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  1. Tyger

    IC rumours

    <Tyger looks down in a solumn stance>

    I barely survived last time...

    They took my allies...
    They took my friends...
    They nearly took my life.... after I took theirs...

    I stood as Vanguard to fight them in Europe and now I'm called again to fight them in Paragon.

    Well this time...

    ... I'll kill them all

    ((Tyger standing on a ledge of a skyscraper in Peregrine holding a recall letter from the Vanguard before roaring out into the night))

    {{For added effect I just did it in-game too}}
  2. Tyger

    Tyger dings 50

    After two years, four months, four days and nearly 22 hours since his creation on the Union server Tyger has just hit the big 5-0.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Screenshots! 2 3

    [/ QUOTE ]I see me, all I have to do is look for the bubble

    Here's another one before and/or after we faceplanted
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I think there was one Forcefield and one Sonic (me) at the raid.

    [/ QUOTE ]Yeah, that was me. Thought I'd have to wait till I was lv50 to be useful

    I gotta say I think we were doing a lot better when I bubbled everyone up (86 bubbles - insulation and deflection on 43 people, phew) but I think this will be easiest when people have the extra boost from a load of set IOs.

    Still, I wouldn't trade that 7 hours for anything
  5. It was Tyger's first raid, I sure as hell wasn't going to let him fail it after spending so much time with him.

    My first toon at his first raid and I ot my first Hami-o with him. It isn't one he can use but I can just let it sit in my tray as a trophy
  6. I offer mine then - It's on Union.

    My main villain owns The Mastermind Academy.

    Basic premise is it's a school (more like college) for masterminds. Originally quite vibrant but got left behind until I found myself in charge of it.

    We're not very active (myself and 5 others mainly) and it's purely a PvE group atm.

    Our base is quite functional but no medibay yet (telepads to all but Grandville). I've been told the style and layout is quite nice though.

    So if you're looking for a relaxed, no pressure group then I'll offer you a place.

    Best way to contact is to either PM or use in-game mail sent to Tyger (my main toon, alway log on as him first)
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    just posted in another thread about the little yellow badge names that ive seen 2 people with ( mothers love for one ) and was wondering...

    1. how do you get them
    2. can we get one's for Streekz for finding him in the raid mobs!

    they stand out nicely, and thought it might be a handy addition to find people easier during the raids and ensuing lagfests!

    [/ QUOTE ]1. Special Custom titles for winners of competitions and such (Mother's Love got it for the advert and the other guy for the Death Badger 2006)
    2. No, only promotional stuff IRL.
  8. Aloha cousin

    Me (Tyger)

    So I found a relative this Xmas Day, what did you get?
  9. You have the right to make whatever kind of charcter you wish so long as it doesn't violate the EULA.

    If you have a naked toon then I'd expect a reason for being that way.

    During a GvE trial on the US servers I came across a Thugs MM called "Naked and Black" who maybe was trying to make a point but just came across as a reverse racist cause she (yes the toon was a 'she') had 'White boy slaves' to do her bidding. That was just stupid.

    If you can have a decent story behind it then I don't see why you can't run around naked. At the very least you could be a naturist or an alien who doesn't understand the concept of clothing. That would makes sense.

    Personally I don't mind. I have a corruptor who has a very twisted backstory. If you ever read it you might think it was sick. Her main outfit is naked and furry. I recently got some clothes for her second slot.

    I don't mind, I don't care as long as you aren't telling me what to do about mine I won't tell you what to do with yours. I mean it is your toon isn't it?
  10. Can't we trade in Pocket D where everyone is friends?

    My Mastermind joined a team with a hero but I haven't tried salvage trading.
  11. I got one guy, a hero, on union with two complete sets and some bits.

    I have one villain on Defiant that I'd like an extra slot for.

    Let's trade. Next three afternoons are good for me as is post 9am to midday on Moday 11th
  12. The Mastermind Academy - originally joined this as a rookie and now leader, Sitania Matriarch is commanding this group after being left in charge.

    The base has just been rebuilt from bottom to top and there are telepads to Mercy, Port Oakes, Sharkhead and Cap Au Diable.

    That's as far as it stands. The only requirement is that your villain be a Mastermind.

    There will be a uniform designed which will be entirely optional and prestige, while helping to keep the base running, is not going to be a priority issue. Keep it on if you want, wear the colors if you want, all-in-all no pressure.

    The emphasis will be on the supergroup aspect rather than the base aspect. With currently only four active members it would be nice to rise out of the ashes and become a strong, welcoming and successful group.
  13. I think the biggest problem with PVP is that it is PVP.

    The zones are however not meant for duelling. The first message you get says 'you may be attacked by other players'. That alone implies that they aren't meant for duelling. Doesn't mean you can't still duel in them but you shouldn't complain that another player doesn't see it your way.

    The arena is the control environment where you can setup specific matches. Now Pocket D has Arena terminals too any variation of team members, hero or villain, can fight against one another.

    The difference is like a road and a racetrack - a road is where anyone can drive, wherever they want whereas a racetrack is a loop which only allows racecars to drive on. Bloody Bay, Siren's Call, Warburg and Recluses Victory are all FFA zones, it's what they were designed for

    I used to feel sorry fo some of the people who complained about how they couldn't get badges. Whilst I still feel sorry for villain characters who have to go into PVP zones to get their accolades, I don't for heroes who only want to get badges.

    I have been badge-hunting in Siren's only to get set upon by a Brute. I didn't complain I just flew away in shock and then tried to fight him. I got planted but I was participating in not only what he was after but the zones true purpose. Several other heroes and villains in the zone all joined in and we had this fantastic hero vs villain fight that lasted a good hour or so right until my game window crashed.
  14. Tyger

    Portal Question

    Much like when you choose Atlas Park as the starting hero point you always face towards Ms. Liberty even if you aren't directly in front of her.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Whats the max lvl for this??

    [/ QUOTE ]The task force is for the 30 to 34 range but we can exemp down

    The monster hunt is unrestricted - the more 50s to kick G.M. with the better
  16. Could always exemp you for the task force. I'd still need a couple of 50s for the monster hunt.
  17. I have the Katie Hannon TF to run with the sole intention of getting the Mary Macomber X Times The Victor badge. My level 33 toon is still able to get the taskforce and I wondered how many people want to join in. I have members of my supergroup I can ask but if we did complete it and people were still around or too many showed up then I'd also like to go monster-hunting for Eochai and Jack-in-Irons and perhaps continue on to other G.M.s.

    November 14th, 8pm GMT, Croatoa with my main toon Tyger.
  18. First off he's never done one before (hence the images) and while this isn't based on City of Heroes it reminds me of the much wanted Hero to Villain transfer. He used the Hero creator to make the basic outline and then drew the charcter for the rest of it.

    The story is basically about a guy who gets super-powers and tries to be a hero with disasterous consequences...

    "Hammered in Anvil"
    #1 A Hero is Born with A Concussion
    #2 They're Union?
    #3 Farrier? Anvil? Wiki It.

    Latest Issue
  19. I'd be interested but I'm a 31 on Invincible (although that can be worked around). The time frame might be a problem as well. What time do you hope to do this?
  20. Depends if you want attack or defense

    Personal (not that you get a choice with that one)
    Deflection Shield
    Insulation Shield
    Dispersion Bubble
    Force Bolt
    Detention Field
    Repulsion Field

    Mesmerise OR Dominate at first since both are holds you can go without one of them
    Telekenesis is one to get early and slot the hell out of it since it's a heavy end drainer or hold off until you have stamina

    Fitness is a must as a pool power as stamina will be very useful for all those high end moves
    Telportation allows you to pick off foes one at a time which saves end but leaping has the aggressive moves. Also Telporting has the fastest travel power
    Leadership can be a really good support and solo pool power set since you get the bonus as does any nearby allies
  21. Tyger

    my collection

    [ QUOTE ]
    (if you can already do this, then that means my ideas are so good they are put in before I think of them )

    [/ QUOTE ]Either that or you need to put down the telscope and stop spying on them

    Actually there's a couple of tracks which I like the feel of (yes I mean feel, they evoke emotions inme so it's a feeling). I'm gonna check out the Korean site too.