1245 -
For some time, I've been thinking about doing more artwork, and had the idea of something that could be printed as a lithograph and is slightly removed from my usual artwork style.
Over yesterday and today I have worked on ^this^ image which started out as 2 screenshots, one of the Skyline from the I22 Dark Astoria beta preview, and another from the live servers outlining my main character Tsumiju Zero.
I've tried to keep it simple, but have added a few details and textures where needed. Comments and feedback would be appreciated!!! -
Not sure if it's been said, but a few alternatives for Katana/Ninja Blade would be awesome, especially in comparison to the almost "freeform" look of Staff fighting in comparison.
An Official Statement from the Zero Strykers supergroup, released in response to Positrons Eulogy Re: Statesman.
Statesman, the very symbol of our city, a man whose cape adorns the City Hall to this day, has fallen. While out paths crossed on few occasions, there was always an unspoken understanding of what needed to be done. He was always a man of action, preferring to show his intentions and prove them on every occasion so than no questions of his word were ever raised. He was never afraid to ask for help, nor offer it to those in need.
Myself, and my fellow Zero Strykers give though to Marcus Cole, his abscence leaves us with many questions, but also a legacy of heroism to live up to.
Peace be with you Statesman, and may your memory forever be associated with justice. -
well considering the Phalanx needs a scrapper...
I'd like to think I could win a comp like that, buuuuut methinks after some of the other competitions that it probably won't happen lol. -
nah, the recent storm caused a small outage in my area, all sorted though!
on a more wierd note, you know these things on facebook about sim cards having a name, well when I stick my number in (ends in 678) and try it... My sim card's name is "0"
spooky! -
dependant on work commitments I'll be there with Zero
It was written so that States was angered into rolling right in instead of being cautious, even Miss Liberty turning up in the first mission could be seen as a slight nod to this.
States will be removed in a future issue, but it means rewriting a LOT of content, thus it will probably come as an issue 22.5 update or issue 23 (which hopefully is called Issue 23: British Incarnate Hero 1 is back to drink tea whilst sat on a pile of batallion corpses and toast the queen merrily)
seconded, the map itself was eerily familiar when I first entered and after a quick "ITF" realisation it built up to an epic ending.
aaaand done, epic rain effects on the last map
(thats the only spoiler I'm giving) -
"Somewhere in time" for character history (or future) reasons :P
It was a pleasure for myself and the other Strykers to have you come visit @Beastyle! And thankyou also to those that have contributed to and complimented our humble headquarters!!
I sincerely hope that State's demise coincides with a welcome return of Hero 1 as a full on Excalibur wielding, fully recovered, tea drinking, Preatorian Spanking incarnate!!
that definately works, but I've always tried to make my overall strategy to use tactics that don't require certain powers as much as possible, its hard enough getting people to not jump into the portal, as Globe mentioned, let along getting powers fired off by certain players in a 5 second window lol. Shouting MOOOOOVE at them is far easier from experience...
Course you can, and despite the PUG issue, please use the trial staging area to describe this idea and please try it out, as I'm keen to get more data about these new trials
I've seen a lot of people get frustrated by the Nightmare fights, so I'd like (if I may) for a few more teams to try the above attack pattern to try and smooth things out! -
can the non combat pet be a mini statesman that I can knock around with /e smack just like the fullsize one? lol
Welcome back my friend, it's good to see your return!
well I was last on for a good stint friday night, and there was an incarnate trial running parrallel with the CoP trial we ran, so things should still be running smoothly.
Even if the phrase "tennis courts" was uttered on Union, the shame of it! -
I'm guessing that because my billing date was the 10th, that I should get my reward token at the beginning of November? Also any resolute answer to the every 1/3 month thing?
Halloween looks VERY interesting this year, and given the map work we're seeing... just wow...
As for Titan Weapons... Me wants! Problem is im already levelling a street justice scrapper, and now I'll want a Titan Scrapper too!!!! :S -
There are players within each server that like different styles, Union has lots of "Speed Runs" of taskforces running quite often, but adversely we also have a lot of steamroller teams that blitz each and every opponent on the map. It's not about the "server" parse, but finding players that match your playstyle.
Check out Sals Badgehunters, Union Chat and Union Taskforce and watch out, or ask for speed runs! -
Whilst sitting idly in bed this morning, I got to thinking about how awesome the Pillar from the new Signature Story Arc looks, and how the Rularuu Monuments of Anger etc, would be WAY more interesting if they were on the same scale as the aforementioned Pillars from "Who Will Die".
This then got me thinking about other things that the Shard could benefit from, Scaling Tech to represent Rularuu's minions being pushed back away from Firebase Zulu, a heavy Vanguard prescence and some ultra move upgrades in terms of making that liquid in the cascades use some of the new boiling water / steam particle effects from the lava in Who Will Die.
This then brought me onto the age old question of the Shadow Shard being Co-Op. If the shard WERE to go Co-Op, Arachnos would need a prescence in the shard to launch from.
Now this does draw inspiration from Krull (Awesome oldschool film btw) but in my mind, I would love to see some kind of armored spherical "cocoon" suspended on web cables between some of the Shard's floating islands, perhaps with a revised, heavily armed (turrets please) version of the Jade Spider ~ A la the mobile fortresses from the end of Appleseed!