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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    I remember when my main had accrued so much debt he was effectively unplayable. I had to wait until they imposed debt caps before I could make any progress on him again.
    Wait, I don't remember there ever not being debt caps in the live game. I do remember when they were quite a bit higher, though.

    Did I forget some early change?

    Bear in mind, I never had a character at any debt cap except ones already at 50 who I very occasionally capped out on failed group activities like trying to fight through Yellow Dawns at old-school Hamidon raids. (And yes, I had a Blaster.) So my awareness of the caps was fairly theoretical.
  2. Cool. Lloyd, thanks for stopping by. Even if is just the in-and-gone-again (so appropriate for a GM, heh), I think it's really cool.

    Best of luck carrying on in other NCSoft games, new and old.
  3. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    I always miss-read "Entrusted with a Secret" as "Encrusted with a Secret" when I get the badge...

    Some of it has to do with a particular catgirl who has been in one of the global channels I've lived in for ages now, but I always read the Incarnate Salvage "Arcane Cantrip" as "Arcane Catnip".

    Not that I actually misread it. That's how I say it out loud on Skype, etc., when saying it to other people. I think the best part is that everyone has always known what I meant.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Maelstrom What? He's the cutest male NPC.
    I am surprised it took that long for him to show up in the list. And no, not because I concur, but I have seen that said often in game.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_L_Angel View Post
    You also can't deny the fact that they were still the number 3 most popular toon in the game.
    Apparently not at all levels, though. Now, we weren't shown all the data, but I'd be willing to bet that there are other ATs have variations in popularity with level. However, it was made clear that Blaster popularity decayed noticeably enough with higher level that the devs called it out. Since all characters gain levels, if the Blaster AT was the only one that showed appreciable abandonment as you went up levels, that still seems like an issue worth solving, even if the number of Blasters across all levels rated highly.

    So who do you appeal to ? The people that dropped blasters to play other things that they liked or the people that really enjoyed their blasters ?
    As Garent said, I think you can appeal to both. For example, I think the "glass cannon" aspect of Blasters is something a lot of players (including myself) did enjoy about them. I wanted changes to preserve that feeling, but I wanted them, say, to be made out sturdier glass. It's a weak analogy, but I think the changes to buff their regen were a good way to make them more survivable than they were, but still be fragile and subject to abrupt failure.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    You just did.
    I certainly did not.

    " seen the prisoner escape fail to stop everyone because someone used a judgement"
    Dude. What Garent said.

    "Fail to stop everyone," meaning everyone was not stopped. Which means one or more prisoners escaped. Letting twenty prisoners escape is certainly a subset of letting some prisoners escape, but it's not what I meant, and I am flummoxed that you concluded I meant what you insist I must have meant.

    I would describe letting twenty prisoners escape as "failing the trial at the prisoner escape phase," or something like that.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    If memory serves me, there used to be a lot of complaints about people griefing the raids by pulling in monsters, so this GM was there proactively to either prevent it from happening or catch them in the act.
    There have been a number of cases where GMs were revealed to just sort of be chilling at old-school Justice Hami raids, often invisible. I do suspect it had to do with griefing, which was obviously far more achievable with the old raid.

    I know we've had devs and community peeps hang out at post-I9 raids on occasion (especially when the I9 version was new) but I don't know about GMs.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
    To each their own, but I play a superhero game to be, you know, a Super Hero. Why piddle around down in pre-travel powersville when the end-game powers trump all?
    In the context of this thread, the obvious answer is because this...

    I've played the lower levels dozens of times.
    ... explicitly does not apply to the OP because he's been gone for eight issues.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Not sure how the first two paragraphs relate to what I was saying about this game getting a spot on Yahoo news
    Well, I don't know what to tell you. Not to be rude, but I think it's ridiculously obvious.

    Hell, with all the "tons of media coverage" that this save the COX supposedly have, people have to search deep to find anything. Those people that know where to find this "coverage" probably already was a player of the game and or knew about the closing of this game within a week of the announcement.
    I am not so sure. I think it's likely that players of other games heard about #SaveCoH it because it's made front-page news on some computer gaming sites. That's pretty good compared to a fairly obvious alternative - that those sites carried news the game was closing down and that was it.

    I'm not sure how relevant it is in practice, but having #SaveCoH show up as a trending topic on Twitter, at least for a while, was a fairly big deal in web 2.0 terms. Whether or not one thinks being a blip on the radar in the web 2.0 universe is actually a big deal in terms of the wider wordl varies a lot, in my experience.

    It's like saying the murder that occured on September 27th in Lubbock Texas is getting tons of media coverage yet, only appeared in a small column in the ad section of the local news paper.
    Without the same degree of tragedy, it is like that. No matter how much we love this game, we're never going to rate with headlines about civil war, worldwide economic crisis, or even Hollywood drama. There aren't enough people interested, and there's not enough reason to get them to be. We have to keep perspective about what is reasonable for us to achieve even if we are wildly successful. Even astronomical levels of success for getting the word out for CoH's plight is still not likely to appear on the main page of a world news site or the front page of a news paper.

    That doesn't mean it's not worth doing. It just means we need perspective about what even "wild success" is likely to mean in practice.
  10. If you have any Paragon Points, you should be able to buy them.

    In any case, if your gold forum name is any indication, you should be able to access them for free. They were free for VIPs.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Why havent this hit Yahoo news or the likes or even been given a TV spot? Hell, WoW loses a few players and it makes the news.
    How often does a story about sales at, say Cisco, hit the mainstream news? Compare that to Apple. How many companies who basically only run websites have been in the mainstream news in the past, oh, ten years other than Facebook? How often do you read an article about Bing or Yahoo, as opposed to Google?

    Apple, Google, and Facebook all turn up in the news regularly because they have staggering user bases and are brand names immediately recognized world wide. (Well, actually Facebook and Google both struggle in some parts of the world, but then probably so do things like CNN and Fox. I see headlines about Apple, Google and Facebook all the time on the BBC World News, though.)

    There's a chicken and egg thing here, where if you make it far enough, you pick up inertia from networking effects that can keep you in the collective consciousness of at least certain regions or cultures, and being in the collective conscious makes things going on with you "news worthy".

    Almost no other game has achieved that besides WoW. I've never seen an mainstream news spot about subscriber counts for any other game but WoW, ever. I am not sure I've ever seen a television advertisement for any other MMO, either.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Just how often do those occur ? To take your baf example I can't think of a time where I have seen the prisoner escape fail to stop everyone because someone used a judgement. I have seen prisoners escape because people just weren't paying attention.
    Who said anything about it failing? I consider it a weak showing if one gets out. Solid play there gets people a badge and/or an extra Astral Merit.

    I regularly end up in leagues that practically leap for joy if no prisoners escape. I'm always appalled at that - I consider no escape BAFs standard and ones where one gets away sub-par. (I realize sometimes it just happens, but I don't think it should be normal.)

    Combat jumping in and out of melee is something you consider a big skill?
    No. I said it showed skill. Really, can you have a conversation without twisting the conversation?

    Even if you grant that items you cite are skills that have a large impact on the game just how long would you expect a person of average intelligence to pick them up ? A day, a week ? A month ?
    I know more than a couple of people who have played this game for eight years and never exhibited any these abilities. Some of them even like to tell other players how to play the game, which just kills me.

    I have been playing golf for nearly 50 years and there are skills i doubt I will ever be good at, let alone master. I can't think of a technique in this game that has that kind of staying power.
    I'm not sure why you think that's relevant. You seem to be trying to make the stretch that because there may be nothing here that requires great training or tremendous innate ability that there's no skill involved at all. I don't think that's reasonable. Compared to golf, sure, the dynamic range of performance based on "skill" with the game is probably very compressed, but I don't think it means there's effectively no dynamic range at all. It's contrary to my own experience with other players.
  13. I have to wonder if it wasn't the same kind of thing with Neuronia and the marketeering comment. I wonder if they had more sense of what players were active forumites (and where they were active on the forums) than I would have expected.
  14. Agreed. I certainly don't want to suggest I think that the NPCs have even been close keeping pace with us, all our increases in power taken in total. Like I said, it was a nit-pick about the comment that they haven't gotten harder for us to win against. They have, if just a bit. (I actually think the Malta Titan changes were kind of brutal, but on average, across all levels? That doesn't count for much.)
  15. More on-topic of the relevance of skill, I do agree with folks here that think skill matters. Maybe what's up for grabs is what "skill" means, but in the context of this game, I think it covers a few things.
    • Target selection. This spans things like selecting the right foes to cripple or eliminate first, to "aiming" cones and bursts for maximum benefit.
    • Positioning. This can be something as basic as kiting, but I think more realistic "skill" is reflected in maximizing movement while ostensibly rooted. As a non-Blaster-specific example, I will often fire PBAoE ally buffs on allies in dangerous places (near multiple AVs or Monsters) by running in, pausing ever-so-briefly, then leaping away just as I activate the buff. Executed properly, I minimize my exposure to enemy AoEs and still buff my allies. Another example would be to jump across a hallway intersection to blast foes. More generic positioning choices are related to target selection, such placing slow patches at corners so foes are already clumped for AoEs as they come into view, or firing team buffs in the rough centroid of the team (perhaps with a heads-up) instead of constantly calling for the team to gather.
    • Power activation timing and sequencing. By paying attention to when powers recharge, you can still try to optimize your attack chain while needing to insert non-damaging powers. As an example, my Dark/Psi Defender has to occasionally fire Subdue to maintain a non-stop attack chain, but it's got the worst DPA of all her attacks. If I need to cast Tar Patch, Howling Twilight or some other non-damaging Dark Miasma power, I try to wait until Subdue's place in the chain comes up. Another example would be knowing when it's optimal to activate Dull Pain (around 50% health) rather than firing it whenever its recharged.
    Basically, "skill" comes from a combination of knowing the game mechanics well enough to know optimal behavior, and then actually translating that into game play practice.

    Some time back there was a thread about what people thought "skill" in an MMO was about, and I defined my version of it as recognizing "fragile" situations (ones that are more likely to get out of player control and lead to wipe) and using appropriate powers or other tools (like inspirations) suited for "stabilizing" such situations.

    If the powers in question have long recharge times or other frequent-use restrictions, I consider it a mark of a good player that they tend to save those powers for emergencies instead of firing them willy-nilly. Consider the prisoner phase in the BAF - I've seen many a player fire judgement powers at a juicy spawn of prisoners when there was little danger of that spawn getting past other defenses. While that's gratifying, I'd rather save my judgement for a large spawn of prisoners that's already gotten past the other defenses.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    After i14 that You have what superstunners being added to the freaks, and Black Scorpion getting taunt ? If there is more it hasn't been particularly noticeable.
    Some other critters got taunt too, but I think most of them were new critters, such as the black knights in Night Ward. To be honest, I think some of the Incarnate Tsoo are supposed to be taunting us, but it doesn't seem to work. (They play the animation and we play the "hit" effect, but nothing else happens.)

    It feels a bit like I'm forgetting some noticed AI change since I16, but I agree, even if that's true, it's not that noticeable in the scheme of things, or I'd probably remember it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    GM_X: Anything else I can do for you?
    Me: Could use a set of Armageddons
    GM_X: I suggest you do some Marketeering then. Have a good day!

    Hah! Did one of them actually say something like that? If so, that's awesome.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    I just loaded up the main PC to find out, and I have *exactly* the same options for you. Maybe the Aegia PhysX one only appears when you actually do have a PhysX card installed in the machine.
    That's correct. The game was never updated to support the NVidia GPU-based PhysX drivers.

    Edit: Particle effects like leaves, bullet casing and so forth have always worked without PhysX as far as I know. I have never had working PhysX support (I never owned a card) and these have been part of my game for ages. My possibly incorrect understanding was that having a PhysX card simply offloaded the costly calculations for these to that subsystem.
  19. I find the whole previous post really odd for anyone who plays CoH. CoH has never really been about the end-game, and despite that it actually got one, all the reasons it was worth playing without one still apply.

    I have run literally over a thousand iTrials and mostly enjoyed it, and I would never tell anyone they should blow off the game's other content to race to 50 and grind out the same 10 trials over and over. Especially when, realistically, you're only going to see 5 or 6 of them run, especially now.

    Yes, you can now achieve heights of character power previously unknown, even accounting for Inventions. (And if you're really into massive power, you can have both.) If that's what floats your boat, then iTrials are the way to achieve it.

    However, if reading the story appeals to you, some very good content has been added to the game in First Ward, Night Ward, Dark Astoria, and various new contacts in existing zones which you may only be able to reach via Ouroboros, depending on character level. Also, the story content for characters created in Praetorea (levels 1-20) is, IMO, very high quality. (The actual challenge of playing there is a bit of a shock compared to, say, CoH - the critters are unusually nasty for their level, even after a rebalance pass, and large ambushes are unusually common.)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    The enemies haven't gotten any harder, there is no such thing as more survivable than unkillable or more dead than dead for the enemies.
    I'll freely admit in advance to it being something of a nit-pick, but they have gotten slightly harder, usually in indirect ways involving their AI, spawn rules or via fixing missing/broken powers.

    As an example, Rikti Mentalists and Mezmerists did not always have Fear protection. They silently gained it at some point, I think around I11. I very much noticed this particular example because it significantly affected my ability to solo them on my Dark/Dark Defender - being unable to terrorize the mezzers caused a dramatic increase in how often they mezzed me.

    An example of AI-based changes are the ones that "fixed" the ranged combat AI of Malta robots, who went from something I could casually save for last in Malta spawns to something I almost always want to defeat ASAP. They not only started dealing vastly more damage at range, they gained significant mezzing capabilities as well. (Something I hardly felt Malta needed, but that's an aside.)

    Trolls with Integration used to never get any mez protection from it, and now they do.

    I'm positive there are more examples like this, where critters got at least indirect powers upgrades, though I think I've forgotten some of them over the years. Many of them were probably like the Malta case, where broken AI or powers definitions meant something the critter was always supposed to do was missing for years.

    Another indirect difficulty increase came from the fix to spawn rank randomization, which corrected the fact that LTs used to not spawn for small teams (including solo). It didn't get a huge amount of attention, but I thought was a really big deal when it was fixed. I forget when it was exactly, but I know it was after CoV (I6) and before Inventions (I9).

    Finally, critter AI has evolved some over the years. Critters used to pile around corners as efficiently as their bounding boxes allowed (once they actually got bounding boxes), but this changed eventually so that some would swing wide around the corners and pelt you from afar with ranged attacks. Spawns used to sit statically in nice clumps, but were changed so that at least some of them would wander around as if on patrol. Even the static ones started spawning such that they were often less well-clumped for AoE beatdown.

    I'm certainly not going to claim that critter powers kept pace with characters equipped with high-end IO builds or especially Incarnates. But they did grow somewhat, and that's not counting some of the factions which seemed designed explicitly to be harder than usual, such as Arachnos and Longbow.
  21. I'll weigh in on the kudos as well. I can't remember any specific issue GM Lloyd helped me with, but his is the only GM name I actually recall. Clearly, he impressed on me even without an epic or humorous support event to assist with.

    I suppose I should take the chance to mention that, other than the occasional long wait for support response (something that used to happen a lot probably 2-4 years into this game's tenure), I've always gotten decent response from any GM who actually appeared in-game to assist me. They've always been polite, almost always known how to help me, and quickly escalated if they didn't.

    Other players I know have had complaints about various support they did or didn't get from GMs, but I've always been satisfied at worst.

    But GM_Lloyd is the only one I remembered by name.
  22. I want to thank everyone who came out tonight. Sadly, despite not looking too shabby from just an AT composition, we didn't quite have the special sauce mix right.

    Part of it was that we didn't have the kind of DPS that has pulled it off on the successful runs. And part of that was that we also didn't have quite as many team buffs - the first try of the night a lot of people died a lot to things other than the flow lightning, and, well, dead people don't DPS very well. While we tried to adjust, we also lost folks, and our second pass survived better, but dented him even more softly.

    I'd really like to get one night in with a successful pass. I'll schedule something next week mid-week, and something else either Friday or Saturday if we don't hit it mid-week. (The thinking there is that maybe we can get more people on Fri/Sat.)

    Thanks again to all who showed up, especially those who came from other servers. If I can get a league going at all that will get you the badge, I really want to.
  23. UberGuy

    The situation

    Seriously, when you make me go TL;DR, something's wrong.

    ^ Not a flame against your position. I literally never got to what it is. The OP is too dense. Sorry.
  24. UberGuy

    My SaveCOH Video

    BP, I'm betting its based on work from this thread. Scenes in that video look a lot like some of the images VG posted in that thread based on her 3D exports from the game.