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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RedLineage View Post
    Boosting IOs really only makes sense for level 50 IOs as boosting a lower IO would be a waste as you can just buy the higher level IO later.
    A level 25 boosted to +5 is not remotely the same as a level 30. Its enhancement values are actually just shy of a level 50. So if you want to be able to exemplar down to level 25 (23, actually) and keep all your set bonuses, but have just shy of the enhancement of someone slotted with level 50s, you can.*

    Where the main difference comes in is whether you want to focus on exemplar or level 50 play in your build. If you want to play at level 50 most of the time and aren't (as) concerned about keeping your set bonuses when exemplared, then you can use boosters to amp up your performance by boosting level 50 IOs. A common/uncommon/rare 50+5 IO has the same enhancement values as a superior (purple/very rare) IO. For some things, like damage in attacks, this is likely overkill, but it can be useful for shoring up sets with low values in accuracy, endurance reduction or recharge. It's also very useful for saving slots. Two level 50+4 commons provide about 101% enhancement, which is a good way to get ED-compliant slotting for something like Hasten's recharge in just two slots.

    * Note that the exemplar system scales down enhancement values, so whether you have level 50 or level 25+5 IOs slotted, you lose a bunch of enhancement value from most enhancements. However, you end up at pretty much the same place whether you have 50s or 25+5s slotted, because you start at pretty much the same place.
  2. Before I came to CoH, I spent about five years playing a couple of team combat FPSes that had no PvE component at all. Most of that five years was spent playing on leagues and in ladders, with time spent planning and practicing to hone individual skill, team cooperation, and overall strategy and tactics.

    When I finally came to CoH, I was burned out on fighting other players seriously, and the complete lack of PvP in CoH was attractive to me for that reason. If I was going to play MMO, I wanted that feature from it.

    By the time CoH added PvP, I found I didn't have the interest any more to get involved in it. I concluded that my approach to PvP was very binary - I either wanted to do it whole hog or not very much at all, and I couldn't be troubled to throw myself into doing it whole hog the way I had for so long.

    I did poke at it casually a small amount, but it became obvious that some of my favorite builds, Dark/Dark Defenders and DM/Regen Scrappers, just were mechanically never going to be effective at PvP. Still, it was fun to poke my head into zones with friends, and I had a number of in-game friends who were pretty hard-core about PvP, which gave me both my main motivation to PvP at all and a nice cushion when I did so.

    There were a lot of things about pre-I13 PvP that were not great, but I still enjoyed it. It was fast paced and exciting, if sometimes lopsided. I13 completely gutted everything I did like about it and replaced it with almost nothing I can appreciate. Those are my own subjective opinions of its mechanics, not opinions absorbed from other players. On top of that, I13's changes drove away every one of those PvPers I was friends with. So I don't play it now both because I intensely dislike how it now plays and because it removed the players who were my only real motivation to PvP in the first place.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    The devs are in fact thinking that in the end game specifically, defense has an edge because its so easy to build for high defense and the level of debuffing is higher - an area defense intrinsically has an edge over other damage mitigation.
    I can see the former, but they seem fond of undercutting the latter by giving out auto-hit defense debuffs and +toHit on mobs. Probably the most extreme example of auto-hit debuff is that put out by Tarantula Mistresses, but of course that's been around for a while and may not have been the brainchild of any current devs. However, the Scryer version of Seers has a very similar power that is also auto-hit.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
    Wait- they're okaying that? I thought there were too many issues surrounding Ms. Liberty in Atlas to move her to IP.
    There were. She's going to be in both places, for now.

    Given that all the hero TF contacts are standing both in their zones and in Fort Trident, I wouldn't be bothered if she was in both places all the time. But I wouldn't mind BaB in Atlas, either.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Ah, I see. What are those catalysts? Salvage like the Converters, or? And where can I get them from? Are they just drops?
    They appear only as drops, and only from Incarnate content (currently iTrials and anything in DA, including street mobs). At present they are character bound, though the devs have acknowledge that this is sucky and plan to do something with it, but we don't yet know what.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
    Combat attributes accounts for both the purple patch and innate resistance, when looking through an analizer on my necro.
    Again, it does not account for resistance when showing the applied value.

    As Hopeling mentions, the total will be correct given any resistances, but when you look at the brreakdown list of applied values, they are not adjusted for resistances.
  7. You can't boost a proc unless it also provides some enhancement. For example, LotG:+7.5% recharge do actually enhance defense, and all the ATE procs usually enhance recharge.

    If you boost one of these, you only boost the enhancement aspect, not the proc or special function. If you have something that only provides a proc or special function, then you can't use boosters on it at all.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Justice_Bringer View Post
    Not on their own, but shouldn't this be this case when buffed due to the much higher damage cap?
    No. This includes when both ATs are at the damage cap.

    The Brute damage cap was reduced slightly in I18 to enforce this. (Edit: It does require accounting for average benefit of critical hits from the Scrapper.)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Johnny, the purple patch and general resistance to resistance debuffs are two different things, though. Yes, Bruising gets around the purple patch, but it should NOT be getting around resistance debuff resistance. Otherwise, Bruising actually allows you to do MORE than 20% more damage to damage-resistant enemies.
    It's unlikely that it's bypassing resistance. I do not believe that the attribute monitor ever accounts for foe initial damage resistance when displaying DR debuffs.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    But then, all my own sources of -res (venom nade, surveil, shatter armour) which all also have a value of -20....showed up as -13%, indicating they WERE being resisted.
    The Combat Attributes window never shows actual resisted values for things like this. All it will correctly indicate is the change in values due to differences in level - the "purple patch" effect. In the MoM trial, the AVs are effectively level 56. 13 is 65% of 20, which is exactly the effect scaling for things +3 levels over you, so I'm guessing your Bane is 50+3. That's not the AV resisting your effect as much as it's the effect being less effective against a +3 critter.

    As J_B mentioned, the reason Bruising is showing up at the full 20% is that the AV is given a temp power that causes it to debuff itself. Since it's always its own level, the debuff isn't scaled by the "purple patch".

    Now, I believe the devs have added tech to make these effects honor level-difference scaling, as they put out a patch note a while back saying they had done this with Interface slot effects. (I haven't checked this, though.) However, they might have left Bruising alone since it doesn't stack, as others have mentioned.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Red Fortune's 6 slot bonus is very tempting to those looking to cap ranged defense. Especially if you're using a powerset that usually goes with ranged combat like Force Fields or Cold.
    That's so not why they are expensive. Six slotting defense toggles (or worse, passives) is a terrible opportunity cost for the benefit - very few people do that.

    They used to have a decent price just because they were a nice, Uncommon rarity set that was good in defense-centric powersets, but they're much more expensive now, and there's only one reason. You can use Enhancement Converters to turn them into LotGs.
  12. Except proclaim "lolveats".

    I don't see you in other threads telling people they should use those powersets.

    Whatever man. I'm done.
  13. I struggle to imagine vehicles as the actual focus of a powerset. Yes, there are vehicles in superhero comics, but there are extremely limited example of vehicles themselves being someone's super power, unless we talk about the degenerate case of powered armor of some kind.

    So, no, I don't really see it.

    When people ask for vehicles in this game, I primarily see it as interest in a vehicular travel power or something like that. Not as a powerset.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    If it was permanent out of the box, I'd agree with you. The fact is that without IO's it's really not that great of a power. It has a very small radius, a tohit check, a short duration and a long recharge. As a personal survivability tool it's useless without other forms of mitigation layered with it. I would say that something like Soul Drain is actually much more powerful out of the box.
    How powerful something is "out of the box" is only part of the picture. Shield Defense isn't that hot without IOs either, yet there was a pervasive message on the forums that if you were going to build out with IOs, if you care about maximum performance you should use Shield Defense as your foundation. That's the same fundamental message you're giving about */Metnal and Drain Psyche. And you aren't just mentioning here and there and moving on, you're parading it in people's faces in multiple threads, and breaking out posts like "lol [yourcharacter]" in response to other people's posts about what they can do. You're promoting the very kind of forum undercurrent that catches the devs' collective eye.

    Let me be absolutely clear: I'm not going to be PMing the devs asking for DP to be nerfed. I'm trying to make clear to you that your behavior is just the kind of thing that can precipitate it. Now, that's hardly to say that the devs couldn't decide to change it without that kind of input, if they thought it needed it - they aren't slaves to forum trends. But if you're actually successful in convincing readers that the only way to go for a high-end survivable Blaster is /Mental, and DP is why, then you're certainly recreating conditions that have lead to adjustments in the past.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Guess how much liability they have if their software causes my computer to animate and attack me with an axe. Yeah, I can come up with ridiculous questions, too.
    I'm pretty sure both nation states and criminal organizations would be all over malware that did that.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    It's not just a personal claim though. I don't and can't do anything that anyone else couldn't do if they wanted to- Anyone can make a Blaster exactly like mine. It's not exploitative, I'm not using any secret tricks or doing anything that I haven't shared with the community, and I don't have any information that isn't available to everyone else.
    It's not exploitative in the sense that you aren't using some bug to do it. You are taking ruthless advantage of something that's radically outside the normal capabilities of a Blaster.

    I'm going to be blunt. Drain Psyche is a poster child for powers that get nerfed. People acting like you do with regards to it help get them nerfed, because game devs don't like to see opinions like yours appear. "There are many choices, but this is the right one, because it's the only one that gives you these capabilities." One right choice is never deemed a good thing by devs who offer many choices. If one choice is always unambiguously superior, it's always a prime candidate for the bat.

    Do you know what precipitated Shield Charge being nerfed at the specific time it happened? It was a thread titled "Why play anything but /Shield?" Castle saw that, posted in the thread "are you guys going to make me look into this," looked into it, and discovered long-standing errors in the power that were why it was so powerful. That's exactly the kind of tone your posts sets for Blasters and Drain Psyche.

    You've posted in the "Blasters in Modern CoH" thread about how you think that all blaster powersets should be brought up to par with Drain Psyche, but based on past and ongoing behavior, I find the likelihood of them giving all Blasters something that powerful radically unlikely. I hope Blasters get improved, and will argue for it, but I expect something far less radical, which would leave DP as an outlier, and I would not be shocked if it got changed.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I'm not sure what's more amusing and easily discarded to me, Villain Epic AT's or this assessment. I'd be happy to have several GM killing races with your Hunstman vs. my Blaster. On average, I would say that my Blaster wins every time.
    Dude, you seriously need to put that thing back in your pants. The only reason you can even make such claims is because you get sizable, enhanceable -regen, which is an outlier for Blasters the size of the Orion Nebula.
  18. Remember, Sam doesn't like mixing sets. We mentioned frankenslotting to him very early in the thread.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. It just seems to me like Dark Astoria expects me to be packing defence-granting Inventions sets and so sets the accuracy of its critters accordingly. That's why I feel SR needs help. I'd be glad to be wrong, of course.
    You're not wrong. This is the same thing Arcanaville spent so much time being one of the most vocal opponents of back before I7, because back then critters over +0 and over minion rank got +toHit, and that was disproportionately hard on sets like SR. Now, years later the devs have turned around and basically replicated that for Incarnate critters (and, mysteriously, for all level 50+ DE). Critters in Incarnate contexts have what amounts to +14% toHit, on top of anything else they might do that's bad for defense sets. So it's exactly as if your 30-35% defense was 16-21% defense in the rest of the game.

    This was somewhat possible to overlook in the iTrials, since the leagues are so large and +def buffs tend to be plentiful. It stands out like a sore thumb in DA, though, where they have stated that they expressly tuned the content for solo characters or very small teams. You aren't nearly so likely to be swimming in +defense buffs in that context, and the mobs automatically ignore something 1/3 to 1/2 of the defense of an SO'd build for defense sets.
  20. Just to be clear on the bit a few posts back about replacing CIs with the ATEs, you end up with a net gain on recharge, not a loss. The "standard" (non-purple) ATEs give a Stalker 8.75% +recharge for 5 slots, where CIs give 5% for five slots.
  21. I certainly assumed so, and did my calculations based on one target.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
    So no hibernate from the cold epic ?
    Sure. But the Scrapper can have that too from Mako's.
  23. You can still queue powers.

    However, sometimes the queue is canceled. The red circle will go away, and thus the power will not fire. I do not know why this happens, though I have theories about network packets between the client and server arriving at one or the other out of order. When it happens it irritates the hell out of me.

    If you are experiencing this consistently, check your netgraph (/netgraph in game) and see if it looks "clean". You should not see red or yellow spikes, and you should see very low "duplicate in", "retransmitted" and "lost in" counts.

    Dull Pain has a delay on activation of its benfits. Even if you activate the power exactly when you mean to (with no loss of queue), you do not get the heal immediately. This can result in untimely defeat, as well as a wasted activation of DP.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
    If you play at range melee attacks can't be used against and the only AoE attacks that can be used against you are targeted AoE, PBAoE is ruled out.
    Melee attacks usually can't be used against you. You can still be mezzed or have to fight in a constrained space where you can't get the elevation or hallway length that will reliably keep foes out of range. The only sets that are particularly strong at keeping foes out of melee range in such circumstances are Dark, thanks to Tenebrous Tentacles, and Devices, thanks to Caltrops.

    And I'm sorry, but why does it matter if PBAoEs are excluded? There are plenty of TAoEs out there. Even just Council/5th human bosses are armed with shotguns that can ruin your day because they fire TAoEs. (This is the voice of experience.)

    Its always important to do the math.

    I would first like to mention that the power I think you're looking for seems to be Hoarfrost, not Frostworks. Compared to Dull Pain, this power is very challenging to have permanent uptime, given it has a base recharge/duration ratio of 4.5. If we assume a Blaster with 200% total recharge for the power (100% slotted an a fairly impressive 200% global), the power will be back in 135 seconds. When the power is down, the survival ratio above changes to (.1/.1)* (.84/.25)* (2400/1445) which is around 5.6. Still not 20, to be sure.

    But now lets take a more holistic view of "survival". One thing your calculation ignores is HP recovery. Lets assume only slotted Health, Dull Pain for the Scrapper and Hoarfrost for the Blaster. Let's assume both characters get optimal benefit from the healing of their respective powers.

    Slotted Dull Pain is about an 80% heal (about 1070 HP) every 180s. Slotted Hoarfrost is about a 60% heal (about 723 HP) every 270s. For a Scrapper that's about 6 HP/sec. For a Blaster that's about 2.7 HP/s. With slotted Health, accolades and Dull Pain, the Scrapper regenerates about 18 HP/sec. The Blaster with slotted Health, accolades and Hoarfrost regenerates about 12 HP/sec, or about 11 HP/sec when Hoarfrost is down.

    Adding the regen and healing together gives the Scrapper about 24 HP/sec recovery and the Blaster around around 14.7 HP/sec, 13.5 when Hoarfrost is down.

    Now, we can get the "immortality line" - the DPS each character could survive forever, by dividing these HP/sec numbers by the respective damage admittances. Taking the ratio of these immortality lines looks like what you've done for HP, but with the HP/sec in place of HP.

    (.1/.1)* (.84/.25)* (24/14.7) = 5.5
    (.1/.1)* (.84/.25)* (24/13.5) = 6.0

    So for an SO'd build with Hasten and no other self-heals, the Scrapper is going to be able to stand around and ignore between 5.5 and 6.0 times as much incoming L/S damage as the Blaster, on average.

    Definitely not 20, but certainly nothing to sneeze at.

    (By the way, I if I switch to something like E/N damage, assume both have gone all-out on L/S defense at the expense of E/N or ranged, and both took Tough/Weave and CJ, I get that the Scrapper can still take about 2x as much damage as the Blaster without ever dying, mostly because the Blaster gets zip for E/N resists and the Scrapper has better E/N defense from Invinc and Tough Hide.)

    Edit: Given the clarification that the factor of 20 was referring to pre-ED, pre-GDN, pre-I7 critter attack mechanics changes, being able to hit a factor of 6, even to just one damage type, is actually pretty good.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LineNoise View Post
    There's a way to get Mids to use the right numbers for Hide and Stealth. Pop open Options->Configuration, head to the "Effects and Maths" tab, then under the "Suppression" header, click the box for "MissionObjectClick". This will then correctly suppress all the out-of-combat Defense bonuses for powers that suppress in combat. So you can leave Hide toggled on, and get your in-combat defense values on the Totals window.
    Woo, did not know about that one. Thanks!