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  1. Quote:
    Yup. Frostfire goes through the same evolution.
    I don't know what crimes Desdemona is actually guilty of, but the idea that Frostfire is now a hero is one of the game's biggest Wall Bangers (which is really saying something). The tip mission that powerposes your character as accepting him as one doesn't help.
  2. Yeah, yeah, patience, how long will that take?
  3. Quote:
    Don't forget that this is just the first part of the Coming Storm storyline - it'll be expanded in the same way that the Praetorian storyline in GR has been expanded
  4. The Twinshot/Graves arcs are utter failures as tutorials. What they teach comes way too late and in a very plodding and ineffective manner.
  5. Quote:
    If they're coming from World of Running, then I can see why they don't bother reading anything. The amount of narrative delivered via text in that game is minimal.
    Erm, actually it's about the same. Of course, most of the players there have the same response to it, too. ("Click here to fight mobs.")
  6. *sprays thread with zombie repellant*
  7. Comments from the recent AE superteam run:

    Solid mechanics, but it's lacking a proper hook for the player. The story is more about other things than the hero. More a history lesson than something the hero is invested in. Still an interesting addition to canon and well executed.

    * * *

    Very solidly constructed arc although it lacks a bit in the excitment and pizazz dept. Still, can't complain.

    * * *

    While it was decently written, there didn't seem to be much to actually pull the player in and relate. In some ways I think that either some hints could have been dropped sooner or perhaps the twins could have had a greter connection to everything rather than getting shoved aside after the first mission Also, mission 2 felt sort of like a waste.

    * * *
  8. IO's don't take up reams of space in databases, and don't require SGs that use up "name space" either.
  9. Quote:
    Besides offering a license for Base Privileges (paying rent, creating, editing) they can also make it a reward for a certain Reward Level.
    Bad idea. Bases live forever.

    They should stay subscriber-only.
  10. Quote:
    and there's also the "find contact" button in the contacts list which picks up contacts in your level range.
    "Find Contact" is useless; it has a very limited selection of Contacts.
  11. Quote:
    Yet people are having digs at me for wanting to be premium and saying I should think myself lucky? The game obviously needs more people paying more or it wouldn't have gone hybrid/f2p.
    That's not "obvious". MMOs are not going F2P to survive. They're doing it because it works. They're doing it because people are paying money to play Mafia Wars and Farmville.

    There's zero reason I can see for premium players being unable to pay base upkeep.
    Bases are very obviously big consumers of system resources. If F2P players could make and maintain them there would be roughly 82934729847298472 more bases to deal with. It's a complete no-brainer that they would be a subscriber-only feature.
  12. Quote:
    So yes, there is Reptillian costume pieces floating around, not sure when we're going to see them though.
    Gothzilla demands Reptile pack!

    (This is soooo out of date. He's on Virtue now, and a 44 Fire/WP Brute....)
  13. It is mentioned in the RWZ arcs (Serpent Drummer's) that the Rikti fought them off about a hundred years ago. It is not clear if the Rikti fought a version of the Battalion native to their universe, or if the Battalion is a cross-universe threat, etc. One of many reasons why parallel-world stories should be avoided, but that's another rant.

    On our side, Prometheus is now saying the Battalion is "the coming storm" and they're responsible for the (thus far) attempted genocide of the Kheldians. The Shivans are supposedly their "scouts", although just how effective mindless blobs that destroy everything in their path are as "scouts" is not exactly clear. That's all we have on them so far.
  14. Quote:
    The point is not that there aren't neutral faces, the problem is that there were a bunch of faces that were summarily replaced when City of Villains got rolled in wholesale.
    Well, I must not have used any of them, because I don't miss them. None of my characters have had a problem.

    Gonna file this one under "much ado about nothing".
  15. I most vehemently concur with Scythus. I've had no trouble finding "non-scowly" faces for my...non...scowly...guys.
  16. Quote:
    Harassment is not ruled according to intent on the part of the harasser, but according to the impact on those harassed.
    If the law supposes this, then the law is a...donkey.
  17. Venture

    Can I cry now?

    I refuse. For all of AE's obvious flaws and problems, for all the hope I have that the devs will do something, I will not stop writing. I will work around copyright filters, I will ignore the one stars, I will definitely ignore forum negativity, I will continue to fight and I will create stories for those who want to enjoy stories. Nothing is going to stop me.
    Go for it, dude:

    In any case I've done more than my fair share in the way of promoting AE. What's broke about it are things the players can't fix. The ball is in the devs' court now.
  18. Quote:
    I can't read that fast. I don't know anyone who could.
    Actually, I can.
  19. I've updated this arc a little for i21. Mainly I gave some of the customs new costumes, but I did tweak the text in a few places to clear things up a little.
  20. I've gone through "Chains of Blood" #4829 and made sure it still works. Even tuned it up a little, mostly by updating some of the customs.
  21. Additionally, as I'm going through the mission I notice there are no female Ice Thorns. I expect the collared robe might be incompatible with the female model.
  22. Just to throw another shrimp on the barbie, it's not a "players only get minion costume parts" thing. This shot was taken while running one of my MA arcs:

    Ice Thorn minions get the hat and belt....

    (N.b.: none of my characters would be caught dead wearing that hat anyway.)
  23. Quote:
    The fact that roughly half the players with an opinion seem to think heroes/villains have the advantage with alignment merits and the other half seems to think rogues/vigilantes have the advantage with on the fly side switching suggests to me the devs aimed at about the right spot in their respective benefits.
    I don't think anywhere even close to half the players prefer grey alignments.

    I mean, look at the Statesman and Recluse Task/Strike Forces. You can get 2 Hamidon Enhancements in a day if you wish, along with being able to do any Task Force on any side.
    I can get two Hamidon Enhancements a day without playing a grey alignment, and then mail them to any character I want.

    Alignment Merits are a very strong motivator... but they cannot be realistically attained on unlimited characters.
    They can, and the SSA is making it even easier.

    Isn't the Alignment Merits argument a little bit obsolete now?
    It is far more efficient to make your pruchases with Astral/Emp merits now than Alignment.
    I'm already running those miserable trials more often than I want. If I had to do them to get set recipes I'd gnaw my arm off to escape.
  24. Quote:
    Carni pretty much sums up my feelings on this whole disaster. What an epic waste of time on everyone's part. /em golfclap
    The sad part is that while I went out and bought the pack right away I still don't think these costume parts work for the actual CoT.