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  1. I'm still pondering. I never hung out in Atlas much. Every one of my characters was started in Galaxy, but logging them out for the last time in the Echo seems... too abstract somehow.

    None of them have a home zone, per se - I didn't tie any of them to city locations like that.

    For the 50s, I would like it to be somewhere relevant to their level of power, but DA is not right for them, and neither is the shard. I am thinking maybe the courtyard of Portal Corp for a lot of them. But that also might be kind of lonely. Atlas will be well-populated at the end, I think.

    But I never hung out in Atlas much...

    I don't know yet. I have to ponder some more.
  2. UberGuy

    The "Why"

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I have an alternate theory. There were people within the NCSoft corporate structure that liked CoH, and some that didn't. For a long time we were protected by the ones that liked it, even though we only made a small amount of money for them. With the added stress of NCSoft's current financial numbers, those people couldn't protect the game anymore from the ones that wanted to shutter the game, whether it made money or not, as a distraction from their other products more critical to their bottom line. There is now one less game vying for server resources, bandwidth, admin time, support and maintenance time, and one less game competing with their other games. Even selling the game to a third party might keep a game alive that was diverting players from their other games.

    Everyone assumes that its ludicrous to shut down a profitable or even break-even business endeavor, but the practical reality is that its not always that simple, and even when it is business decisions are rarely made by singular authoritative figures. They are often ultimately shaped by a large number of people all with their own agendas.

    This happens at every scale of a business. I can't tell you how many times a small CoH game change happened that the players blamed on a particular dev, when it turned out to be more the case that eight voted this way and seven voted that way, and the eights won. Some *body* made this decision at NCSoft, but I guarantee there were lots of voices in that guy's ear, and this wasn't entirely as sudden a thing as it appears. It was probably a tipping point thing.
    Given the scale of company that I've worked for for over 10 years now, and the sort of things I've seen happen there, I was already imagining these kinds of possibilities. "Empire building" and competition between business lines does happen, and if one side can get the ear of people at the right level, they can sometimes make things that are ultimately selfish (for them) seem like a good idea.

    Or sometimes, the people above just don't get along with the head of a business line below them, and favor a different one.

    So the broad theory you outline makes sense to me.
  3. I am duly impressed with the folks who have 3,000 and 4,000+ hours on their characters. That's devotion.

    I'm glad I split my attention. There's something I love in each if my characters, but I can see people pouring lots into single ones.
  4. This is not an exhaustive list of my characters, but it covers the ones I have played the most and cared the most about.

    Nightfall (Dark/Dark/Power Defender) 2699
    Fortune's Shadow (Dark/Psi/Psy Defender, 2nd account, badger) 2526
    Sable Slayer (Dark/Regen/Soul Scrapper, badger) 2182
    Golden Ember (Stone/Fire/Soul Brute, 2nd account, badger) 2003
    Abyssal Frost (Ice/Dark/Psy Corruptor, badger) 1993
    American Steele (Broadsword/Inv Scrapper, 2nd character ever, favorite backstory) 1757
    Shadowslip (Dark/Dark/Power Corruptor) 1508
    Final Rest (Martial Arts/Regen/Soul Stalker, 2nd villain ever) 1273
    Sanguine Strike (Dual Blades/Regen Scrapper, 2nd account) 1179
    Archaeidae Noir (Night Widow - melee spec) 1059
    Tachyonic Daze (Mind/Rad/Fire Controller, 2nd account, most recent 50) 570

    These 11 characters are all my 50s. My next closest characters have play time in the sub-500 hour range. So that's 19,468 hours on my existing 50s. I top 20,000 as soon as you add my next-longest-played, a L43 Tanker with 460 hours.

    That's around 2.3 years of my life spent with characters logged in to this game.

    And I really don't regret it.

    All the 50s have Tier 4 of something in every incarnate slot, with at least 2 Tier 4 Destiny and Hybrid powers built, though some have more. All are richly IO'd and lovingly tuned. They all have literally thousands of Reward Merits (each), hundreds of Astral Merits dozens of Emyprean Merits, and billions of inf. (Each has no less than 2B on hand and/or stored on the market.)

    CoH is my hobby, and these characters are the "personification" of that hobby. Nothing was too good for them. Going to miss them a lot.
  5. Thank you. For all the work on the stories, for putting up with our kvetching, for communicating with us on the forums.

    I'm glad you had this opportunity, sad it's ending, and hopeful for your future. Godspeed.
  6. Wow. Damn.

    Thank you.

    For everything you helped make come true for us. If we complained about it, it truly was because we have loved this game.

    I think where you guys were going, what I know of it, was awesome. Losing CoH was always going to be painful, but losing it on its current high made it worse.

    Best of luck. Please take what you did with this game wherever you go, even if it's not as a game designer.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Do I regret it? No. I enjoyed every hour "wasted" in this game. I just hate that I never got to finish everything I wanted to do.

    Every other game I have ever played, I've played obsessively until I was done everything I wanted to do, gotten bored, and walked away. This is the first time a game has been taken from me.

    I'll be here until the end. Maybe I'll finish off a couple of those goals I had for myself, those things that would be finished, if I hadn't wasted my time having fun. But no matter what, I'll be here.
  8. UberGuy

    To all of you...

    I'm late to the party, somehow I missed all these parting dev posts in this section.

    Zwillinger, I have never had the opportunity to meet you or any other Paragon Studio folks. But I have been here, in this game, since the very day it went live, and I was present on the forums not long after.

    There have been many talented and fun people working on and facilitating CoH since those days, and I am grateful to all of them. But well before this sad news hit us, I had been thinking you were our best Community Manager yet.

    I liked our past community folks. I really did, and I think all of them did good things for us. But you've just gone further than they did. You've really managed to straddle a line between being our buddy and being a sensible employee of a game company. You've explained things to us just a bit more often, in just a bit more down to earth way. You've engaged with us in more ways, what with the video streams and the coffee talks and so on. I don't know if your example helped lead Paragon Studios into greater openness overall, or if you were just one of many new faces who collectively were more communicative and interactive with our players. In the end, you were all awesome.

    I thought some of the past community folks left some big shoes to fill, at least in some ways. None of those shoes are big enough for you. Not one.

    If you go on to community management elsewhere, I have no doubt you will help bring fantastic energy to the community. They would be lucky to have you.

    Thank you, and godspeed.
  9. With several of my friends in this game, I am planning to be here when the lights go out, if we can indeed know when that's about to happen.

    I don't have a "main". There's no UberGuy character. There are just a dozen or so level 50s who get most of my playtime attention. But we can't log in more than one character per account, so I had to decide which one I would be logged in on. My badger? My favorite concept?

    Ultimately, I decided it must be the one with the most play time. The one with whom I did the most things. My Issue zero Dark/Dark Defender, who has 2699 hours on patrol, who I still played very actively.

    Damn, am I going to miss playing her.
  10. It seems I sold these just in time. Otherwise, the game may well have ended with them in my inventory.

    This makes me pleased and sad all at the same time.
  11. UberGuy

    Final net worth.

    I have been planning to inventory a parting tally anyway, but I'm not done yet. Hopefully I'll post that in the next day or two.

    For me, I've treated wealth on-hand as a bit of a proxy for XP on level-capped characters, so I hoard stuff some. But for all that I watched and used the market, I really never qualified as what I think most people mean when they say "marketer". I played the game a ton, produced stuff, sold it for profit, and bought back what I needed/wanted.

    I just did that more than I think was typical, outside of professional farmers. So my wealth "score" was, to me, a bit more meaningful than if I had pumped it purely through heavy market use. I'm not one of those folks who feels that money earned on the market isn't "right" - it just wouldn't be representative of the way I was using it as a "score" for how much I was playing.

    As a touch of goodby post, even though I mean to post again...

    I will miss the market mini-game. For me, it was always a means to an end, but it was one which I enjoyed. This forum was one of two that challenged and stimulated me intellectually, the other being the Scrapper forum. I already missed the old discussions - it's been quiet in here. But I will miss that there won't even be the chance of future ones.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that.
    So, so many times this.
  13. Most of you would probably be staggered at the sheer volume of screenshots I have. I snap them the way someone with a pro camera would an action scene. I literally have 10s of thousands of them.

    On the one hand, it means I will almost certainly never fully organize them. Some memories will be buried in the mass of data. But I plan to go through them as best I can anyway, probably after things shut down. And I've saved special memory ones along the way - I don't just leave all of them in the big piles of files I have socked away on redundant drives. (I lost a lot of screenshots from my first couple of years of play, and I learned my lesson.)

    I don't really have a formal main - there is no "UberGuy" character. Still, I have long focused on a handful of characters, only getting my 12th 50 this year. All of these characters are tweaked and outfitted to the gills - nothing was too good for them. I will spend a good chunk of time getting FRAPS recordings, in-game demorecordings, and some less visual records (such as badges, hoarded loot counts, etc.)

    I will miss playing them. A lot. Some that I still play are from the first few weeks after release.

    I'm sad to say my very first character never made it to 50. But I still have him. I think I'll finally get him a new costume as a send-off.
  14. I have been here since day -3, aka the 1st day of the head start. I had a whole bunch of friends in beta, but I did not join until pre-release.

    I have never unsubscribed. My subscription has never lapsed as much as 24 hours that I know of. I have two accounts, once created after CoV, so I could have more characters on my home server.

    Before I came here, I was an on-line FPS player. This is the first MMO I ever played, despite having numerous friends who played, well, all of them. Before CoH, no MMO even remotely interested me, and some actively repulsed me. After CoH, I tried a couple of others, and never made it past a couple of months of play.

    I literally cannot think of all the things I will miss. The next few days will be spent making sure I have all the memories, recordings, screenshots and logs I can manage to gather. (I have a very large chat log history saved .)

    I am sad all our time here is ending, but regret my own time here not one little bit. It has been a truly amazing ride. I truly thing that those who worked on this game, past and present (until today, I suppose) to have made something that was such a big part of the lives of so many people for such a long time.
  15. Holy crap, I didn't know. (Duh, right?) Congrats and condolences all rolled into one. Here's hoping you have no regrets, and best wishes for the future.
  16. Thank you for posting this thread. I was coming here to post it.

    I haven't spent a lot of time here lately, for a variety of reasons, but if there was anywhere on the CoH forums that was my "home", it was this AT forum. The Scrapper AT has always been my favorite, the shenanigans that Scrapper players seemed to be particularly prone to resonate with my personality, and I am sure I learned more about this game from the regulars who post here than from any other identifiable sub-section of the game's forums.

    Thank you all for being awesome.
  17. Quote:
    Statements are true or false; non-constant intervals can make statement sometimes true and sometimes false, but that isn't my concern.
    Then it was unwise of you to tackle this topic, because a correct treatment of it calls for considering that non-constant interval behavior. Making statements that ignore it don't do the topic service.

    I'm posting because I am seeing what appears to be incomplete or incorrect understanding of topics, most of which are actually relevant to the topic of layered mitigation (assuming one is willing to consider HP recovery "mitigation", and I am someone who is so willing).

    If you think what I am posting is factually incorrect, then please offer correction (or ask clarifying questions). Descending into deeply semantic sparring over logic vs. engineering suggests you don't really care any more about the topic at hand. Which is fine, but I still do, so if, in your non-caring replies I see what looks like misunderstanding or error, I will still reply to it. After all, you and I (probably) aren't the only ones reading the thread.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    So yes. If your health recovery events are spaced further apart then the damage intervals, making them faster will matter even if the overall magnitude of health recovery is kept the same. If they are not, it won't, no matter how long or short those intervals actually are.
    You seem to be assuming the intervals are constant. The intervals for healing may constant, barring various debuffs, but the intervals for damage are random, because of the chance to miss/hit that's evaluated for every attack. So if you are hit more than an average amount in a window where your heal has not recharged (or your +regen has not "ticked"), you may die when the average analysis of HP recovery says you would not.
  19. UberGuy

    REVAMP EM set

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    I see no evidence of that.
    Martial Arts
    Dark Melee
    Electric Armor
    Energy Aura
    Fiery Aura
    War Mace

    These are all powersets which were viewed as under-performing in the not-ancient past, and were updated to improve their performance to be closer to that of their peer powersets. There may be others I am forgetting, and I omitted some sets that received small updates to just one power that didn't majorly revamp the set's performance.

    Energy Melee and War Axe are the only sets that has been completely conceptually replaced by a new powerset.
    "Conceptual replacement" is not the only sort of obsolescence that's relevant. If a set has poor performance and does not offer some counter-balancing benefit, it is obsolete relative to its peers whether it has been "conceptually" replaced or not.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beau_Hica View Post
    Any ideas on making a TTL calculator?
    Werner create a spreadsheet that calculated a numerical score for survival that I believe was predicated on TTL. It almost certainly has not been updated to account for Absorb mechanics, but everything else should be there.

    Note that such a calculator is based on average performance. I think he had some facility for fudge factors for things where averages were a poor representation, or just general cases where the spreadsheet wasn't good at scoring how good something was at keeping you alive due to mechanical complexity.
  21. UberGuy

    REVAMP EM set

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Why do you feel it matters, with all those alteratives, including a direct remake?

    EM is deliberately obsolete. Time spent "fixing" it is development time wasted, and only likely to upset those people who have been playing it since long before KM was added.
    Past and present dev activities show that they do not accept that powersets every become "intentionally obsolete". They have, at this point, a long history of revisiting sets that fall too far below some performance levels they feel are important. So I feel it matters in part because the devs have shown that it matters to them.

    More personally, I think it is bad form in any game to let anything that remains a valid choice for new characters to be obsolete. There is no big red label on EM that says "DEPRECATED" letting players know they shouldn't choose it. And they should not be saddled with an inferior experience because they chose it without such a warning. This applies not just to new players (who should be a meaningful focus in a post-Freedom world), but to existing players who may not live and breathe forum discussions on what powersets rank where.
  22. UberGuy

    REVAMP EM set

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    As far as I'm concerned, there is no reason for anyone who hasn't already got an EM character to make one, it has been replaced by Kinetic Melee, which is conceptually identical. It only still exists in the game because it's not possible to grant people powerset respecs.
    That opinion is one that compels people to ask for improvements to a powerset. That's a bad place for a powerset to be, IMO.

    It's possible that the right choice is for the improvement to be something other than raw DPS. Given the performance available to some of its peers, and given that EM used to be exceptional at raw DPS, asking for a DPS increase seems pretty logical, to me at least. It's also probably the least likely thing to run afoul of additional major changes to the "feel" of the powerset. However, I'm kind of split on the importance of that. For a lot of players, myself included, EM's feel got a major reworking already. I have limited sympathy for folks who love the new ET animation, because I loved the old one (obviously for performance reasons, but I also preferred it aesthetically.) However, reworking what EM does too much probably risks cheesing of both camps.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    Contentiousness of health recovery does not matter respective to total health; burstiness of damage only matters after a certain point. That is all I have been trying to say, and I don't even think anyone has actually argued otherwise.
    Well, we'll have to fix that!

    Contentiousness of health recovery relative to total heal does matter if incoming damage is also highly non-continuous compared to total health. The reason is simply because if you recover health in (large) discrete quanta, and you suffer damage in (large) discrete quanta, you might suffer two large quanta of damage before you get your next quanta of healing. This is just an extension of models we've discussed above, which I think we now (or possibly all along) agreed on. It's just that, initially, I was holding HP recovery constant to keep the discussion about non-continuous damage simpler.

    If your HP recovery is continuous and your incoming damage is overwhelms it, it mostly doesn't matter if the incoming damage overwhelms your HP recovery in a continuous or discrete way - it may just affect when exactly you are defeated if the damage is arriving in large, spaced out chunks. However, if your incoming damage and HP recovery are comparable, you could still die when the averages wouldn't suggest it because you didn't get a chunk of HP back in time to save you from the next chunk of damage. It's related to but a bit more complex than the case of discrete damage and time-continuous healing.