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  1. SuchANewb

    Soloing the STF!

    That's good to know. I always wanted a more than 2 power attack chain. I THINK that losing the 2.5% from the sleep set for the Basilisks set wouldnt hurt the recharge on PA too much, especially with my T3 Spiritual Recharge alpha. Anything else wrong with the build?
  2. SuchANewb

    Soloing the STF!

    Hmm, I'm considering starting it up tonight... But I have a few questions about my build to be honest. I'm wondering if Superior Invisibility would be better than having Arctic Fog for the Dr. Aeon fight. And I'm also trying to find an alternative epic to take, I don't like having the Fire epic. I HATE Fire shield.

    Anyways, I'm going to post my build, I'm sure there are a ton of things wrong with it, but Perma decoys was hard to get on an ill/cold. =/

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    Oh and, the reason Blind is slotted with the Sleep set is, I really needed the 10% recharge to make Decoys, Heat Loss, Sleet, and Benumb perma. I chain Spectral Wounds and Fire blast, it seems to be a better chain than Spectral and blind were.

    Thanks for any advice in advance! Be easy on my build =/
  3. SuchANewb

    Soloing the STF!

    Yeah, that tends to be my only challenge when fighting AV's. When the decoys get distracted and I'm sitting there wailing away at the AV. They tend to come on over and destroy me

    I went and got all 3 nukes. I have shivans and will have HVAS and Amy the Ward when I fight him. I'll wait until the end to use it all. But even if I fail after getting to his banes. On the inside I'll be happy knowing I came 30 seconds away from soloing the STF
  4. SuchANewb

    Soloing the STF!

    Well the thing is, Dr. Aeon's phase isn't perma. I tried earlier today for round 2(without the nukes/shivans.) and failed once again. But I did notice he can be attacked even without the temp, but he does phase throughout the fight. The main problem seems to be my decoys attacking his minions, and not him. So when I attack him I steal the aggro and it results in a Total Focus to my face.

    Also, I did get the shivans tonight, as well as all 3 nukes. The only problem is, I really wanted to have those for the final mission

    I don't have snow storm unfortunately... but honestly, if it helps me solo the STF then I'm not afraid of respeccing into it. This is my main character and has done pretty much all of the high end content with ease. So conquering the only thing that has stopped me dead in my tracks would make me very, very happy!

    Going to run it again tomorrow!
  5. SuchANewb

    Soloing the STF!

    Well, I got kicked from the TF when I entered Warburg to get the nukes... Fail.
  6. SuchANewb

    Soloing the STF!

    Im not against using temps and pets to be honest. I think if you, by yourself, solo a task force that some teams of 8 fail. Then you are awesome! : I'm getting nukes now.
  7. SuchANewb

    Soloing the STF!

    Ahhh I didn't even try that!!! Going to go try it!
  8. SuchANewb

    Soloing the STF!

    Yeah its a regular run so i could get some temps and shivans/nukes. I planned to pull two at a time on the last mission.
    And for LR i was going to rely on sleet/insps to deal wity the bosses he spawns. I have extremely high dps when my decoys do as they are told so killing LR SHOULDN'T be too bad. And yes im level shifted
  9. SuchANewb

    Soloing the STF!

    I'm trying to solo the STF!!! I'm not finished yet and I'm not sure if I can.
    This was on an Illusion/cold/fire Controller

    Here's how it all went down up until the last mission.
    1st Mission- Killed the pipes no biggie, Arbiter Sands and his endless ambushes were simple enough.

    2nd Mission- I killed the 4 AV's easy enough. Viridian was a bit tricky because he runs when decoys are reactivating.

    3rd Mission- Killed the 30 vines, and killed the tree.

    4th Mission- Got the key on the 3rd chief, started killing the 4 av's.. They were all pretty easy since PA is perma. I just broke Line of sight when they were resummoning.(They tend to get a shot in at me while they're appearing.)

    SO, when I got to Dr. Aeon I was a bit worried. He summons what looked like 6 EB's.
    I tried every strategy i could think of, I tried killing his EB's, but they just resummoned. I tried killing him and ignoring them but he aggroed to me because my decoys were busy attacking the EB's.

    I only had 1 death up to this point. I died on Arbiter Sands because of the endless ambushes, which I was unaware of. And I don't even know how many times I died fighting Dr. Aeon. I logged for the night due to frustration.

    So yeah that was my attempt at soloing the STF, I mainly posted this to challenge everyone to attempt it! Although I'm not sure if it's even possible, duo'ing it might be a more realistic challenge. Dr. Aeon is the hardest AV I've tried soloing, I personally feel like soloing him will be harder than the 4 AV's and LR.

    I'm going to try some more when I log back in, if I complete it i'll post all of the screenies I took during it. If anyone has a strategy for killing Aeon let me know!
  10. I did it in 3 hours on my rad/sonic defender. I could probably do it in less with my new illusion/cold controller. Ill try it tonight to see
  11. Shadow Meld is extremely useful. If you happen to get defense debuffed just pop it and you'll be fine. I use it on my claws/wp and while it's up I'm soft capped to every damage type in the game.. Also, if I remember correctly, the defense buff it gives is instant. It doesn't wait until after the 3 second animation to become active. Hope this helps.
  12. I have to disagree with elec/shield being the fastest farmer. Yes it does phenomenal burst damage. But the cooldown kills it. I feel as if my Spines/Invuln out performs elec/shield by a long shot. I also dont think the secondary you use with spines matters. If youre jumping above the mob to use your Throw spines correctly, then your second damage aura wont really matter. I would be willing to run the same map on the same settings against an elec/shield and im confident i would finish first. Spines/***** > Elec/Shield for farming more than 1 mob.