184 -
now THERE's a challenge: How would Kirby do Kirby?
(and yes, I automatically though of Jack "King of the Comics" Kirby when I saw this thread) -
Quote:Actually - I tried that originally, but pulled it out thinking that it was too detailed and un-needed.U-Naught: I get the Dagger pattern and the "Shag" hairstyle but not much else from it... could be that I don't know your character well enough either though. One thought I had that might help would be, if that is the 50/50 facemask, putting a white circle for the eye cutout on the left and a blue circle for the eye on the right would make it more distinguishable.
Quote:- U-naught - iconic, heraldic. Makes a great logo. Not minimal yet. From the costume, I see dark grey top, white bottom, jagged element between. Or perhaps her essence is in her binary face / pale hair, and the costume varies. I had a similar problem with Airhead, and chose to minimize costume, ignoring his unusual face.
(I finally got a reference posted: http://u-naught.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2qtfy4 )
Nice, CR - thanks. -
ya know, I was wondering what everyone was arguing over - I couldn't even SEE any "Bayani-like" boots in the picture..
Eventually, I had to pull the picture into photoshop, hunt around, zoom in a few times, and squint, ..even then, I had to crank the brightness up to even see any boots! Sheesh!
much ado 'bout nuthin, I think. -
Funny strip this time, Jeremy!
(I mean, its always funny - not just this time! ..you know what I mean!)
Quote:I think Wolffe was making a clever reference to this thread... it's one of the funnier threads to ever come off the Justice Server and I thought of it too when Jordan coincidentally mentioned Jerk-hacking... I almost made reference to it in my May FArt entry but thought it might be too obscure.
I always thought that Amerikatt, herself, was referencing that "Gone To The Americans" saying from that old thread whenever she used that phrase (Its been in her profile for a while, for her location) - she's just personalizing it. -
Congratulations Toxic_Shia!
Also congrats to PyroNympho and Juggertha for 2nd & 3rd place!
..very sad to see Bubbawheat go, tho
..but hey! You could "shoot for the moon" in the June battle and win your way back in! -
Quote:actually, I did put a link in to a reference shotThese are all very cool... Of course Bubba's are the best (though I am most definitely biased on that!)
Bubba - Seriously, very cool and thanks! I suppose it would have been a bit easier if Cae had some kind of logo or something... And I love your personal one.
Airhead - I think you did great on yours.
U-Naught - Don't know your character that well so don't know how well that works but it looks cool...
Flashrains - Again, I think you did great on yours.
Thornster - I think your second two are great! -
Well, I'm certain that I Don't think about whether the costume I'm putting together will be "Iconic" or easily "minimalized" or anything.. I'm really just Doing it!
In fact, its rare that I even have any specific ideas when I go into create a character or costume - probably only a handful of times that I did have something in mind.
But thats not to say I'm just hitting "Randomize" and taking it, either - I pick and choose, and hem & haw over it until I get something I like. I just don't tend to think "Will this be Iconic enough???"
If that makes any sense -
Best wishes and "Good Mojo" sent for you and your Mother, TL!!!
Thats a pretty cool idea! I just had to give it a try myself:
Here's the comparison reference I put up:
I don't think I did anywhere near as good a job on it as all you guys and gals did, tho!But it was fun trying!
I use Photoshop (got it when I had more money than I have now)
(of these others, I haven't played with them - although I heard some pretty good recommendations for AutoDesk SketchBook Pro)
I did a little searching, found a few others - then found this site that covers 11 apps: an "overview of 11 Digital Painting programs"
AutoDesk SketchBook Pro 2010 (~$85-100 ?)
Pixarra TwistedBrush Pro Studio - looks like $89 until May 31st
ArtRage by Ambient Design - looks like ArtRage Studio Pro is $80
individual feature comparison chart http://www2.ambientdesign.com/files/...comparison.pdf
openCanvas 4.5+ (6800 Japanese yen ??)
Paint.NET - freeware
PD Pro Digital Painter ("Project Dogwaffle" ??) ($89 ??)
http://www.dogwaffle.info/pdpro/index.html -
Quote:I Like that one especially - very moody!
(seems redundant to say "yet another month thats tough to vote on!"
and I mean that in the best way!)
Here's my votes:
1) Toxic_Shia (I always felt that about those Trainers!)
2) Frost (the image just pops right out to me, advertising the 7 sins)
3) JohnnyKat (another very well rendered piece!) -
a billion years ago, Elfwood was where it was at - haven't visited it in a long time, but its apparently still there:
Used to be that it was kind of slanted towards Fantasy art more than anything else - don't know if thats still true. -
Here's my entry!
SLOTH (appropriate, no?)
EDIT: "Mommy-U got tired of waiting for her roommate zzZnafu to show up for patrol - she comes home to find her erstwhile partner has fallen asleep while doing nothing but play that Darn game all day!"
EDIT 2: here's the DA link - http://u-naught.deviantart.com/#/d2q84ca
(moral of the story: don't ever decide at the last minute that "No, THIS idea is MUCH better than that one I've been working on!" -
Toxic_Shia, funny! (I always thought that about those training NPCs - especially during the Rikti Invasion events! While the rest of us are fighting like mad, and dying - the powerful Training NPC just stands there!)
Juggertha - an interesting take on the sins, fer shure!
Frost, I like the retro implementation. Its simple, and to the point. Well done!
Quote:its great that works for you, but for many of us - all that gives us is a big rectangle of black.I just ALT+PRINT SCREEN on screens like Costume Editor, then paste into PSP9, and save.
So, we have to use all this other special hoodoo just to get shots of our characters from within the Costume Editor.