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  1. Ullikummis

    RV AVs/Heroes

    Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
    My badger along with a few others did got the badges for the 5 Villains there. He is in the process of becoming Evil again. So later this week if you want to get some Signature Heroes, I wouldn't mind. I think because there are more Heroes, it may take a while to get them.
    Give me a yell if you guys do it early.

    <-- Will tank statesman for cookies!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Excelsio View Post
    I created a Mind/Energy Dom about a month ago, a few weeks before my original post in this thread.

    He's not quite ready to try out on a solo ITF run yet. But, I've found the combo to be super, incredibly powerful.
    I have a mind/energy perma-dom, and used her to dual-box a MoITF with my mastermind on the other account.

    The Rommy strategy was just to confuse him until he mistook those friendly little purple koosh balls for enemies. Then to perma-hold him while the mastermind's minions wittled away his health.

    Very powerful combo.

    On a non-master of run, you could easily get dead with envenomed dagger and your normal attacks.
  3. Happy Birthday Fald!

    *eats secret cookies to celebrate (in secret)*
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Keep your eye's peeled!
    But I have no eye lids!
  5. Turns out, my fire/kin has his alpha slot filled, so he could join any AC Incarnate madness.
  6. It turns out you can't convert cookies into incarnate salvage, so no slotted trollers for me
  7. Congratualtions!

    *eats 50 casually purpled out cookies to celebrate*
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
    Yep, for the most part team and TF formation happens in Guardian and Level 50; they're the two most popular.
    Also, they have better cookies!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    No, bases are not obsolete.

    (I would have simply said "No", but one-word posts are naughty.)

  10. Happy Birthday!

    *eats cookies in record time to celebrate*
  11. Happy Birthday Ninus!

    *eats 9 cookies to celebrate*

    *wishes he were named Hundredus*
  12. Happy Birthday!

    *eats the sweetest cookies in my cookie collection to celebrate*
  13. Happy Birthday!

    *eats Loca Cookies to celebrate*
  14. Happy Birthday Alpha-One!

    *eats 32 cookies to celebrate*
  15. Ullikummis

    Happy x-mas!!!

    Happy Day After Festivus!

    (Actually, it still is Festivus, because Pepsiman has not pinned me)
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morganite View Post
    It worked pretty well, until the bots started charging in like they were scrappers...
    Did they then start complaining about all the KB?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Korith View Post
    Answer: I got all the badges from AE on my main badge hunter. Continuing in AE won't earn me any progress on my other badges (well...maybe damage taken? Does that count in AE?)

    Nope, no credit for inf, damage, healing, debt paid off, sk ing, immobilized, etc.
  18. Grats!

    *eats 50 burnt cookies to celebrate*
  19. <-- will tank Statesman for cookies.

    Sign me up on Ullikummis
  20. Yeah, that "No response from this server" messages seems to be the new "You are not running the right version" message.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ullikummis View Post
    Please sign me up, I'll probably come as Galvanic Lens again.
    I think I maybe be busy around that time, so please downgrade my status from "sign up" to "maybe."