378 -
Brand new Radeon 6950.....with 11.6 and 11.7 drivers installed I was freezing in game. Rolled back to 11.5 and everything is working fine now for me.
Wishing you a fond goodbye and the best of luck in all you plan to do.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0u3NM8rd1U
You log on to find the servers are down for maintenance and wring your hands crying loudly "OMG! OMG! The servers are down, now what do I do?"
I got one email from Aion - I wouldnt exactly call that spam. Always thought spam was something that was repeatedly repeated, or some kind of questionable meat you get in a can.
Well!....the title of the thread is "i might be an idiot but.."
Thanks for going to all that trouble Pepsiman, almost - but not quite - as being there, hope you had a blast.
Started playing in CoH Beta. My first 50 was a Brute - no idea how many hours - following the release of CoV. I do know it's way easier and quicker to get a lvl 50 these days than it was back in the day. Altitis is my problem even now - I get fidgety around the lvl 35 mark and hanker for a younger toon. I do have several lvl 50s mainly scrappers and blasters now, working on a tanker atm, don't have the patience for defenders and other AT's of that ilk.
Dammit this is like 2.00am for me - hubby won't wear it, not again. GL all hope you have a good turnout.
If you have 80 Alts and can't bring your heart to delete any of them, even those you haven't played for 84mnths.
Count in months instead of years.
Back a horse in a race that has the name of your favourite Alt - c'mon Rock On Ruby....no it didn't win. -
I've seen Jack spawn around his throne before, but I came across him a few weeks ago and he was seated upon it. I had no idea he could spawn that way. ^_^[/QUOTE]
And...you just caught him with his trousers down? -
Was on a league yesterday where one hadn't done Baf before and we skipped the cutscene, I got caught out as I thought we would get it, so I skipped off for a quick bio.
Yay! I've found my sweet spot. 'Tis 11.2 for me also. *Wipes sweat off brow* Can put hubbies mind at rest, he was getting all of a dither thinking he was going to have to fork out for a new computer for me.
They might be already on your machine, which is where I found mine. If not try AMD.com, they are listed there I've heard tell.
My two-penn'orth: Experiencing the same problems as you guys with the crashing and freezing in game. Have Radeon HD 5800 series. Was using the 11.5, and crashing, upgraded to 11.6 and crashing, downgraded to 11.4 and crashing, using 11.3 now and crashing, so I guess I better reinstall 11.2 drivers, the drivers I was using when I got the cards in new computer 18mnths ago. Was wondering, is it time to buy a new vid card already or computer even? Hubby will go balistic.
Thanks guys for all your knowledgeable responses.
I have tried a system restore Mandu, but things still seem to be the same so the problem doesnt appear to be a Microsoft update - I do have it set to update automatically. Deleting and re-downloading COH.exe file seems a lot work, wont it take ages? However will do this as a last resort.
I did as you suggested Morgan and did another scan using Housecall, also scanned with Microsoft while I was at it - neither picked up that Heur virus. I sent a copy to NOD, but they havent replied yet.
As for changing my antivirus product from NOD to something else runt9 - I changed from Bullgard to NOD in March after researching which AV to use - so I'm with Kosmos on this one. Hubby is very happy with Microsoft - but what does he know (j/k) the only game he plays is Minesweeper.
I will add CoH as an exception in NOD32 as you suggested Kosmos.
Once again, thanks guys for your help it's been much appreciated. -
My latest computer virus scan has quarantined 2 NewHeur_PE virus, one located in City of Heroes\cityofheroes.exe and one in City of Heroes\tempfile. I use ESET NOD 32 antivirus 4.
I have been experiencing a lot of crashes/game freezing to screen playing since 24th June - no crashes at all before this time. Could this be due to the virus somehow infecting the game even though the virus has been quarantined by NOD? And... has anybody else experienced the same?
Also...does anyone know how I can remove it from my computer, I feel so unclean? -
Ditto that - started crashing yesterday, using 11.5, updated to 11.6 still freezing to screen. Played for 45mins without crashing today, then crashed twice in 10mins. As you guys seem to have luck rolling back the drivers going to try that next. Kind of frustrating when this happens at weekends, best time to play imo.
Can't you just 'overide' it by choosing another title?
Awww! you should have said. Sorry I missed your feast day Ulli, hope it turned out to be cookiescrumptious and not just a load of old crumbs.
And....Many Happy Returns of the Day! -
So sorry....My bad. I agree, something like FBZ would make an ideal setting to launch Incarnate trials from - as long as it had all the trimmings, i.e portal for zoning, Insp seller, a WW, work tables and of course comfy chairs to sit while we wait (j/k)
Quote:But...FBZ is much more difficult to get to from other zones than either RWZ or PD - one cannot get a direct port to FBZ unlike either of the others.Ok, since I can see SOOOO many ways that it could fit into the storyline....
New Power: Praetoria Staging Area Teleporter
Level Unlocked: 50
Text: The war with Praetoria rages on, and to facilitate the attacks Positron/Mako has given you a small device that will send you to the staging area for the forward offensive. Use it to connect with other heros/villains wishing to stop Cole dead in his tracks.
As I said before, it would have to be big enough to hold a lot of folks, but since the look is going to be minimal (I am seeing an area like Fire Base Zulu) that shouldn't be too hard. -
As they have been with me.
But...I think Mandu may have a point - or half of one - maybe Dinamo is misunderstanding the how, what and why the procedure he has to go through to get support. It can be rather complicated the first time - I remember struggling a bit when I first had to contact support out of game and I speak and understand English perfectly well. -
And....Ulli is the biggest and bestest pan-handler in the business. So unless you can top his winning way of asking for cookies, I'd bow out.