Possible to solo the ITF as a Controller or Dom?
Iggy Kamikaze soloed MoITF on a Kat/WP Scrapper so I'd be more than surprised if a Controller couldn't do it. Illu/Rad would probably be a good default choice.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
I know it's been done by a fire/? blaster with softcapped ranged defense; I think that person used several temp powers though. Limiting it to no temps would be a challenge but I think it's possible for a good, solid high damage build. Ill/Rad could probably do it and I'm sure there's several others. Earth/TA or Ice/Rad would have a major challenge though.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
The only really difficult part is the last mission with the Nictuses. However, for this there's a trick. If you land at Romulus' spawning location before he does then the Nictuses are not attached at the hip to Rom. You can then pull him out into the middle and proceed to take him down 4 times without any interference from his friends (besides the ambush spawns). Just be sure that he's within line of sight of the Nictuses or you'll also need to kill them as well which can be a real struggle for some.
To land there before him?
Isn't the cutscene triggered, when you come near the platform?
How do you want to get there, without triggering the cutscene?

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
I was on one ITF where a mind dom dragged most of the team through the mishes. Then the whole team quit right before romey except the dom, my emp and a phail scrapper. The dom pretty much soloed romey and the towers. I think he could prob do it on his own with the help of insps only.
Just asked him. Yes, he's done it before solo.
Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.
Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.

I was on one ITF where a mind dom dragged most of the team through the mishes. Then the whole team quit right before romey except the dom, my emp and a phail scrapper. The dom pretty much soloed romey and the towers. I think he could prob do it on his own with the help of insps only.
Just asked him. Yes, he's done it before solo. |
He's not quite ready to try out on a solo ITF run yet. But, I've found the combo to be super, incredibly powerful.
I created a Mind/Energy Dom about a month ago, a few weeks before my original post in this thread.
He's not quite ready to try out on a solo ITF run yet. But, I've found the combo to be super, incredibly powerful. |
The Rommy strategy was just to confuse him until he mistook those friendly little purple koosh balls for enemies. Then to perma-hold him while the mastermind's minions wittled away his health.
Very powerful combo.
On a non-master of run, you could easily get dead with envenomed dagger and your normal attacks.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
As noted above, I agree with Ill/Rad and Mind/Fire.
Confuse your way through the AV/EB affairs (make the Roman healers your friends, if you'd like).
Sleep, Confuse or Fear each of the ambushes.
Repeat Offenders

I did it in 3 hours on my rad/sonic defender. I could probably do it in less with my new illusion/cold controller. Ill try it tonight to see
I'm curious to know: is it possible to solo the Imperious Task force as either a Controller or Dominator *without temp powers*? Or, for that matter, is it possible to solo the ITF at all with any AT without temp powers?
Here's my thinking on it. There are two phases that have to be dealt with: the regular mobs, and the AVs at the end:
1. Regular Mobs:
These have inherent resistances to disorient, sleep, hold, knockback/up, repel, and immobilize effects. Additionally, some mobs have a 'Shout of Command' power which provides resistance to disorient, hold, sleep, immobilize, fear, and confusion. Source: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Cimeroran_Traitors
The holes here are fear and confusion, until Shout of Command is issued. The interesting hole is confusion, because if a group is AoE confused prior to Shout of Command being issued, then it should be nullified for the mobs. Additionally, the AoE confuse powers can be slotted with a Contagious Confusion proc for stacking confuse. Perma-doms can issue a double-magnitude AoE confuse with a Contagious Confusion proc.
Are AoE confuse powers a way to handle the regular mobs?
My thinking is that a Plant would likely be the best primary set candidate, because Seeds of Confusion is very fast recharging. Mind is interesting too, but the long recharge on Mass Confusion (down to 60 seconds) would seem to hamper it. Both also have sleep power(s) for dealing with the Nictuses.
2. The AVs:
It's been a while since I've done the ITF, but I seem to remember that the strategy for dealing with them is to sleep the Nictuses, pull the AV away, and then take him down. Taking the AV down solo would then be a matter of having a -regen power, and then having enough survivability to go for the win.
As far as secondaries:
a. Controller: Radiation or Kinetics stand out for having good both personal survivability and -regen. What about other secondaries? I'm not familiar enough with the others to comment.
b. Dominator: Psionic Assault stands out, since it has -regen in Drain Psyche.
So -- would a Plant/? Controller or Dominator be able to solo the ITF?