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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    The reason why the 5th Column tend to pop up in other villain groups ambushes/ missions is because since 5th Column is the first group in the Alphabet according to computers (which go 1-9 then 0 then some other stuff then the letters if i remember correctly) the game just defaults to them whenever it can't find what the group is supposed to be for whatever reason. Also, this is why we see Mek Man a lot as hostages in missions.

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    Not sure if that's theory or if you know it for a fact, but if it's a theory, sounds like a very good one to me. Probably just due to a misspelling of whatever's supposed to be there.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I understand the reasoning behind slotting tough instead of dark embrace, since at this time de and obs shld are not stackable. But I have faith that they will be someday. When that day comes my question is this: which offers better protection de or tough? My own thought is that de will be better. yes or no?

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    Yes, DE is a base of 22% resist, while Tough is only 15% for scrappers. IIRC. I wouldn't build around "what the devs might do someday," though.
  3. Vhaln

    Tanker Update

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    That quote right there is where everyone is going wrong. "comic book Tanker" There are no Tankers in comic books. There are what I have always refered to as Comic Book Bricks, but there are no Tankers.

    Well, okay, maybe The Blob, but aside from that the Tanker Arcehtype doesn't really function like any comic book character. Sure their powersets are meant to recreate the Comic Book Brick "feel" but the main game function of a tanker is to take damage, as stated by Statesman himself.

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    I think it's a matter of combining comic book "tanks" with mmorpg tanks. Comic books may not have tanks in the class AT sense, but from what I can tell, CoH models tanks after characters like The Hulk and Colossus, while scrappers are more like Daredevil and Wolverine. More of a difference in style than damage/defense ratios - those get differentiated and balanced, because it's an MMORPG, but I think they're trying to find a way to do so, without losing the style of comic book tanks, aka heavy melee types. Not to be confused with mmorpg tanks, aka low damage meatshields. While in CoH, maybe they want the Tank AT to be both, somehow.
  4. The only thing I can think of is that they're afraid some players will try getting to 50 by staying in Atlas Park for 6 months. Seems like a ridiculous thing to be afraid of, to me. If someone really wants to do that, why stop them? Because they'd have to really want to do that, considering how much longer it'd take.

    I think they should change it so that you get normal xp for the level you're fighting at, if you have no debt. That's so low compared to higher level xp, but at least it'd be something. Not as incentive, but just so that it won't feel like a complete waste of time.

    I don't get the idea that it's only for players who want to be completely selfless in thier desire to hang out with lower level friends.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Drop all the missions you want, you just might find you don't have any in the future.

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    This isn't true. At worst, you can't do your next 5 levels of missions. I had a character that never did any missions untill lv.20ish, and then couldn't do the 1-15 missions, but was still allowed to pick up contacts leading to my 20-25 missions, just by talking to old contacts that I had no standing with at all.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    In addition to dropping missions, what's wrong with allowing missions to be traded between players?

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    I like. Might be hard to code, and you'd have to figure out some things related to how story arcs work. But if they could make it happen, I'd love it.

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    Fwiw, I hate the idea, unless it goes along with forfeits, in which case, whatever.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Put in an option to cancel and it just gives people a way to artificially advance a story arc.

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    If the devs are really worried about that (who cares, I say, but...) why not just make it a last resort that forfeits the entire story arc? That would be frustrating, when it needs to be done, but better than being stuck with missions we can't or don't want to do, sometimes.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    What he intends to do is make everything more difficult after level 22 so that you 4 player team can’t take down those mobs and needs to find smaller spawns of lower level mobs.

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    Ah, so by nerfing 4 person groups, 8 person groups will become more desirable. Lovely solution.. Hope they're serious about increasing xp gains proportionately, because it'll be very frustrating otherwise.

    I thought it was a nice change from other MMORPGs, where we actually get more powerful as we level, capable of taking higher cons. Too bad it was unintentional, and they're "fixing" it.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Thing is, from my (admitedly subjective experiance,) it seems that I'm playing a very different game then some of the more vocal here are. I'm still seeing the thing that was advertised.

    It may not be the colour I want, but it's certainly the car I expected. (How's that for streatching a metiphore? )

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    I don't know, are you even talking about soloability, here?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    These posts always confuse me. It's like going to Volvo and saying; "You know, your cars are great and all, but unless you sell me one of these (describes a Porche Boxer) I'm going somewhere else!"

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    Which wouldn't happen nearly so often, if CoH weren't advertised as that "Porche" in the first place. It's what attracted many of us, and we wouldn't be here to complain about the changes otherwise.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Just a comment on the missions and hunting along the way. About half of the missions I am getting at level 28-29 are in Kings Row, Steel Canyon, or Skyway City.

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    That aside, has anyone pointed out that this is just poorly guised encouragement to do less missions and more street sweeping? People who run straight from thier contact to the mission door are the ones who don't want to street sweep.

    I do some of both, killing mobs around my contacts and such, and yes, it helps bridge the gap to the next five level step in contacts, but it doesn't make mission xp look any better. It's just supplementing the weak mission xp with the street grind. Plus, after level 30, it barely helped, I still ran out of contacts way too fast.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    The problem is that you seem to think that killing 2 -1 mobs in 5 minutes is soloing, even though slowly while others take this as unreal numbers, imagine how much time I would've needed to solo to get another bubble, or dear lord, a LEVEL!

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    This assumes concern for levelling, as a goal. A fair assumption, I think, but some seem to think of it as more of a side effect. Even if you can't kill anything but greys, and the occassional green, it's "fun" right? So why worry so much if it'd take a month to get to level 10?

    I think levelling is a lot more than a side effect, it's the core of the gameplay. Every game has a motivation, like the way single player games use a story, of heroes trying to save the world or whatever. In MMORPGs, there's no story, instead there's levelling, and the pace is important.

    Soloing too slowingly isn't soloing, it's just goofing around, untill you can get a group.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow, I didn't realize these kinds of missions were spawning so low. I figured the higher cons would be +0 through level 10--and only then would they get cute and start spawning +1s. This can't be a good thing...

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    Yeah, at higher level, more +1 and maybe even an occassional +2 is probably a good idea. But, at level 4? The increased mission xp won't help, if you have to spend 5-10 minutes chipping away at a pair of +1 spawns, when you don't even have all your early attack powers yet.