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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post

    Thunderbolts will be relaunched with Red Hulk, Elektra, Deadpool and the Punisher on the team with Red Hulk in charge. I have a hunch that Punisher won't be on the team for long and will get yet another solo series after he leaves this book.
    A few things bums me out about this. One, Songbird will no longer making appearances unless it's in one of the upcoming Avenger books. Two, Steve Dillon is doing the art, unfortunately,to me, it's just plan bad. Just about all the guys he draws look about the same and his woman, ug to the ly.

    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post

    Scarlet Spider: the adventures of Kaine the clone of Spiderman. Interesting series that so far is better then regular Spidey books. Of course I'm biased against all things Spiderman until the Mephisto Marriage Erasure is undone.
    Also looking foward to the Minimum Carnage series coming out. It has Kaine and Venom teaming up to stop Carnage in the Microverse. In regards to the Joephisto marriage erasure. There's fan speculation on a few forums here and there that this might be mentioned or touched upon in the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man issue 700 coming out around December.
  2. Unknown_User

    Boost Morale

    Zapping criminals makes me feel good
  3. The revenge I want to see is all the fired members of the Paragon Studio to get their own game development studio, get some serious funding, kickstarter maybe, and role out a new MMO that blows everything out the water. NCSoft can only watch and feel shame as they realize what they let go.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    ... a cameo of the old Robocop suit (likely as a rejected design or prototype design) and that he still has the gun holster in his leg.
    Heard rumors that the original Robocop design would show up as a prototype rejected by the OCP board of directors.
  5. Also there's the Punisher: War Zone mini series set to start. Deals with the Avengers (Iron Man, Capt. America, Thor, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Black Widow) agreeing to put a stop to the Punisher once and for all.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
    Or maybe that picture is the actor just coming back from a break.
    So what kind of break do you think requires you to have one hand free while in costume?
  7. From what I've heard the Robocop chrome coloring will be added on via CGI.
  8. Here's a first look at what Robocop will look like in the upcoming reboot

  9. The email that I sent out



    I am writing you in regards to your decision to terminate and cease all operations and NCSoft support for the MMO game City of Heroes. First off I want to let you know that had 3 active subscription accounts for City of Heroes before the decision was made to terminate this wonderful product. Even when City of Heroes went free to play I chose to keep the subscriptions to all three of my accounts. I hope that this shows you how much I enjoy and believed in the City of Heroes game and the development team behind it. When I heard about NCSoft's decision to terminate City of Heroes it really saddened me beyond the point were words could not even describe what I was feeling.

    I am sending this e-mail with hopes that there is something that can be done to either reverse NCSoft's decision or consider the option of selling the license to City of Heroes. With City of Heroes I've meet many people who I would later call great friends, reconnected with old friends I thought I would never hear from again, and learned great things from the other people that played. NCSoft is probably under the assumption that they are terminating a game, but in reality NCSoft is killing of a great community that has been loyal to the game and development team. A community that when they heard that City of Heroes was meeting an abrupt end leaped into action.

    Some examples,

    Here, http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/09...alle/#comments the player community chipped in to buy the Paragon Studios development team dinner.

    Another, http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=295804 players opted to use the $14.99 that they would have spent on subscription charges and instead donate it to charity.

    I used these examples to show you that the money spent on the examples could have been money that went into NCSoft.

    I thank you for your time and service in reading my email, and I hope that it shows what NCSoft is giving up when it made the decision to terminate Paragon Studios and City of Heroes.
  10. If you're looking for a jump on point, as Anti_Proton said, Marvel is set to relaunch their titles after the events of Avengers vs. X-Men. However if you want to brief yourself on what's been happening in the current Marvel universe. Feel free to pick these trades

    Civil War
    Secret Invasion
    Dark Reign
    Golden Age
    Fear Itself

    These are a few titles, and there are more, but should give you a rough idea of what's going on in the Marvel Universe.
  11. Unknown_User

    City of Steam

    I think it was. There was a forumite that was developing and designing a steam punk style of MMO/Online game. he/she is currently on Paragon Unleashed as Steampunkette and I think that's the handle that she/he was using here also.
  12. Here's 2 promo clips for Season 2 of the Green Lantern Animated series featuring Guy Gardner

    Promo 1

    Promo 2
  13. Wanted to contribute but was at work. Very glad that the goal was met and hope that the devs have a great time.
  14. Saw this on Kotaku and thought it hilarious. See Deadpool do the Gangnam dance.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    What do you mean by that?
    Maybe he's talking about the mood of western fantasy movies in general.
  16. Here's a link that shows a few pics off the set of the upcoming Thor sequel.
  17. Just a friendly reminder that the Robot Chicken DC special airs tonight.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Anyone who already has one suddenly has a very valuable collector's item.
    That's what I'm thinking. As said before, the article states that Disney has sent out a recall notice to retailers. So that means they have them instock, but can't put them out due to the sales date being Spet. 25. I'm just thinking how much it's going to go for on the market sites.
  19. The comic book reviews were my favorite
  20. You can still get the regular Bluray or DVD set, just not this one. The thing that has me interested is that the article states that they've recalled the 10 disc set. So odds are that they're instock at some retailers. Maybe find a mom and pop store that's willing to say 'phooey' to the recall and they might sell you one. There's also online bid sites, odds are there's going to be a few employees that see this as a quick way to grab some extra cash since it's a rare item.
  21. Well it looks like the 10-Disc Avengers Bluray set has been delayed. According to this Disney and Marvel will redesign the briefcase that the set comes in to avoid the lawsuit. However in doing in so it will delay the launch of the set around Spring 2013.
  22. Essentially it's in 'Development Hell' and probably something that will never make it out. Odds are you have a better chance of George Lucas releasing a bluray version of the original trilogy minus all his edits in the past years.