1122 -
Hope so too, hopefully this is just a promo and they'll launch it in the market. Maybe when Issue 24 launches.
Quote:Something went wrong ... bad bad frogWhen you go to look at any of the images directly on yfrog, do they work for you? All I get is a blank area, like the picture's blocked or deleted.
is what I get when I try to click on the picture. Not sure how I got the one that was showing the dark matter aura. -
Getting the same thing, either a black photo or some promo pick of a character using dark matter aura
Quote:Agree, just because Nolan put out Inception doesn't mean all his movies will have that type of ending. The pearls went missing, he passed the mantle off, the Auto-Pilot was fixed. If the ending was meant to be vague then it would have been better to blur the woman that Bruce was with. Instead you could clearly tell it was Selina, who has a new lease on life due to the clean slate program. If anything that ending was a way for Bruce to say "I'm sorry" or "You were right." to Alfred.Why would Alfred imagine his perfect wife to be Selina Kyle? He never witnessed any of the romantic fascination Bruce had with her. For all he knew, she was just a jewel thief he took an interest in tracking down, nothing more.
There's more evidence to support he escaped and survived. It's just not ambiguous in the -slightest-. -
Quote:That's not how I viewed the last 2 movies. First one was the origin tale, but it was Bruce trying to find a way to fight the crime and corruption in Gorham City. He understood that he couldn't do it as Bruce Wayne because as Ras Al Ghul said Bruce Wayne is man, he needed to create a symbol that the good citizens of Gotham could rally behind. Don't recall Bruce saying he wanted to quit what he was doing or wanting to find a successor to his cause during this movie. Sure you could mention that scene at the end of the movie between Bruce and Rachel, but to me that was typical hero drama....Unknown_User, you might not be remembering that Bruce Wayne has been spending 2 films to find a way to stop being batman, but is unable to because the call to protect Gotham...
The Dark Knight I would probably concede to you that Bruce was looking for someone to take up his cause. However that tied into the overall theme of Dark Knight which to me was about Bruce understanding and coming to terms with the sacrifices that involves being Batman. To me, that's why he took the blame for Harvey's crimes at the end of Dark Knight.
Then in Dark Knight Rises Nolan says to hell with that and slaps a happy ending scenario that to me is very out of character of Batman. -
Glad to hear that you weren't harmed or killed, but sorry to hear about the tragedy that happened in your hometown.
Got back from Dark Knight Rises and... Honestly the movie was great until I got to the end. What a big [censored] disappointment it was. Batman quits, passes the mantle off to Robin John Blake and moves to Paris with Catwoman. I kid you not, that's how Nolan decides to end this trilogy. When I saw that ending I felt like he took a collective [censored] on the Batman mythos.
I'm sure there probably be some of you who will say "Batman didn't quit because the mantle was passed on to someone else" I don't care because as far as I'm concerned he quit. he quit because he found a gal to settle down with and some guy he could pass the job off to.
There was a line in the movie were Bane tells Bruce that he plans to kill Gotham with the deadliest poison in the world, hope. Truer words have never been said, because I had hope for this movie and instead got something that just killed me inside.
If you're a fan of Nolan you'll probably love this movie. If you're a fan of Batman, well your mileage will vary. Don't say you haven't been warned. -
The only thing I could come up with is to give Phantom Army some kind of HP and long recharge.
I have the name Midnight Ace if you're interested in using it for character #3
Of course, she is the one named Sailor Moon
According to this Sailor Moon will be coming back as a new TV series set to launch around 2013.
One of the things that has me excited about this movie is that I will see this film in imax. Normally, should the urge to see an imax movie hit me, I would have to drive 2 and a 1/2 hours to Atlanta. However the imax theatre at the National Infantry Muesum where I live will be hosting a Dark Knight Rises midnight showing. So all I have to do is just drive 35 mins to get to the theatre
Just got back and the experience was kind of on the 'meh' side for me. For me I could still feel some kind of Rami influence from past Spider-Man movies here and there in this reboot. Also during the final act the movie once again felt it was necessary to underpower the superhero and get a bunch of citizens to help him along. Also every time I heard Emma Stone speak my skin wanted to rip itself off my body. Overall I would recommend this Spider-Man movie more as a rental then paying it to see in the theaters.
Would like to see a longer one also, but I'm guessing that since he does the whole thing by hand. That it takes a good deal of time and resources for him to do. I like to imagine that the first clip and this new clip have an arc to them. Maybe Superman is an established public figure in Metropolis and some criminal mastermind/organization is trying to figure out a way to keep him out of their business. 1st was an army of metal robots. After that failed a clone, Bizzaro, was created.
Quote:Wouldn't say MarvelNu since it's not a reboot of the Marvel Universe. As far as I know Marvel isn't going to retcon the whole universe. Bits and pieces maybe, but not the whole universe like DC did. It's just a relaunch of various series as far as I knowSo essentially this is MarvelNu.....YAY.....and the big two keep copying each other....oy vey! Setting the numbering back to issue 1 is getting so passé that its getting to be obnoxious....I just started reading Iron Man again too.....I may drop it because of Land being the artist. Depending on what he draws sometimes it just comes out all wrong.
Just out of curiosity does anyone know if Paragon Studios or NCSoft use something called Pando Media Booster? Was downloading a patch for the test server and half way through got a prompt to install something called Pando Media Booster. The NCSoft launcher was the only thing running at the time.
Agreed, you should see the Spoony One's retro review on the Highlander series.
So with the Water Blast powerset in the works. So is there a Atlantis/Under the Sea themed costume set in the works?
Sorry but That sounds so wrong to me. Really can't see what the reason would be for intended unevenness in the Olympian Guard Boots. Any chance you can ask one of the character artists why they see it as working as intended?
Any chance of seeing a fix to the Olympian boots. There's a unevenness to the top of the boots.