing the task. Save those tokens, they could be important.

    Don't worry, you'll only have to do this for shirts, shoes, pants, underwear, and hats.

    Once you finish that, we will talk about those tokens and what you will need to do about the various sub sets of apparel. i.e. T-shirts vs dress shirts vs coats, boots vs tennis shoes vs dress shoes, jeans vs slacks vs sweat pants, etc.

    Welcome to Doomopolis™. We hope you enjoy your stay.
  10. Yeah. No. I think I need to be reminded what the benefits of being a VIP are.

    The bug fixes, I like. They really need to do more of them......

    A new trial. Good.

    15 empyrean merits per power per toon to enable more enhancement choices. Combined with the fact that I will have fewer ways to get said merits. Thanks, but no thanks. I already did my grinding to get the iXP to unlock said slots and then more grinding to get the salvage needed to craft the enhancements to go in those slots. Using this progression, pretty soon I'll have to do a trial to get iXP to be allowed to carry certain salvage and then I'll have to pay 30 astral merits be able to craft the salvage into enhancements....for each category of enhancement.

    This seems like a sub-set of the model that they are using for power sets. You can play the game but if you want these powers, you must pay. Even if you are VIP.....

    ***Note to the fanbois before they get their little pink panties in a bunch.
    Yes, I do realize that I don't *have* to unlock these new powers on each toon. However, gating these things behind a payment and then reducing the ways to get the currency needed for them to essentially force the player base to play what and how the Dev's feel they should, is a bad decision.

    ****Further Note- Yes, I have the right to criticize decisions/changes that are made in this game. Just like others have the right to wear extra lip gloss and thick knee pads...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post

    Ya know, speaking of nerd references, why do they always get all worked up over the fact that Lone Star screams "nooooo" when Guido shoots first? And how come no one questions the "red shirt" trope when Picard wore a damn red shirt? How come that wheelchair bound baldy never died? What, just because he could read people's minds? I think it had more to do with that annoying little alien Queue that would show up who you couldn't get rid of unless you said his name backwards....Come on, how hard is it to say his name backwards? You would think Straczynski could come up with a better device for his own damn creation. He never even gave Westley his own show like he promised, instead paired him up in that vampire show when he got older, fighting the Shadows on that trading post out in deep space.

    Ya know, it's always interesting to see what happens when MG intentionally leaves one of the days in Voodoo's pill container empty. Or did you double the dosage?

    *And for the record, everyone screams "noooo" to Lone Stars. Even some Texans. Well, unless there's nothing else left to drink.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post

    Flux, I thought you liked people joining your Doomopolis? Did you really kick out MG?

    Eh. Doomopolis welcomes any and all visitors. However, only a select few are allowed to reside here. MG is always welcome to visit and enjoy the varied nightlife Doomopolis has to offer. Unfortunately, the last time he was in one of our, ehem, evening establishments, a dev walked in. It was then that events took a turn for the worse. MG squeed, peed himself, and trampled the catgirl that Voodoo was chatting up. All this to get the lastest boxed set of Glee signed by a dev. To make matters even worse, the verbal explosion by Voodoo put the already traumatized catgirl into a seizure.

    Do you have any idea what the costs associated with having a catgirl in therapy are? The hissing, the spitting, the yowling! It's a pita to find a therapist who will put up with that. Let alone the clawing of the furniture!

    As a result, both MG and Voodoo are in a time out as far as Doomopolis is concerned. I figure that i21 will keep them entertained for a bit anyway.
  13. Eh. Just pick something you think you might enjoy regardless of AT and power sets. Some people use Isos to try out the new and shiny. Others use it to try out some combination of sets that interest them. Personally, I'm running a kin/fire defender because I said that I'd never level another defender until /fire became available to defenders....So this is an easy way of doing that.

    Also, try not to listen too closely to MG. I've had to chase that little ray of sunshine out of Doomopolis more than once.
  14. MG has either been delinquent in his duties or out right AWOL as of late. I blame Voodoo, as it is only fitting to do so.

    Usually MG creates a List™ that defines who is playing what.
  15. Hmm. Is this starting tomorrow or next week? I'd like a ruling from the evil rodent. Personally, I'm good either way. I just need to get the toon created asap if we are starting the 21st.
  16. Eh. Don't forget about the latest round of power proliferation. Personally, I'm making a kin/fire defender for Iso's. I've already made beam/ and dark/ blasters as well as a /time troller. I'm leaving the new, shiny available to play w/e I please as I don't feel like listening to any caterwauling.

    Also, probably want to get the word out ASAP if we are starting on the 21st. The roster was a mite lean towards the end of the last run.

    My 2 inf.
  17. I'm glad someone got a screen shot of this. I saw this yesterday on my dual pistols blaster. It was happening for me when using piercing shot. I don't recall if I saw it for any of the other powers in the set.
  18. My suggestion is to wait a week. This will give people some time to familiarize themselves with the new interfaces and make some decisions on what power sets/ATs they want to play. More importantly, it will give the environment some time to stabilize and the initial patches to be installed.

    I'm not sure about MARTy at this point. Will he get his panty's in a bunch by us going from 1 -> 12-14 in 2 hrs? Dunno. There has been a lot of speculation but nothing concrete in the way of Dev feedback. (Unless I missed something. Haven't read the Dev section today )

    I would also suggest not starting in Praetoria. The two most compelling reasons for doing so, are no longer an issue. Running the new content(been there, done that) and the ability to play any AT. As it is, starting in Praetoria is CoX's version of a roach motel. Once you start in there, you can't get out. Well, until level 20.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Hi all,

    I can't speak to what gets players into a beta, but I can confirm that being subscribed to the COH newsletter has no impact.

    Meh. I'm not all that concerned about getting into beta. I find that I enjoy the new shiny more if I don't see it before it goes live.

    However, I would like to get the newsletter and other associated announcements.....

    *Yes, I've mentioned it before that I don't get them.
    **Yes, I've verified that my profile has the correct email address and is set to "yes" for the newsletter.
    ***Yes, I've verified that my ISP isn't blocking/deleting them.
  20. As the Mayor of Doomopolis, I am proud to present Vanum the key to the city. His heroic efforts in keeping the rodent population to a minimum are greatly appreciated and we hope that he continues the excellent work.

    In other news: WB Hamster
  21. HBD dude. Now consider changing out your video drivers/card.
  22. Still haven't changed out those drivers, I see....

    On the other hand, most of that **** looks pretty cool. Probably a pain to try and play the game with it looking like that though.
  23. Global name: @.flux
    Server they mainly play on: Victory
    Level of PvP experience: BC1
    Access to Ventrilo and/or mic: Yes
    Ability to meet at 9pm est on Fridays: Yes
  24. If there is still room, I would like to reserve the last 2 spots on Tues for at least 1 run, if not both.