Warshades are a bit more over the map regarding the origins of their powers. Most seem based off of Ice Blast, Dark Melee, and Dark Armor powers, in effect, but there are also a few with parallels to Energy Blast, and more than a few Controller-ish powers in there, as well as stuff from power pools. The typical Warshade effect is a movement and recharge slow, thus making Ice the primary base like Peacebringers are based off of Radiation.
Umbral Blast
Level 1
Shadow Bolt = ???
Shadow Bolt doesn't have a direct Ice parallel, as Ice Blast begins with a 4 second recharge power, rather than a
1.5 second recharge, as most sets do. Scratch that, every blast set except Radiation.
Ebon Eye = Ice Bolt
It's essentially Ice Bolt in effect, with the damage made into Negative Energy. Oddly it is listed as having 1.1 Accuracy for some reason, rather than 1.0, like most blasts have.
Level 2
Gravemetric Snare = Chilblain
The blaster version of Chilblain, which has everything essentially worse than the controller version. And on top of that? GS gets its -Fly and -KB properties hacked off. Boo. Hiss.
Level 6
Dark Nova
-Bolt = ???
-Blast = Ice Bolt
-Emanation = Energy Torrent
-Detonation = Explosive Blast
Essentially a direct duplicate of Bright Nova, with everything changed to Negative damage and having the usual Warshade Slow/-Rech effects. There are a few oddities here. For example while Peacebringer's Blast is a copy of their Level 2 blast power, Dark Nova Blast is Shadow Blast's effect, but with Ebon Eye's numbers. It keeps the numbers even between the two Novas, but seems a bit strange in regards to power order.
Second is that the 10% Knockback in Gleaming Blast, Bright Nova Blast, Shadow Blast, and Dark Nova Blast seems... awkward. Looking over the blast sets, the lowest KB chance I found was 20%. I did a lap of Steel Canyon with my level 42 Warshade to test something, and DN Blast actually had its knockback go off all of once. I don't really see the purpose of having such a tiny chance for KB in a power.
Emanation is a bit interesting in that the in-game text for it states that it has Knockback, but the test description says nothing about knockback, and the power itself lacks a Knockback effect. I think it might've gotten copy/pasted over from Energy Torrent, and never removed, even though the power obviously does not knockback. As I mentioned, I tested the power to see if it was KB capable by flying a lap around Steel Canyon and smacking everything with it. No KB. So there's a bit of a text error there.
Shadow Blast = Ice Blast or Energy Blast
It's either Ice Blast with a sickly version of Energy Blast's KB, or a sickly KB-ing Energy Blast with Ice's effect added on.
Level 8
Starless Step = Teleport Foe
Exact duplicate of TP Foe, but with prettier graphics.
Level 12
Sunless Mire = Soul Drain
It's a perfect copy of Soul Drain with one exception: the radius is 15 feet, rather than 10.
Dark Detonation = Explosive Blast
EB converted to Negative damage with Ice's effect.
Level 18
Gravity Well = Midnight Grasp
Look to Midnight Grasp, then back to me, now Midnight Grasp, than to me. Sadly Midnight Grasp isn't me. Look into my hand where I have Midnight Grasp's immobilize. The Immobilize is now a hold.
The damage has been cranked up to match Total Focus/Incandescent Strike, and the Warshade Slow/-Rech effect has been added. Of course the endurance and recharge have been raised to match the new damage scale.
I'm on a horse.
Essence Drain = Siphon Life
While Gravity Well was taken from Dark Melee and improved, Essence Drain appears to be where all the extra awesome was sucked from. I think this stems from a buff to Siphon Life that didn't get carried over, as it deals .96 less damage, recharges 5 seconds slower, and costs half again as much endurance. Sad face. Yes. I said sad face rather than make a frowny.
Level 26
Gravitic Emanation = Power Push
It appears to be based off of Power Push and made into a controller's AoE mez along the lines of Mass Hypnosis or Spore Burst.
Unchain Essence = ???
Explode corpses, a hit at parties! There's not really anything resembling this power that I could find anywhere. From the recharge and endurance, it seems to be something like a high tier Controller AoE mez with a mess of damage added in. The recharge and endurance are identical to Mass Confusion. And once more we run into that so low as to be useless 10% KB chance.
Level 32
Dark Extraction = Controller Pet
Well, in concept. In action Dark Extraction comes out ahead of most controller pets, since you don't resummon these. You just rip a new one from your foes tasty delicious corpse. So with good recharge there can be three of these guys fluttering around you, flinging around a trio of powers and joining me in muttering about 10% knockback chances.
They use powers labeled Shadow Bolt, Shadow Blast, and Gravitic Emanation. Shadow Bolt and Blast are the powers of the same name from the normal Blast set.
Howeverm, the Fluffy version of Gravitic Emanation is the nearly identical Nova Emanation power, save that it animates in 1 second, rather that the 1.5 Nova animation. It is not the power in Umbral Blast by the same name, however.
Quasar = Blackstar
Quasar is to Blackstar what Dawn Strike is to Nova. Blackstar's -ToHit is replaced with the Warshade's standard Slow/-Rech.
Umbral Aura
Whereas Luminous Aura takes its powers from Electric Armor and Regeneration, its dark counterpart lifts its armor-y powers from Dark Armor.
Damage Resistance
Gravity Shield
Penumbral Shield
Twilight Shield
Essentially the same thing as the corresponding Peacebringer shields and autopower. You can scroll up to see my thoughts on them.
Dark Armor Ports
Shadow Cloak = Cloak of Darkness
Essentially the same power.
Stygian Circle = Dark Regeneration + Dark Consumption
The soul sucking powers from Dark Melee and Dark Armor combined into one. The damage has been removed, and the amount that each aspect recovers is toned down somewhat. Recovers 20% less endurance per target than Dark Consumption, and only 66% as much healing from a minion, but the heals scale with the rank of the defeated corpse(s) you take power from. The recharge is also much better, clocking in at 30 seconds. Likely because unlike the two base powers, this is powered off of dead, rather than living, enemies.
Stygian Return = Soul Transfer
Pretty much the same thing, except that Stygian Return lacks a Stun component.
Dwarf Form
Black Dwarf
-Strike = Shadow Punch
-Smite = Smite/Barrage
-Drain = Siphon Life
-Mire = Soul Drain
-Step = Teleport Self
-Antagonize = Provoke
The first two and last two powers are essentially the same thing as their White Dwarf counterparts, except with Negative damage and the Warshade's slow/-rech effect.
BD Drain is another Siphon Life clone that once more escaped the Buff Bat, and thus might need to have a look taken at it.
BD Mire is a rather interesting power, as like the other Mire, it's a bigger Soul Drain clone. But it recharges every 20 seconds, rather than every 120 seconds, making it serve not only as a damage booster, but also as a very effective AoE attack.
All the Rest
Orbiting Death = Hot Feet
While one might think that due to this being an Armor-type set this would go along the lines of your typical tanker damage/taunt aura, it's actually from a Controller set. It has a vastly increased radius compared to typical damage auras, and thus a higher Endurance cost. It also, thankfully, lacks the Taunt component as well. So in effect it's essentially a Negative damage version of Hot Feet.
Nebulous Form = Phase Shift + Inertial Reduction
It's Phase Shift combined with a half-strength, Self-only version of Kinetics' Inertial Reduction
Inky Aspect = Oppressive Gloom
The power is identical, though due to Kheld's damage modifiers they take a goodly bit more damage than Tankers and Brutes, but they don't have the HP to back it up.
Eclipse = ???
The closest similarity I can find is Ice Armor's Energy Absorption, which has a similar effect, though its defense based and also an Endurance restorer. Eclipse also has a similarity to Power Sink, as it drains foe's Endurance and lowers their Recovery. So in short, I don't really have a clue what this is based off of. But it is awesome.