2679 -
PennyPA relayed to me and hopefully won't mindQuote:also
Tell Victory I miss them all and hope the best in their new adventures....
....Voodoo is the bestest and you should all be nice to him.
It was really tiny text but I'm sure that's what it said. -
I keep getting the feeling I've been completely misunderstood yet type-cast.
I'd blame someone else if I could! -
When will the bad news end?!?!?!?!?!
Quote:!!!! That alone was worth reading through this whole thread. Thank youIt does not preserve SG bases, but fortunately there is already a way to do that.
Just walk into the base and type /demorecord yoursgname
That's it. You can zone out or log out, or type /demostop after that. Then look in your COH Install directory under client_demos, and find the file named yoursgname.cohdemo. Save it -- that's your base. There's an encoded data block inside that includes the full layout of the base, including the contents of storage bins.
Fortunately we already know what the format is and will be able to write tools at some point to do useful things with it, like generate an overhead map, or a report of what items were stored.
Will be using the extractor this weekend, so thank you Titan Network too -
Titan Network character INFO extractor for those interested. I hope/would love for this to be used with an offline character viewer/creator, but it's something for now at least. -
Quote:.....I'm actually impressed with this idea. Who gave it to you?I just had a great idea. Why don't we run the last run of Isos (we should be done with this in a few weeks) on the BETA server!
We would get all the cool new content and Blaster upgrades, and do they have Bio-Armor over there? It would be great!
I'd be down for this actually. I have zero interest in making something new with the current stuff, and was thinking maybe we could do a run with our global name mains instead; otherwise, I guess I'd have an extra free day. *shrug*
Yes bio armor is there. Though I'd be torn between claws/bio or guns/martial or dark/martial. -
Incredibly fun to harrass with my kat/regen while working on Isolator badge. Every once in awhile I'd bring in a mind or Ill troller and confuse him from stealth range as well. Then I'd do fly bys. But it was way more fun tossing web nades at him over and over and over.
He wasn't very nice to me though -
"Luckily" my badger was able to get everything actually available in-game, but he had quite the adventures doing so. Numerous mostly-PuG Master of attempts that steam rolled through everything but just some random bit of missteps right near the end ruined quite a few runs. The very first LRSF master run attempt, my Scrapper bit it pretty hard where the one-shot code didn't do jack ****. After that though, he never died again. And I made sure to remind PennyPA of that every single time.
Another memorable Master badge was for Keyes Island and the No Green stuff. Several attempts and the groups I were with just couldn't do it for whatever reason (mostly the inability to watch their surroundings, watch a freaking timer, and otherwise not paying attention; this hasn't really gotten any better either). The only time I've been on a team that has gotten it was due to a fantastic bug where someone DC'd/lagged up/other wise was inaccessible to the game yet was on the map with us. The green beams AFAIK never fired off and/or when they did, had zero effect for anyone. I'm positive someone was standing in a patch but didn't do the floaty "look at me. I don't know how to watch my surroundings" animation.
The other memorable attempt at No Green stuff involved careful planning, seeing how many Icand TPs were available, steam rolling through everything, and making sure TP prompt was off. And on the first green patch landing, everyone scattered their own way and were promptly TP'd..........into the patch. Great stuff.
Something else that I felt was interesting, forum-wise, is that off and on over the years, I would get 1 to several PMs from random people saying Happy Birthday when it rolls around and I guess showed up somewhere in the forum? I always told them thank you. But not once did anyone who actually knew the real date ever did. Those are the kind of things I kind of chuckle at in every day life and remember. You might have seen that I claim to have a horrible memory, and I do in a way (numbers/dates specifically), but I actually have a literal photographic memory and all that crap is stored in the back of my mind as a visual representation. I bring this up because I will probably remember names/forum avatars and associate that with the memories/theories I might have of the various players/posters. Very odd stuff to accumulate over 8.5 years. -
Quote:Skip it. Get her accustomed to being disappointed in you early on. It'll make it easier.Way early morning... like before 9AM EST. My daughter has soccer coming up, which will be every Saturday morning for a while.
Maybe with the coming eclipse, I should try to be nice? Less abrupt? Phase out voodoo with the servers; Fade to black. I disappear. Good bye Good bye. -
Have you ever finished off an actual Iso character anyway?
Quote:Ya know, that is about the only thing I didn't try. Never occurred to me actually; though I do know that logging out in various places did put me in other various/odd places (mostly tree trunks, half way out of the road, or mostly buried in hills). Just did it to see how stupid the game could be.yes. That is the "lobby" that you were initially sent to for arena matches. It was redundant or whatever so they stopped using it, but left it there.
For Warburg, you use the same mechanic. There's a door mostly underneath a slope in town somewhere. Do the logout trick and you end up on the underside of that hill, free to farm.
Warburg has a couple really good farming locations (getting behind the blue wall was the best, naturally).
Long ago with very limited time to play I'd just roam warburg going after the afk farmers out in the open in the various places. I got ******* at constantly, several times in global channels as well. The people that didn't hide underground well enough were a fun challenge to get to, and I did get an IO or two off of them; being able to aoe attack them above ground, dying, and then auto rezzing a minute later made me smile.
Trying to get in the same area via height-falling, TPing, and a couple of other choice maneuvers only netted me so far, mostly trapped under the rocket. I forgot about it for years until just the other day. Now I know. -
That the same one that was intro'd with PvP/arenas way back when?
So what about Warburg then? PM me? >.> -
So far, none of you pansies seem to know what "confession" actually means........
Was hoping PennyPA was gonna come back; she left over a year ago, mainly for RL stuff but she really didn't seem to like the idea of the Freedom changes. I don't know if she ever got a chance to try them but I think as a majority, none of it detracted from the game.
Was always fun to team with her. We had many........many.......many "master of" attempts together and the sheer number of random tells I got from her always made me crack up. Way to many "God damn @#$#@$#@ Shamster!!!!!" messages to count. -
Quote:Funny enough.......I was just thinking of mentioning that last night but didn't know if you actually still had it.
...by the way I do have a RL pick of Hamster and Voodoo if anyone wants to see it.
Other than that, I only do nude photos. Available on request. -
Even though tomorrow night kicks off the NFL season, I'll be missing the game to play with you lot of rejects because of these circumstances.
Was teaming with a few people over the weekend and heard a couple accounts of freshly-renewed yearly subscriptions ranging from a month prior to Thursday night. On more than one occasion it was for more than 1 account.
As much as I love this game, I could never see myself doing that personally. There was always the idea lurking in the back that it could just go away. I did think there would have been more time given, but still.
I hope they do something for those people. Yes, even the Brit. -
I wanted more posts than Shamster..........but knew I could never spam useless picture links like him.
I wanted to have half as many posts as GG......but knew I would rather take a bullet to the head.
Zwilly's post regarding using other forums is incredibly foreboding and a little extra depressing. I doubt this'll be here as long as the servers are up. -
Too good to not share:
Quote:Thanks to whomever reminded me there is actually an ignore list in User CP here. I've never had to /ignore anyone on the forums before, but I did it now, lol. The guy can look at useless comics at his home and grieve, lol. There's no reason to clog the threads here with it. -
Quote:Well..I've always wanted to meet Voo in real life to find out if he's really as angry and crotchety as he makes out to be.
werepastretirementageyetstillworkingasastockboyand havebeentwicedivorcedwiththreegrownchildrenallofwh omcan'tstandthesightofyouandtheonlyrealfriendyouev erhadsuddenlyonedaycouldnolongerstomachthethoughto fyouanddecidedtocompletelycutyououtoftheirlifewith littletonoregardandarestuckinthemiddleofnowherecon stantlyfightingrednecksleftandright........
you might get a little angry and crotchety too
Also, I work in KY and could hunt you down show up with ease