another microtransaction service Id like to see
sad, no one likes my idea
Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.
I thought it was a good one. /signed.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
It's a good idea. Hence, it is fated to die on this board.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
So before they expanded to 4 pages of characters per server I ran out of new slots on Justice and put 2 veteran rewards character slots on Infinity. Now that we can have more I'd like to move those slots to Justice, since I am not using them on Infinity and don't plan to.
A new character slot is 480 points. I would like to be able to pay, perhaps, 250 points to move an existing empty character slot on one server (not including the base 12 slots of course) to another server that is not maxed out.
This is my suggestion.
Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.