8326 -
Quote:You reminded me, Justice did some of these.(3) The nine minute hami raid - this was before incarnate powers. Everyone participating on virtue got shivans, Warburg nukes, vanguard mechs, etc. We cleared the mitos once, and then took Hami to zero
I believe we actually did one where we did not clear any mitos - we buffed on the gather rock, summoned pets out there, and charged. (All before Incarnates.) Who knows how many man-hours of collecting temp powers that was to produce something like a 4 minute raid.
On topic...
- I have very fond memories of crossing Steel Canyon exclusively by leaping from rooftop to rooftop. I was doing this with my Inv/Broadsword Scrapper (my 2nd character ever), who had Super Jump. This was back when the Yellow and Green lines of the PTA were not linked, and SC was where you went to get from one to the other. I used to have a "route" of sorts for rooftops he could reach in succession. Since some were lower than others and jumping to the wrong one left you nowhere you could reach another rooftop without backtracking. It always gave me an oddball thrill to cross that long zone only by touching rooftops - it felt seemed Spider-Man-like, despite my character having nothing in common with that character. It's probably the closest thing Super Jump has ever given me to the feeling that Flight has given so many of us over the years.
- Despite starting most (if not all) of my characters in Galaxy City, I still remember the joy of hearing the music that played in Atlas Park. To this day, that music sometimes still gives me goosebumps. That music is one of the crowning atmospheric achievements of the original game.
- Back when mobs stacked infinitely and before ED/GDN, I took the same Scrapper to the southern dock areas in Peregrine Island for some Nemesis street sweeping. I herded a bunch of Jaegers around a corner, and hit them all with Head Splitter. I don't know how many critters it was, but the resulting explosion nearly killed my Scrapper, which meant it was a lot of damage back then. An SG-mate who was with me saw this and commented that she was taken aback because she though I had somehow cast Inferno. Back in those days, people street sweeping the docks was pretty common, so there were some other players nearby, and they actually stopped and "applauded" in local chat because of how cool they thought that was.
- Using Energy Transfer on huge pulls of Freakshow on my Inv/EM Tanker taking advantage of the same mob stacking plus the early "Gauntlet" bug that allowed all Tanker attacks to become (small) AoEs. I power-leveled that Tanker into the high 30s completely solo by doing that in the back of Crey's Folley. And yes, I killed myself more than once. I seem to recall that I couldn't hit more than 11 of them at once or I would die from the self damage.
Quote:LoL!We also briefly had a supergroup on Pinnacle where each of our characters was named after a credit card. My daughter was American Express, I was Visa, my Mom was Mastercard, and my Dad was Discover Card. The battle cry we'd yell altogether was,
and our Supergroup name was....Chapter 11. :P -
Quote:I'm not sure there was ever supposed to be a Council Earth. I think that may have been a side effect of the ham-handed way the parties responsible executed Statesman's directive to replace the 5th Column references with Council references. From what he said later, he never meant to eradicate the 5th Column from the game's history, but rather for them to be replaced where it made sense given that the Council took them over from within. Primal Earth missions with 5th Column in them should have been sensibly replaced, but universe-wide references probably should not have been.Is there a pro-Council version of Statesman and the phalanx in the Council Empire division? What are the names of all said characters?
So, it probably never made sense for Axis Earth to become Council Earth. Now, given the proliferation of parallel Earths, it's easy to accommodate both, of course, but it may mean that Council Earth is kind of a spurious lore artifact, and my not have much deeper explanation, such as details of its version of the Freedom Phalanx. -
Quote:I agree with Ad Astra. I think you kind of miss the point of funerals, and therefore possibly expressions of grief in general.I guess I'm the weird one here. I want people to be honest at my funeral and would greatly appreciate it. I feel that never liking a person the entire life then when they die all of a sudden they want to make peace as the most disrespectful thing they can do or pretending they liked the person in the eulogy when two days ago they was on the verge of sending them to the coffin themselves. At my funeral, I rather people be honest than fake. But that is just me. If they viewed me as nothing but a mere spoiled brat and that is on their mnd, then say so. Dont get up there and all of a sudden act like we was the best of friends and I was the greatest person in the world when in no manner when I was living was that ever expressed.
People don't go to funerals to gripe. They go to show respect for the deceased. Who are they showing respect to? Some of them believe they're showing it to the soul of the deceased, looking on from the afterlife. Most, though, (also) recognize that they're showing it to (a) the other attendees and (b) themselves.
People who didn't respect you at all generally would never show up at your funeral, because doing so is considered a show of respect. If someone does have enough respect to show up, they usually recognize that the other people there are there because they were close to the deceased, and are grieving that the person is gone. For that to be the case, the deceased had to have characteristics someone liked, and those are the characteristics the mourners will be missing, not the annoying ones.
So showing up at the funeral and going up to the podium and being harsh about the person's faults is likely going to upset those gathered, because even if they know about those things, they're not why they've come.
If someone was a truly flawed person, there are ways to acknowledge that when you speak of them to the bereaved without laying it bare. They'll all know what you mean. But out of respect to those who are hurting over the loss, it's not really kind to be all like "but yeah, I'm not going to miss them."
There's a thread about things people won't miss about CoH. I posted a moderately long list - I know CoH is hardly perfect. But I was never going to stop playing CoH over those flaws, and I'd be overjoyed to have the opportunity to have to deal with them after November 30. There's way more about this game that I enjoy than that I don't, or I wouldn't have played it for 8+ years.
Ultimately, the OP does feel like he's pissing in my Cheerios a bit, because for all that he expresses support for the idea that CoH's players are justified in trying to save it, he turns around near the end of his post and more or less says he doesn't really think CoH is all that. As someone smarting from the pending loss of my favorite hobby and on-line social activity, that's not something I feel like being reminded of. "Do unto others" has a popular corollary - people expect others to show them the same respect they would offer. I would not speak ill of the dead at their funeral out of respect for the mourners, and I would expect the same courtesy when I am mourning. While no one's died here, the same principle applies. -
Quote:Ugh. This just smacks of ignorance and a superiority complex.ill come back here on nov 29th to tell you i told you so. till then welcome back to the real world.
If the game shuts down on Nov. 30 or whatever, no one will have "told you so" to any but the most ridiculously over-optimistic players. I sometimes think some of the players promoting a negative outlook don't understand what "hope" entails.
If you have "hope" that the game can be saved, it means you understand that it might not. It doesn't mean you know it will be saved. If someone around here thinks they know that CoH will continue to run beyond Nov. 30, and it doesn't, you can come tell them "told you so". You can't do that for anyone with a more realistic outlook.
Anyone with a lick of sense has known all along, no matter how painful it was to consider, that the odds of the game being saved have been small. Worse, even if the game can be saved, it would almost certainly still shut down on Nov. 30 - moving the game to any other stewards would almost certainly take time. Pretty much the only version of saving CoH that involved no shutdown would be if NCSoft itself kept the game running, and the reasons that was incredibly unlikely started to become apparent thanks to various analyses within days of the announcement.
In short, it's pointless to lord over people that "you were right" when they already knew it was likely. The only thing sensible people are hoping is that "you might not be right". If you turn out to be right, it's not going to be a surprise. Disappointing, but not surprising.
Hope and realism are not necessarily incompatible. -
Quote:Heheh. I have five Dark Miasma characters. Four of them are level 50. That tops my list of replay counts for a powerset - the next closest is four /Regen characters....I lost count. My water defender is almost 50 (I no longer feel the need to specify the buff/debuff set).
Sadly, as cool as I think the last Miasmist is (it's a Sonic/Dark), I see myself getting her to 50 before the curtain call. I could PL her, but that isn't how I normally roll.
I do have plans to 1-2 things to 50, and I want them to be something I've not really experienced before, so Twilight Banshee will likely stay level 30. -
What we're doing
I'm planning what I think is the last of my dedicated attempts to get the Really Hard Way badge in the Magisterium incarnate trial. I'm shooting for starting to form this Thursday at 8 PM Eastern Time. That's 7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain and 5 PM Pacific.
When we're doing it
If you're a west coast player and can't get there at 5, bear in mind we haven't yet started one of these sooner than 30 minutes after we started forming. We also usually try three times, though (so far) we've only succeeded once per set of three.
Hopefully, scheduling this for Thursday this week will allow for some time to get the word out.
How we're doing it
See my previous thread for details on what we need most. Having 1/3-1/2 of the league be +3 Corruptors is the easiest way to pull this off. Even if you can't bring that, most everyone needs to be +3. If you can bring anything that debuffs DR, that's also a big help.
Naturally, if your badge collector meets none of those requirements, that's OK. That's why we've been running it over and over - to give people a chance to rotate in their badge collectors, no matter what they are.
I know a lot of folks have achieved this badge now on the previous four trials. Even if you already got this badge on one of the prior attempts, please come help others get it. In particular, if you have it and can now bring something else that better matches what we need to pull it off, please consider bringing that.
If you really want this badge and this date/time won't work for you, please reply here or send me some kind of PM or /tell ASAP, and I can see about rescheduling, running more, or whatever. I want to wrap these up soon if possible - people have been awesome helping out, and I don't want to exhaust their good will!
Thanks in advance to all who can come, and everyone else wish us luck. -
Quote:Holy **** is that cool.Draft of the wicked idea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ8vvButxJY
Quote:For what it's worth, I think even at its heyday(s), CoH usually ran at something more like 5-7 Atlas instances. Not that that sucks at all. Thirty odd is just an immense number. And of course, back then, people could start in Galaxy, too. (I'm sure it was a minority who did so, but some people chose Galaxy specifically to avoid the crowds in Atlas. I know, I was one of them.Off topic-But man only if the Atlas 33 thing was a normal occurance aka, that many people played at the same time on a day to day basis.
Never heard of the uncorrected drop bug, but I am guessing the "0/0" bit might be a reference to +0/x0 difficulty, which was the default value for new characters (or any characters for which no difficulty change had ever been made) instead of "+0/x1".
The actual result was +0/x1, as far as I know. -
One oddball side effect, hitting pause seems to cause some functional items to disappear. At least it did on the beta client. I made a nice long demo of one of my characters walking through the base, which gives plenty of time to tool around with the free camera.
I wouldn't be surprised if one could hand-edit a demo file to make it run for longer than its original recording time. -
I'm likely with you guys.
I didn't do MMOs before CoH came out. It was the first one that attracted me.
The scene has changed a lot since I started playing, and I think MMOs as a category of games have improved a fair amount. Many of the things that I disliked about them have been addressed in newer titles. Sadly, my avoidance of MMOs was a combination of active distaste for what I considered negative aspects and a lack of interest in their actual content. While the negative aspects have been addressed in some new MMOs, the interest still isn't there for me. CoH was a huge outlier for me.
I'm something of a one-hobby, one-vice kinda guy. I want to sink time into one activity and really invest in it. I'm not sure I'm up for the investment of time in an MMO that I spent here, even if I found one I liked. I'm not sure I'd be lucky enough to pick one that lasted this long. As much as I hate to see CoH go (barring miracles), it's had a pretty damn good run. -
Quote:At this point, Virtue seems consistently more loaded than Freedom, whereas leading up to the announcement, they were more balanced, perhaps with a slight bias towards Virtue being more loaded, more often.That's interesting considering Virtue always seems to show Yellow whenever I login. Granted I dont' have active toons on Virtue to check, but I look to see anyway.
We have always needed to be careful about drawing overly strong conclusions from those load indicators. If the Freedom shard had beefier hardware allocated to it than Virtue, it would be less likely to show the same load even for the same on-line player counts. And the three-dot scale isn't very granular.
All that said, I can't help but wonder if the stereotypes frequently applied to Freedom and Virtue wouldn't suggest that Freedom would empty out more than Virtue under the circumstances. My stereotype of Freedom is as a place that had a lot of players with sort of shallow views of the game - more into "following the herd" in terms of FotM characters, farming, PL-ing, etc. Virtue's stereotype is, of course, of role play, which suggests (but does not guarantee) a greater attachment to characters, SGs or other social groups, and possibly to other players.
Comparing my perception of those two stereotypes, it seems natural to me that the emotional investment of role-players could be stronger, on average, compared to folks who often were just interested on playing on the server with the most other players.
I know I just painted two whole server populations with immensely broad brushes. I'm 100% positive that everyone on Freedom wasn't a farming, PL-ing hack who didn't care about the game, or that every Virtue player is a role player, or even that every role player is emotionally invested in their characters. But I do think there may be something to the idea that those stereotypes really applied sufficiently to affect how the two servers populations reacted to the sunset announcement.
Or I could be completely wrong, and other factors might be at play. I have no good evidence, only theories based on stereotypes that may not really apply the way I think they do. -
Quote:I think the F2P approach they took here was good for what would become VIPs, and for "Premium" folks subbed so long they were at least "Tier 7" in the Paragon Rewards system.I won't go into little niggles in the game. The one thing I really won't miss is the complex F2P system. I will miss F2P, but I wish it was like other games did it (in particular EQ2, as I mentioned on another thread).
I think it was mostly OK for new players, except for the draconian chat communication and supergroup access limitations, which I think were harmful if well-meaning.
I think it was poor for Premium players who didn't reach Tier 7. I think the way some of the feature lock out was handled, Inventions in particular, was off-putting to folks who would have otherwise returned. I cannot say that improvements would have actually paid sufficient dividends to change the game's fate (or at least the timing of that fate), but it seems clear it would have helped some. I know for sure I've read about folks who didn't want to play with their characters' builds nullified due to lack of Inventions license.
I get why Inventions were made more of a VIP-style perk, but I think the lockout was too binary and placed too far up the PR tier list. A more granular feature progression would have been better, and I think full access should have been available at a lower tier. I also think a one-time purchase option to unlock it would have been better. Unfortunately, I suspect a more granular system would have required a lot of new game code that didn't exist.
I hate to say this, because I definitely to take advantage of how it worked, but I think in some ways the devs did their pricing structure for things in the Paragon Market wrongly. Think about things like the storage expansions. A (large) one-time, up-front purchase unlocks extra enhancement/storage/recipe/vault storage on existing characters, and all characters from then on.
I think a much lower cost option that operated per-character could have gotten them more income. Yes, it probably would have been considered by some as "nickel-and-diming us to death". But with a low enough price point, I think people who experienced it would have been compelled to spend on it for new characters, at least past some certain point, where you're sure you're going to keep playing it. I would have.
A bulk purchase at higher cost that unlocked extra storage for all characters when the Paragon Market first came out would still have made sense, as it would have been a bargain for people with large, pre-existing stables of characters.
Basically I think they could have done the "micro" in micro-transaction a bit better. Make little QoL things cheap but per-character, and you get ongoing income in a game heavily predicated about creating new alts. -
One addition to the many environmental sounds Atlantea listed is generators. If you stand near what looks like a street-level generator box for the power company, or on a building roof, it hums.
Listen to the city when standing in Talos. (I often noticed this while loitering in Wentworths.) In addition to the sounds of cars and whatnot, you will hear birds chirping, though only when it's light out. It sounds like a summer day.
By the way, the thing with the mailbox and Singularity or Group Fly is true of all those kinds of objects with attacks. If you set off certain AoEs in the presence of those items, such as Fire Ball or Foot Stomp, you'll knock the appropriate contents out of the item. Leaves out of trees, letters out of mailboxes, sheets of paper out of cardboard boxes, soda cans and wadded paper out of trash hoppers and trash cans, etc.
In the University buildings, on the library side, there are loose books on the tops of the bookshelves that you can move. -
Justice is noticeably quieter, but not dead. This evening we ran iTrials for about three hours. Yesterday we had full teams running Magisterium for the Really Hard Way badge. (We've gotten it once a night on four separate nights now.) We still run Hamidon on Monday and Wednesday, and RWZ raids after.
There seems to be a fairly sharp divide of players into two broad camps of people.
On one side are those who, as already mentioned, don't see the point in playing more - future accomplishments are going to be gone soon, so why bother playing?
On the other side are players who view accomplishments with their characters as something they will cherish even if the game ceases to be available. They are often seeking to do more things they had not previously done (usually because they thought they had more time). I'm one of those people. If I have to, I'll be cramming in badges and whatnot on Nov 30. (Well, I hope I'm done with badges way before then, but if I had to, I would.)
There's a bit more involved. Some folks also are keeping playing because they have friends playing (sometimes for the reasons directly above), and some just really love playing CoH, and are filling as much time with it as they can while it's still here. For these folks, goals per-se aren't the point, but rather the experience itself.
Those who seem most prone to leave seem more loosely attached to the combination of the game world, their characters, or friends who aren't leaving yet. If you feel your characters can be ported to another game, or don't really get attached to characters at all, if your friends all left, or you mostly just played in PuGs on active servers, you probably are more prone to leave.
Me, I'm attached to my characters and want to round out their accomplishments, I want to play the game until I can't any more, and I have friends who are staying for the kinds of reasons given above. Justice seems to have a nice core of players like me who plan to stick it out till the end. While player counts may continue to decline, I bet I know the names of Justice community of players who will be logged in on Nov 30. I'm sure other servers have their equivalents. -
I haven't seen high-end CO play, and for a variety of reasons, likely never will. But it sounds like its high end offers something that might be comparable to Scrappers, Brutes, or even some things we can't have here, like Ranged/Armored characters. But I don't think that would quite match the high end here on a team, even if you could get lots of mobs together, because the buffs and debuffs are weaker.
I solo a melee characters a lot in CoH, so I certainly can appreciate the notion of a game that lets you build such characters, but I also do things like speed TFs and iTrials, and in those contexts, a lot of the crazy things we pull off in CoH are strongly influenced by buffs and debuffs. Something like the Really Hard Way badge from the Magisterium iTrial is impossible without overwhelming debuffs. (Naturally, I realize it is only set up that way because we have such strong debuff options.) I will miss that big picture of collective overpowered play, assuming of course no one recreates something like it. If they do, I will be very likely to check it out.
(Controls in CoH are a lot of fun too, at least in PvE. They're kinda crazy, though, and clearly a bit hard to balance even in PvE. Another place I have a hard time seeing other people follow.) -
Sorry, not seeing anything in there that hasn't been considered or discussed previously. It's a fairly sensible analysis, so I'm not taking exception to it, but I'm not sure why you think no one's considered it.
I had forgotten that it was a bug, but that's a far more specific accident that worked out in their favor. Almost the entire powers system structure was filled with implications the devs didn't really grasp until players took them and went berserk with them. The strength of buffs, the wide variety of buffs available, the ways survival buffs like defense and DR stacked, and the high base HP regenerative powers of player characters all combined to create a system that made us very powerful, and at the same time, that the original devs lliterally didn't understand.
When I started playing CoH, my SG was fighting +10 critters in Talos within a couple of weeks after pre-release. The devs had to put in the "purple patch" and caps on XP gain just to try and limit how powerful we were and how fast that power let us progress. The initial purple patch was much more draconian than what we have today. With the original purple patch, fighting a +1 was more like fighting a +2 is now. Doing so with TOs was completely pointless. They had to give it more spread because of the limitations of the side kick system of the day.
As innovative and awesome as the SK system was, everyone had to have their own mentor, and the levels of all the mentors didn't have to match. Being an SK made you -1 to your mentor. There was, originally, no ability to change mission difficulty setting, so everyone usually wanted to do the missions of the highest level character on the team, so all the level spread was shifted down. You needed players with TOs and DOs to be able to be at least a little useful against +1 or +2 critters, because it was terribly common for an SK to have a mentor who was at least -1 to the current mission holder. So the purple patch was made less intense so we could actually fight more than +0s.
So we have characters who had the raw power to take on +10s with buffs, now restricted to usefully fighting +3 or so foes. But that meant that, with buffs, we were amazingly good at fighting +0 foes - the baseline difficulty the game presented to us. So we usually settled on something higher that didn't get into the worst of the diminishing returns. That was usually perceived to be +2, AKA "Invincible" and later "Relentless" for CoV. (If you had strong AoEs, you were often better on the settings that were, in rough terms, equivalent to (+0/x2) and (+1/x2) today. If you were strong at single-target damage and could take the harder hits, (+2/x1) was usually the best XP/time.)
This has been the root of so many things about the game. The perceptions of baseline (average) speeds at which people leveled, the drive to create mission difficulty settings ... but the biggest thing it led to was the ability to take on huge spawns - one of the most comic-book-like things I think this game delivers outside things like travel powers.
Its one reason I am not sure any game will ever be able to replace CoH for me, because, at its core, I love CoH's gameplay because its balance was broken. Well, "broken" in the sense that it was nothing like what the devs originally aimed for. Despite that they put a bounding box around us with the "purple patch", that brokenness has been a core aspect of the game since release. It's in the game's DNA, as it were, and bleeds into everything the devs have given us since then (good and bad).
And for the most part, I've enjoyed that about it immensely.
I don't know if anyone would be insane enough to implement a system like this on purpose. I'm not sure any more carefully balanced system will ever deliver the raw sense of power this game does. And I certainly don't think it's likely that anyone will accidentally hit the same sweet spots ever again. -
Energy Transfer.
While I sort of miss old-school Regen nostalgically, I think I actually prefer it the way it is now. -
Quote:o.oTrue story, when I started using demorecord, I was told that audio not being recorded was a feature, not a bug.
Does it actually need to record audio events? Or does it just record effects references that the engine (mostly) plays back as if it were being told they were happening in normal play? I would have thought the latter, which would mean the sounds playback would mostly be baked into the effects playback. But that's all assumption, I haven't looked at the guts of a demo file in a very long time.
I could see a powers-effects-centric recording losing environmental stuff like footfalls, doors opening, and elevators dinging. (Which would suck, but be better than nothing). -
My opinion is that this game owes an immense debt to Jack, because his vision (in the broad sense, not the game balance sense) shaped the lore, setting and and general comic-hero (and villain) inspired nature that lie at the deepest core of its design. Others were involved in the process, but Jack was the lead designer.
I absolutely believe there came a point where the game was better off once he left. In particular, I think that part of what made this game as successful as it was had to do with how badly the implementation actually failed to translate that creative vision into game mechanics the way the original devs envisioned.
At release, CoH had incredibly broken game balance, and while a lot of heavy-handed nerfs came down to try and address that, I believe that even today we exhibit a legacy of power relative to the PvE environment that exists only because of those early design mistakes. Don't get me wrong - I personally love a lot of the ways this game's balance has been "broken" (relative to what was intended) for so long. I think the devs accidented into greatness there, creating a game that felt far more "super heroic" than they actually meant to. It did create some issues, but I tend to feel they were worth it in the long-run.
But it seemed to me that Jack took a long time to come around to the idea that some of how they missed their targets was actually a blast for a lot of players in practice. It probably wasn't just him, but he was an obvious face for what was presented to players. I think towards the end of his tenure here, he had coming around to the idea, but I think he lost a lot of good will with early efforts to bend the game back towards his/their original balance vision.
So I think he deserves a huge amount of credit for driving the design of the over-arching game world and systems as we know them, some blame for not understanding more about how to translate that vision into a game system, and yet some thanks for presiding over a team that managed to implement something so many of us have loved so much almost by accident. -
Quote:That. Is. Awesome.To answer my own question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bzekKQobB0
And its been there for a while apparently, not just in I24.
This makes me really sad that I don't have more demos of various things. I'm glad Justice is still being active about a lot of stuff. It gives me a chance to..
So, uh, how does one activate it?.
Quote:I'm really missing audio. I'm actually beginning to wonder if [sound] can be hacked back in.