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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I could be wrong, but I think the reference to scaling was actually to the specific mechanism in the iTrials that makes things like AVs harder for bigger leagues and easier for smaller ones, which is achieved by scaling their resistances and so forth up and down. I don't want to speak for Eve, but I don't think gimmicks (like nanite patches or Nova Fists) that scaled would be big on their list of hoped for features.
    No, UG he was right. I was suggesting that they make challenges scale by having the 8-man version have multiple gimmicks, and the 1-man version only, say, 1 gimmick.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    Something scaled down like avoiding what AntiMatter does vs. what the Avatar of Hamidon does?

    The avatar fight is a straight up stats fight. Either you have enough confuse protection, debuff and damage to take him down or you don't.

    For Antimatter you still do need damage and debuff, but there is also situational awareness.

    I'm not sure how they will be able to do it for solo players though.
    No, the Avatar is a stats/awareness hybrid fight. You must have the stats, but even with the stats you can fail if people don't pay attention to the other indicators.

    If they make missions with fights that are situational awareness ONLY, or with Very minor stat requirements (that can be made up with Inspirations, or even some kind of buff that you receive unless you have a certain number of +levels perhaps), it will solve this problem.
  3. The solution is what they've already been doing, missions where the difficulty is something solved through player awareness, not stats.

    And hopefully they make tech to allow challenges to scale, by having more tricks the more people you have on your team rather than just more mobs.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    Let's get this discussion back on track!

    Dark Astoria, solo incarnate content! Streetsweeping for threads and ixp! All level boosts functional! Plus it looks pretty.
    Yea, this is gonna be great.

    No more waiting in Pocket D for 45 minutes with nothing to do while the league assembles.


    And you can actually SEE in the zone too??
  5. I just want to chime in that I Really like just about everything about the Incarnate system. I like the powers, I like the trials (all of them), I think the pace of unlock is fine, I like the way + levels work.

    Of course I am looking forward to having many more trials and a whole zone. A 50-54 zone is something I have been asking for since before the Incarnate system existed.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    what'd I miss?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    doing them again and again and again AND it seems like that is the Devs intent.
    People keep repeating this and I think if you look at the emerging pattern it is clearly not the case.

    In a couple of months a new level 50 will have at least 6 trials to play plus a whole zone of arcs, critters, and repeatable content. With that much stuff to do the amount of repetition will drop precipitously. And they will keep adding more.

    Look at the big picture, not just what things have been like since the introduction of Incarnates.
  8. I like this idea.

    I would like to add that making the LFG queue function cross server, like the auction house does, would vastly increase the opportunities for teaming.
  9. So before they expanded to 4 pages of characters per server I ran out of new slots on Justice and put 2 veteran rewards character slots on Infinity. Now that we can have more I'd like to move those slots to Justice, since I am not using them on Infinity and don't plan to.

    A new character slot is 480 points. I would like to be able to pay, perhaps, 250 points to move an existing empty character slot on one server (not including the base 12 slots of course) to another server that is not maxed out.

    This is my suggestion.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Also I notice the cost of the Windfall and EXP boosters end in a 3. No other items on the market end in a 3... or rather any number that isn't 0.

    With that being said, to break even you'd have to buy 10 of these to get back your Paragon Points ending in a 0.

    If it was a 2 it would be 5 buys, 5 would be 2 buys, 6 would be 5, 7 would also be 10.

    So clever marketing ploy?
    Yes, they are cleverly forcing any customers with OCD to buy more stuff.

    I'm trying to figure out what marketing ploy could be devised to exploit the paranoid next.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by King_Moloch View Post
    Okay. I have heard both sides of this argument, and been on both sides. I could NOT solo him on my rad/rad corr, but soloed him with ease on my Claws/WP brute, which I found hilarious. I had imagined it would be the other way around, but my brute's inherent regen outhealed the damage from the lava we both stood in.

    I'm not going to say one way or another, so I'll instead change my wording. THE PERCEPTION was that Trapdoor had been balanced against IO's instead of SO's. Please don't fling your hate at me, I didn't program him, or populate the boards.

    YOU could not solo him on your rad/rad.

    I on the other hand COULD solo him with your rad/rad.

    I could solo him with a man build.

    You're doing it wrong.
  12. That's an awesome video, your link doesn't quite work...fixed it here.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Not sure I like this idea, though it has its merits. For example, Adamastor could not be in the zone without restricting that badge to VIPs.

    That's not the end of the world, but I'm not eager to see them gate non-incarnate stuff behind VIP status. It degrades the "freedom" aspects of Freedom.
    If there is as someone suggested an Oro Echo of DA with Adamastor then this really isn't an issue.

    If all the rewards in the new DA are Incarnate based then I would expect it to be restricted to VIPs.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
    Just make sure you are comparing their value to large teams versus buff/debuff ATs and AoE death machines (ala Blasters/VEATs). They should be 'quite desirable' for what they add to the team as they must compete with other ATs that add a lot to teams.

    The effectiveness of an Assassin's Strike is often outmatched by other ATs abilities, such as:
    1) I will taunt and/or use taunt auras to take nearly all damage for the team
    2) I will buff the team to make the incoming damage to the team largely irrelevant
    3) I will lay waste to a massive x8 spawn of baddies in seconds with my AoE attacks

    If an AS could quickly and easily take out a problematic boss, I could see them competing easily with these ATs. But when their only comparison is 'I deal single target DPS on par or close to Dominators and Scrappers', I think they lose a little bit of appeal, when those other ATs often add additional abilities to the team (and yes, I am aware not all Scrappers have a taunt aura, but at least they always remain on the 'threat' list.)

    Anyways, that is just my opinion on the matter, I would like to see Stalkers be one of 'ooo, get a Stalker!' ATs that you really want on your team.
    It seems like they're trying to significantly buff single target stalker damage to the point where they will be flat out, hands down, the best single target damage dealers in the game for EITHER short OR long fights. They will be useful to AV teams and Trial leagues.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Keyes and the UG were indeed long for giving out just one Empyerean. Now that they give two, they're actually shorter in Empyreans/Time.

    I would recommend folk do Lambda/BAF until they unlock the +3 levels, then switch to UG and Keyes.
    Excellent advice.

    Go forth all ye and spread the gospel.
  16. Guess I'll just save them then. I have t4 Storm Elementals, Reactive Interface, Clarion AND Rebirth, and Cardiac. I am one VR away from t4 Ion Judgement.

    Emps and Astrals I can use to get some nifty costume options, but the threads and salvages I guess will just accumulate. I really do hope they let us use them for the next slots.
  17. UG and Keyes are NOT long.

    Players who make this complaint should be publicly shamed.

    So to answer the OPs question: No, there are FOUR trials, soon to be 6.
  18. Once I've crafter ALL my t4s, what do I do with my leftover threads and incarnate components?

    I did a search about this, but the latest thread was 6 months old, so I was hoping there might be some new suggestion.
  19. Why put all that effort and money into a toon that isn't fun to play? I can't get around the -Jump -Fly penalties. -Jump is the main thing that makes him no fun.
  20. I reorganized my first page of toons on my home server. The first 12 are all 50 and I put them in order of how much they have been advanced since hitting 50.

    At the top is my Storm Defender, with a full Set IO build, including 5 LotGs, various other shinies, and multiple t4 Incarnate powers.

    then it runs down the list, getting less and less powerful

    until finally

    we get to my first level 50 Tanker, Stone Armor/Super Strength. Only SOs, no IOs or Hamis. Not even an Alpha Boost. Since I made my Shield Defense Tanker there has never been ANY reason to play Stone Armor.

    It's sad really.

    Maybe if they nerfed Granite enough so that they could justify letting you use it with the other armors running and then removed the penalties, then I might have Some reason to EVER play this toon...

    But that could never happen could it?

    And would people even want it to?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
    I seem to remember them promising us to come back and revisit EM later. I guess that is another broken promise. I parked my EM tank and have never looked back.
    I would say you can expect they Will give it another look when they finally import EM to scrappers.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarkRavingMad2 View Post
    Dark Melee.........'s cone attack is so awesome it inspired a vet reward power.

    Had to chuckle at that one.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    One thing you can say for the new Light Form and this odd heal. If you actually are below 50% health when it crashes, I would be surprised. We're rather tough with it up. We've debated elsewhere if we are too tough in comparison to other things, but I'll leave that to other threads.

    The crash is definitely liveable, even midfight, and the change does help make my PB more viable.
    If you have very little in the way of set bonuses, yet have chosen to raise your difficulty to +1 x3 or higher, it is possible to get low even under Lightform.