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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    There is underperformance despite playing by design and underperformance from playing without any clue about design.
    I would like to add underperformance by data-mining to that. If majority of the people that play the set skip all the same powers consistently, then there is probably something that needs to be fixed about the set.

    Don't get me wrong I could be "doing it wrong" when it comes to Sonic. I am one of those who are pro change with it, but I'll read posts where people show through their thoughts that they're not getting the set or what they should from the set even as much as I am.
    It's the same problem FF has, powers like Sonic Repulsion are so situational, annoying, and counter-productive that it feels like a major slap in the face when you consider there are only 9 powers to pick from. Having multiple powers like this or redundant powers (EX: clarity) devalues the set greatly in most people's eyes. This is a game of alts as well, the playerbase in general isn't unaware of the performance of other support sets, which widens the gap even more.

    With TA there are tweaks I could get behind but I have seen posts of people showing perhaps that all that doesn't have to be failed with TA as support is failed. People do not play in the best way or whatever and it's the set that's wrong. I see this on SWTOR, people saying Sentinels can't do something because they can't and the Devs have got it wrong, and someone comes along and post a Youtube video of them doing exactly what was said can't be done with a Sentinel. I dare say something is wrong in early stages anyway.
    I think people in general on the internet have very poor reading comprehension. What one might write as, "TA isn't performing as well as Rad," somehow gets read as, "TA isn't functional and useless." Couple this with how some people will actively seek out sets they know are weak to outperform on them, then later actively defend the set is fine when they have convinced themselves it is by either grossly exceeding what an average player can do or deluding themselves into thinking it is.

    Forcefield is so maligned people skip half the set like its useless, when it's not and there maybe circumstances where some of that skipped part could of been an asset but people do not have it to find out. The one thing I can say with Forcefield is it is bumped by power build up much like the survivability of SR can be by Aid Self. A Dev touching Aid Self or Power Build up is doubtful because of the effects on other sets/ATs.
    The thing I find most underperform about FF is that complete lack of offensive capability in the slightest. Which is fine if we were still back at the game release, but they've designed every other support set to at least minimal amount of offensive effects. Couple it with the often avoided powers, the set looks really out of date in this environment.

    I don't like to see pages of people turning TA into something that has healing arrow. No one is doing that thank god, but again I'd draw the line at seeing it turned into another set too. I actually don't agree with taking one power of one set and comparing it to another power of another set. I am more for how the whole set works.
    I do think the days of "Healer" and TA thread crossovers is behind us. Problem though is every individual TA power underperforms compared to what is average for other support sets, and it takes twice as many TA powers to get the same effect of one power does in other sets. With only 9 powers to pick from that is a very heavy flaw that can't be ignored, and TA really doesn't have enough synergy amongst it's powers to overcome this.

    Not saying make disruption arrow just like tar patch, we're saying make the power equivalent in worth both numerically and in the number of effects. Why does Tar patch do 10% more -res, slow, and come earlier than Disruption arrow which only has -res? Couldn't you give something like -Def or -Tohit to justify the difference?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
    I like TA a lot, but I get annoyed when I try to show why the set could use some improvement and it gets dismissed, especially when the attitude I get is akin to the "don't call me a healer graihoahsdgoahslkh!!!" hate (not talking about you here, btw). As if I just don't understand what makes the set so great and if I did, I'd see why I'm so wrong.
    I can't even count the number of times I've had this experience over that last 7 years only on the Defender and Kheldian forums alone. I remember when anyone who said Kheldians were less than perfect prior to their overhaul got crucified, even though they were clearly underperforming and the least played AT in the game. Same thing happens all the time with FF, Sonic, and TA threads in the defender forums.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DoctorWhat View Post
    I do have a higher level TA/A Defender and I'm working on a new A/TA Corruptor. In my experance (And bare with me, as the only other high level defender I have is a Dark/Dark/Soul) it is effective as a toolbox set. Glue Arrow is great for keeping a mob close together for AoE goodness, and no worries about missing like with an Immobilize. -Recharge on the baddies benifits everyone as this reduces the amout of DPS they can put out. Flash Arrow is good for stealthing and reduces To Hit, more or less adding defense to everyone. Acid Arrow does both -Res (As does Disruption Arrow) and -Def, making everything easier to hit. Rain of Arrows is crashless, and Oil Slick Arrow adds knockdown control on top of damage. Ice and Entangling Arrows add some extra control, and EMP is a mass hold for panic moments, and zaps any opposing robots (Warworks, Clockwork).
    Shall we compare to Dark miasma? Tar patch does a mass slow and -res in one power where TA does in 2 powers, Glue arrow and Disruption arrow. Darkest night does -dmg and -tohit where as TA does it in two powers with inferior numbers, Flash and PGA. You see where I'm going here?

    It also doesn't help that all the debuff values for TA powers are bad, really bad. Flash only does -6.25% tohit compared to -18.75% in darkest night. likewise PGA only does -31.25% dmg compared to darkest night's -37.5%. Disruption (20%) vs Tar patch (30%), Glue (-20%) vs howling twilight (-62.5%), Flash (6.25%) vs Fearsome stare (18.75%).

    If they want to fix the TA set, they'll have to either buff the debuff values to be on par or higher than other debuff sets and/or combine Flash, PGA, Glue, and Acid into 2 separate powers.

    If they just went with buffing, this is what I would do:
    - Flash arrow should be increase to 13% while still being unresistable, should would make it 3-4% less than FF ally bubbles when slotted. At minimum should be a base of 11% unresistable.
    - Acid and Disruption should be -30% not -20%, since that's the standard for debuff sets and TA completely lacks dmg and recharge buffs.
    - Glue arrow should have -90% recharge not -20%
    - PGA either be increased to -40% OR have it's sleep effect changed to a mag 1 hold that always hits. It also should have a non-stacking -500% regen effect.
    - Remove the -recovery and -end on self effect of EMP arrow cause it has no right being there in the first place. The long recharge is more than enough of a handicap.
    - add a decent damage DoT to entangling arrow to make it worth firing.
    - make Ice Arrow's recharge 10 not 18 OR trim the cast time down to 1 and make the recharge 14. Also add some minor cold damage to it, enabling more IO proc options.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
    I don't think you understand the mechanics of this. Let me try an example:

    Say an attack does 50 damage fires against a foe with 30% resistance to that damage type. So you would normally do 50*(1-.3)=35 damage.

    But suppose the foe is even level so purple patch does not come into play and you hit him with a -20% resistance debuff. Then his new resistance is (see http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Damage_Resistance)

    So when we now do the same attack against the debuffed enemy it does
    50+(1-.16)=42 damage.

    And the key thing to note here is that this is the same as a buff of 20% to the original damage of 35 because

    See wiki and my previously quoted Arcanaville post.

    Ignoring purple patch, which you should factor in before to figure out the actual debuff amount, resistance debuffs of -Y% act exactly like damage buffs of +Y% regardless of how much resistance the guy you are fighting has.
    you got the resistance part right but you seem to not understand that damage buffs increase damage from the base damage, not from the final amount.

    here is scrapper Hack (broadsword) with 95% dmg from enhancements.
    base damage (x) = 55.6102
    melee AT mod (y) = 1.125
    Damage scalar (z) = 1.64
    Raw dmg (RD) = x * y * z = 102.60
    Enh dmg (ED) = RD*( 1 + 0.95 ) = 200.07

    Let's put it up against an even lvl AV (+5 con) with 30% damage resistance to Lethal.
    Purple patch mod (PP) = 0.3
    FINAL = ED * PP * ( 1 - 0.3 ) = 42.01 dmg dealt

    ok now let's calculate it with a -20% res debuff.
    FINAL = ED * PP * [ 1 - ( 0.3 - PP * 0.2 * ( 1 - 0.3 ) ) ] = 44.54 dmg dealt

    ok now with no res debuffs but a +20% dmg buff instead.
    buffed damage (BD) = RD * ( 1 + 0.95 + 0.2 ) = 220.59
    FINAL = BD * PP * ( 1 - 0.3 ) = 46.32 dmg dealt

    As I've just proven, a -20% res debuff is not equivalent to a +20% dmg buff.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Yeah you're looking at single target per power and I am looking at maximum number of targets per power using the dps readings from Mids. It's better to compare aoes to aoes and STs to STs really. Freezing rain is lol dps until you multiply by max number of targets and so for a single cast time you can do a decent amount of damage to enemy group.
    You were responding to a quote talking about TA's effectiveness on Incarnate trial AVs.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    I went and did a quick powerset comparison comparing Scrapper Scorch, to Oil Slick. Now the average DPS of Scorch at base was 17.39. Oil Slick was just 1.38. 8 * 1.38 = 11.04 which is well under 17.39 but I am not exactly seeing what you are seeing.Oil Slick hits 16 so we take that as a potential and go 16*1.38 = 22.08 Factor in another cast time to light perhaps and you are bang on but then there is the area to do so and the ability to debuff all in trying to keep up with the Joneses.
    Don't know where you're getting your numbers but here are the in-game numbers (that also match Mid's).

    OSA (Solo)
    base damage = 75 ticks * 3.34 = 250.5 damage
    base recharge = 180 seconds
    cast time = 1.16 seconds
    base dps = 250.5 / (180+1.16) = 1.38
    3xrechg/3xdmg SO slotted dps + 30% vig = 563 / (92.34+1.16) = 6.02

    OSA (teamed)
    slotted dps = 487.8 / (92.34+1.16) = 5.22

    base damage = 71.33
    base recharge = 3
    cast time = 1
    base dps = 71.33 / (3+1) = 17.83
    acc/3xdmg/2xrechg SO slotted dps = 142/(1.8+1) = 50.71

    Fire Sword Circle
    base damage = 122.02
    base recharge = 20
    cast time = 2.67
    base dps = 122.02 (20+2.67) = 5.38
    acc/3xdmg/2xrechg SO slotted dps = 247/(12+2.67) = 16.84

    scorch/OSA(solo) dps = 50.71 / 6.02 = 8.42 times higher
    scorch/OSA(team) dps = 50.71 / 5.22 = 9.72 times higher
    FSC/OSA(solo) dps = 16.84 / 6.02 = 2.8 times higher
    FSC/OSA(team) dps = 16.84 / 5.22 = 3.23 times higher

    That should clarify my previous post's numbers and statement.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
    I guess we can just agree to disagree on this. Tankish characters are still very useful with some of the nasty hard-hitting AVs. I think it is actually a shame that scrappers/blasters don't contribute more in end game trials. The way it currently seems to work though is that the multiplication effect of the (de)buffers just gets even more crazy when you have whole leagues working on things.
    If you think Scrappers and Blasters don't contribute much in incarnate trials, then I feel sorry for you because you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
    They will have acid + probably double stacked disuption on that AV for -60 resistance meaning the entire team will be doing 60% more damage to the AV. How in the hell is the scrapper going to contribute more damage than (the entire league x .6) in an iTrial to that AV?
    I think you don't understand how the purple patch and resistance debuff calculations work when talking about AVs, especially incarnate AVs. You're really only looking at 42.5% or less with purple patch and that's assuming the AV has 0% resistance to start with. 10% resistance seems to be a pretty common minimum, so you're really looking at 38.25% resistance debuff or less. Also 11 seconds is about the overlap time on disruption so you're only doing 38.25% for 11 seconds and 25.2% for 19 seconds, that's 29.99% overall.

    As for the scrapper comment, the lowest tier scrapper attacks put out roughly 8 times more dps than OSA does, that's without criticals included. You are pretty much not bringing any significant raw damage from the TA set or your secondary for that matter since you have to take significant time out to reapply your debuffs. The force multiplying only makes a difference if your league is alive and bringing enough damage to make the multiplying worthwhile for the lack of your own damage. Since TA is awful at both damage and mitigation, I would gladly take the sustained dps of a scrapper over a 30% or less damage increase for the entire league.
  9. Turbo_Ski

    I want a scythe!

    Gotta save Scythes for it's own power set honestly. Though you could do War Scythes for polearms since they are very similar to halberds and spears in attack motions, but definitely not curved scythes.
  10. Heavenly Perverse your avatar alone describes pvp zones so well.
  11. late game:
    WS mesh better with the incarnate and inventions system due to recharge bonuses. Though I would argue that you could be just as effective on a PB with +dmg and +res bonuses, since PB really don't need to stack recharge.

    mid game:
    they are pretty much the same.

    early game:
    PBs are better but doesn't really matter since Nova form is identical and most players use that while lvling.

    really comes down to if you play aggressively or defensively. WS peak higher because of the foe requirement but do so at great risk of death. PBs are simply consistent and self-reliant.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Or you could wrap your scarf around your head until it all goes away.
    Ice earplugs
  13. Turbo_Ski

    Feral Kat artz!

    *pets the awesome thread*
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Ummm... payback for issue2?
    ah WL farming in KR, going from lvl 1 to 20 in less than an hour.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
    How does one "see" the values of debuff to know what is strong or weak debuff?
    detailed info under power info in-game. You can also do this from the character creation screen by hitting the "I" button on the power selection tab.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
    And still is...

    The last time my group did PvP for fun I had 2 scrapper players cursing me out on Skype yelling "Stop with the %^&*ing GLUE ARROW!!!!!!"
    ah good ol' -fly -jump effects.

    I was one in the other thread that said TA was very mediocre in incarnate trials, pretty much for the same reason trickshooter gave. The debuff values are VERY weak, the controls are very weak, it requires double the amount of powers to achieve what other sets do in one, and oil slick's damage when lit is the only thing it brings to a team. That said I would rather bring a damage AT over a TA, as there is no discernible difference in survivalability and the damage AT will do more damage overall due to higher base values and higher dmg caps.
  17. Any improvement is a good improvement. I approve!
  18. Pardon me I'm still trying to wrap my head around a SG named "The Pinks"
  19. Considering there is a timed defeat badge in TPN and Mayhem trials, they probably wanted to ensure they got those badges by recruiting the best they can.
  20. I'm a masochist, I made a SR/TW tank.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ail_ View Post
    Eh... Oil slick is big damage and everyone loves disruption and the AVs are not going to be at the -res cap. I think you are missing the boat here. Plus of course acid is going to be helping if it is just a matter of one AV you are trying to pound down.

    I think TA shines better in incarnate than it does in the normal game... This is added to the fact that TA tends to shine at 50 more than anything else regardless.

    TA is funny... You can level it and it seems gimp but once you IO it out you are like... OMG Oil slick is up every <45 sec and I do major debuffage and because of IOs I am soft capped... I'm freakin' invincable. I think it benefits more from level 50 content than most sets do.
    That's the problem, all TA has going for it is Oil Slick. Which honestly is pretty anemic compared to what other support sets do late game as a whole. Disruption is okay, but comparatively it still bring less than what other AoE -res support powers do since it has no secondary effect nor is it stronger of a debuff. The rest of TA set is just plain bad, so bad that I'm not exaggerating when I say that PGA/Glue/Flash/EMPA/IA are completely useless in trials. Which is my problem with TA in general, it has one single really great power and a bunch of mediocre ones.