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  1. XPP01

    Blaster role

    blasters role is to fill bodybags and get agro while maintaining full debt at all times so that they can take 4 times as long as a scrapper to get to lvl 50.

    the blaster design is terrible in this game it doesnt even need to be explained. and the fact that they arent damaged kings is just another joke.

    i figure a few more years they will get it fixed.

    if you were to base this game on comic book hero's lets look at known blaster based hero's

    cyclops and havok both blasters weak on defense but one well placed blast hit could kill wolverine.

    starfire from DC can take a ton of energy damage and can give out a ton of dmg.

    the human torch etc. etc.

    if we were to base this game on comics i think the blaster is the most underdeveloped archtype in this game
  2. u realize that this really doesnt stop the power levelers.??

    most power levelers heard the wolves into a single area its not hard to move the others to an area within the 300ft area.

    seems like a lot of work for not.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    There are significant group of older people because it is the older people who grew up in the real comic book times, in the 60s, 70s, and 80s when their popularity went on an upswing. So we are all living vicariously our pasts once more, except now WE are the heroes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i am not old im errrrr just well seasoned
  4. XPP01

    Villain Emotes

    kill kittens emote or puppy emotes
  5. aaaaachhhhhoooooo oh dear i sneezed the post back up top
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    woot, glad this thread made a sticky.

    here's me

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ya cuppa did it for me as a favor but people complained ???? so she had to take it down
  7. one of the main reasons i created this thread was to give faces to the toon's. we often forget that we have children teenagers and adult's all playin together. a level of courtesy and respect are often given to ones peers.

    a few recent post have shown that is slightly lacking. this is a game not real life no reason to start screaming and griefing. there are real people here. im goin to ask cuppa jo to pin this to the front page. but if she doesnt maybe we can keep this from fallin down in the posts
  8. are you goin to address the issue of the tripmines being used to steal the hami's ? enhancments ?
  9. wow not what i thought at all lol
  10. hey bert im curious to see what you and anteaen look like behind the masks. and laurel and hardy and abbot an costello are allready taken
  11. im 38 starring down at 39 but i found the majority of us to be in our upper 20's to mid 40's
  12. panthershade is from boston also
  13. snaz wheres ur picture ?????????? the reason she left out her age is that she was born way back in the stone age ................ and is responsible for the deaths of millions of men............. trust me i know what im saying


    this thread is pretty kewl. my main goal was to put faces to the people we play with instead of animated toons we play.

    as for a the convention idea hmmmm i like it . why doesnt someone come up with an idea behind it. im thinking if we do it we do it in a place that has a lot of activities like orlando or los angelos. we could do austin texas and storm NC Soft. but then detective could walk to the convention , or we could tie it in with one of the big conventions that all the nc soft and cryptic rep will be at.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Eh hook a brotha up with a Passat Danggit

    [/ QUOTE ]
    im also a auto tech i fix what i sell i wont sell a VW i like to fix cars once an awhile not fix cars every day. VW = expensive parts not easy to diag and not easy to fix.
  15. i see we spend a lot of time playin with each other im curiuos to see who everyone is??? some know i own a used car lot so im on a lot waitin for my next victi.....err customer and i thought it would be kewl to see the real people behind the masks

    also i find it better when you deal with people to know who they really are, you tend to have a little more manners when you can see a real face to the toons face
    so ill start

    who are you
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So in short, could you do us a favor and differentiate between things that are guesses and things that are not when you're posting? I think that most of us like to know what you're working on, even without dates. Just let us know what is set and what isn't.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No problem. From here on every single thing I mention is just a rough guess. My discussion of features and their potential release are, at best, internal goals.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    talking to a store manager at EB he told me not many companies release large titles at the same time.NC Soft is releasing guild war could this be the reason city of vilians is delayed so as not to compete against another title?
  17. XPP01

    More answers....

    the Bugs any chance we can PLEASE PLEASE FIX THE NAV BAR MISSION SELECTION. since Beta ive sent in petitions i set the mission it shows up in the Nav bar 20 seconds later its gone. it happens everyday and all i get from the Devs is that its a known problem. on task force only the leaders bar when it does work tell us how many people still to rescue. how many computers are left etc.
  18. ive been hearing that on the next update that is due on december 28th???? that max level will be extended to 75. but i can not find anything about it. i would have dismissed it but i've heard it from 3 other people. on 2 different servers..????