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  1. Quote:
    Every time Venture screams "IT WAS EXPLAINED IN THE ARC," an angel must get its wings. Because I took my time through it and made sure to read every bit of contact dialogue and NPC dialogue and none of what he claims is explained is. Unless he thinks handwaving and cliched storywriting explains it on its own without him stating it.
    Simply put, none of the other people who have commented on the arc had any of the complaints you've had. That's including people who didn't like it. Of course, none of them made multiple errors of fact in their comments, either.

    Now, you did say you would lay bare all of my faults. I have four more playable arcs for you. I'm perfectly prepared to watch you humiliate yourself over those, too.
  2. Because a) nothing, not even the Archangel Michael posting "Taser, knock it off, you're wrong" is going to change your mind, and b) you didn't bother to read the arc in the first place. I only responded for the potential benefit of spectators.

    Why is your thread devoid of characterization or story?
    No one else who reviewed it thought so.

    Why does even your explanation for Generic Avenger's motives make little to no sense and certainly aren't explained in the arc itself?
    They are explained. You didn't read it.

    Why did you overload tiny maps with glowies and then select to have them all spawn in the same section of the map?
    They aren't "tiny" maps. "Tiny" is not even a size option for those maps. I chose "Small" maps so the player would not have to go grovelling over hell's half-acre to find a few glowies. Most of the objectives are set to spawn anywhere. The game decides where they actually go.

    Why do the Rikti want to attack Boomtown and Steel Canyon? That's never explained.
    The Rikti attack on Steel Canyon is explained twice. The Boomtown attack is also explained. You didn't read it.

    Why would Malta work with the Rikti in the first place? That's never explained other than a generic 'villains working together' handwave cliche.
    Explained twice with an additional hint in Ja'Dar's first /info panel.

    Why would Crimson call in Vanguard instead of Longbow, who he has worked for?
    He needed Doc Science's help with the machines recovered in Act I. Doc Science tipped off Vanguard, which is the agency officially tasked with responding to Rikti attacks.
  3. Quote:
    In short, I hide my arcs because I fear the criticism
    I don't fear criticism. It's an important part of improving your skills.

    I fear Taser even less.
  4. The "official" comment thread for "Blowback" can be found here. Interested parties may compare Taser's complaints to those of prior reviewers. Or, of course, play the arc themselves.

    Taser's complaints contain the following factual errors:

    • The arc is flagged as Heroic alignment.
    • None of the mobs in the custom Malta sub-faction are "Anti-Matter" clones. One of them does use the same antenna detail, though.
    • Bluehawk Avenger is never described as having been brainwashed. It is made explict that Malta did their usual number on her: they ruined her life and left her nowhere to go but into their service. Even if she were brainwashed, such is also part of Malta's MO per canon.
    • The player is not "railroaded" into working with Vanguard. Vanguard troops show up in Act II but operate autonomously. You're simply not allowed to shoot them, just like when you're walking through the RWZ.
    • Nowhere in the canon is it established that superheroes are only found in Paragon City and its environs. Quite the contrary.
    • Ms. Werner is a female model (verified). I hand-picked all hostage models after we got the memory allotment increase as the "random" option left something to be desired (namely randomness).
    • The custom Malta sub-faction is noticably weaker than the standard due to its lack of Sappers and stock Titans. The main faction wins the majority of battle details in acts IV and V.
    • Malta Enigma Silver officers 2-0 and 6-3 do not appear in the arc prior to Act V. They are not available to defeat in Act IV.
    • The Rikti invasion zone event only takes place during "periods of dimensional instability" (i.e. when the plot demands and/or the devs feel like it). The Rikti can't penetrate the War Walls at will. If they could Paragon City would be gone in hours.

    It is my contention that Taser played through the arc as quickly as possible, only scanning the text for typos and potential bon mots he could quote out of context.
  5. "Splintered Shields". Unfortunately, you can't play it.

    "The Christmas We Get" would be second. You can't play that one, either.

    Try "Two Households Alike", "Cole In Your Stocking" or "Blowback". "Chains of Blood" is slighting behind those, IMO; it was the first one I wrote and I deliberately played loose and fast with canon. "Why We Fight" is unavailable. "Psychophage" was deliberately written to be bad (and still got good reviews) and to try and kill the player. It will probably be deleted soon to make room for another arc. (No, I'm not paying for more slots until the filter gets fixed, at least; that would be beyond stupid.)
  6. Quote:
    So everytime in this and the TwinShot thread you linked to a Trope as an insult of these arcs, you are now admitting that Not All Tropes Are Bad?
    No one ever said that they were. Of course, not all tropes are good, either. Many tropes are nearly impossible to use positively in any serious work. I can't think of a positive use of (e.g.) Mary Sues or the Idiot Ball outside of satire or comedy.

    And there was not one point in any of your arcs where I felt like "Oh, this is new and different."
    There is nothing new under the sun, so if this is your metric you fail as a critic.

    I am willing to re-play them and cite examples of ALL your faults one by one here, though.
    Bring it. But please use the commentary thread for the individual arcs in the MA forums, rather than continue to derail this.
  7. Fill the arc with a mix of Sappers and custom enemies using Electrical attacks (esp. Power Drain, Short Circuit, etc.), Darkness powers and Caltrops.
  8. Quote:
    You would like to think so, but your arcs rely on just as much cliche and tropes as you are attack the writer of these arcs of using.
    Of course they rely on tropes. Tropes are tools, not cliches. There is no such thing as a tropeless tale.

    I did not employ any cliches. You will have to show your work to claim otherwise.
  9. Quote:
    But are they really better?
    Yes. But that isn't saying much.
  10. Quote:
    Or maybe you giving it unnecessary scrutiny is the problem?
    The arcs send you to learn about trainers at level 5. LEVEL FREAKING 5, MAN, WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? THAT'S RIGHT, EVERYTHING!

    This is not unnecessary scrutiny. Everything these arcs teach is taught too late. Even your example, the difficulty adjustors: you are sent to them by these arcs in the 15-20 bracket, but in the 10-15 bracket you are forced to go talk to one by your Contacts! The arcs don't teach about Detectives or Brokers until 15-20, too, by which point the player, assuming he didn't already know about them, will have missed two Safeguard or Mayhem missions he can never make up without begging for help. For villains that means missing pieces of an accolade with +5% HP. Tailors are in the same bracket, except you're told about them as soon as you leave the tutorial. You get a lead on the invention system in the 10-15 section, except the trainers tell you about it when you train level 10 and you get a pop-up Contact with a tutorial mission. And on and on and on. Failing at the putative purpose of the work is legitimate grounds for condemnation, as it turns out. We don't even have to go into the litany of sins committed by the actual stories, such as they are.

    This is aside from the fact that anything these arcs have to teach could have been done more effectively with Pop-Up Help. Remember that? The devs didn't.

    May I recommend you guys write a better arc?
    I already have. Seven of them, in fact. You just can't play three of them thanks to the crackheaded text filter. I would daresay, actually, that of the 150 or so arcs I reviewed in MA, very few were actually worse than these.
  11. Quote:
    Manticore has been keeping an eye on you and the group - he knows the type of people he's getting his helpers to fight
    Not an excuse. He's using a live-fire scenario to "test" the Shining Stars. It's sheer luck (authorial fiat) that no one got their head blown off or otherwise hit in a way that prevented Medicom from kicking in.
  12. Quote:
    Manti's hired minions are also pretty trusting to pose as kidnappers and assume I'm not a murdering vigilante.
    That was discussed at length near the end of the open beta. A small legion of apologists defended it.
  13. Quote:
    ITT: People getting upset over insignificant things
    The arcs fail at their jobs is insignificant?
  14. Flambeaux is not a teenager. She supposedly discovered a compound that gave her fire powers, i.e. she's supposedly a scientist. Really.
  15. Quote:
    I ran both arcs with my badger character and enjoyed myself. I'm sorry, Venture and company, but not every. single. arc. in this game needs to be a matter of life or death, especially a how-to arc at the beginning of the game.
    It doesn't have to be "a matter of life or death". How about if the tutorial arc sets actually succeeded at being tutorials? How about if they actually taught the player things he needs to know before he needs to know them and not after? Is that asking too much?
  16. Quote:
    His bio was supposed to be ridiculous, because it was a fabrication.
    The writing around here is so bad and so absurd that it is no longer possible to tell the difference between things we're supposed to take seriously and self-parody.

    The problem with the whole "who's the mole" thing ("I always preferred the term traitor" -- Andrew Schmidt, The Closer) is that it appears to have been written by someone who's heard of the least-likely-suspect mystery genre, but didn't bother to learn how to write one.

    Of course, this is just one of the tutorial arc set's problems.
  17. Yes, that should have been "both sets of arcs". Both hero and villain.
  18. During beta I referred to both arcs as Twenty Missions With Jerks, even though it's more like fifteen.

    Aside from the litany of sins in the writing, there's the fact that both sets of arcs utterly fail at their intended purpose of instructing new players. Everything they teach comes too late. Nowhere is this made more evident than when both arcs tell the player to go learn about trainers, when you must have trained at least four times to get the arc. The hell? This is so stupid it should never have gotten into closed beta, never mind to live. And yet, someone actually wrote them and numerous people must have signed off on them for us to have this conversation. It would be, dare I say it, inconceivable if it were not for the fact that it has actually happened.

    I agree that both arcs need page-one rewrites. Even better, forget the whole idea and write an updated PDF manual. Let people RTFM instead.
  19. The entire old-school enhancement system should be shot in the head and buried in a shallow grave outside Terlingua. IOs make it unnecessary.
  20. Quote:
    being certain about malicious intent is pretty much impossible barring a /tell from someone saying "neener neener, got your name".
    This is about the only situation in which I would accuse someone of cybersquatting, and even then I wouldn't expect NC to do anything about it. Certainly it's annoying, but I'd be ecstatic if it was the worst problem I had to deal with.

    Oh, and as for names of Time Manipulation characters, I didn't even try to get something with any variation of "time" in it. My DP/Time (hero) Corruptor on Exalted is Dr. Liam Impossible, displaced Victorian "gentleman adventurer".
  21. I missed getting "Venture" on Exalted but I blamed myself for falling asleep while watching a video. If someone who's going to use the name got it that's one thing; I'd hate to find out some cybersquatter grabbed it just to hold it hostage.
  22. I call every issue (and Issue) as I see it. I praise the good and condemn the bad.

    As a result I am alternately cast as a suck-up and a hater. I believe CuppaJo offered the definitive statement on this many years ago.
  23. Quote:
    Also, powersets should be free to VIPs, shouldn't have to pay 800 for new sets imo
    While I think a (effective) $10 price tag is a bit much, there is nothing out of line with PS selling power sets. We have gotten some new sets for free, yes, but many were sold as part of CoV or GR. The company has to make money on this so they have to make judgements as to how much new stuff they can give away as part of an "issue" and how much has to have a separate price.
  24. I'll be buying the Steampunk costume bundle, primarily for a new character but there are parts I want for older ones too. I held off buying the booster pack so I could just get the parts I wanted out of stipend points; I'm not terribly interested in (e.g.) the travel power it came with.

    After that, I've got some characters that need to be renamed. I'm purging all "cross-dimensional counterparts" from my roster. I made most of them under different circumstances. I've gone on at length as to how I don't feel the recent reliance on such is a good thing and I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I'm using the same codenames on multiple servers -- e.g. I have several characters named "Venture" -- but these are just superheroes in different cities that happen to use that name. (Just as there are several servers, including Exalted alas, where I didn't get to the name in time so there are other people playing characters by that name.) I've "retconned" many of them by giving them new costumes and bios and deleted some low-level ones but there are a few that are going to need a renaming.

    After that I'll be saving up for Street Justice.
  25. Excellent as always. Sorry I couldn't stick around for the Seed of Hamidon filming last night.