Shadow Shard Revamp / Villain Zone
after playing it last night i really did feel that something like this would make the SS far more interesting in terms of look n feel.

I have been all for some sort of improvements to the Shadow Shard for years. A while back, I posted several upgrades that I even went so far as to do mock-ups of.

agreed, and should be a co op zone as its hinted that arachnos was doing interdimensional exploration in technician naylors arcs

The shadow shard bases that appear in certain one-off missions (the CoT Floating Castle & the Nemesis Steampunk Base), should be added to the actual zone.
I also thought the following was a great idea.
NOW ... with the new Phasing Tech that Issue 21 has made possible ... it ought to be quite feasible to at long last implement something akin to a "campaign" scenario of expanding the Mole Points in the Shadow Shard to give players greater access to those zones, which can then be used as a foundational springboard for creating ALL KINDS OF Shadow Shard Story Arcs, which can better explain all kinds of things that have simply gone unexplained. What's the deal with the Reflections, for example? How did the Shard Native Human get here? How have they managed to survive the Madness and Rularuu?
Additional Mole Points would make a great staging area for further missions in the zone.
I think this is a great idea. /signed
If Venom's Ideas are added, /triplesigned
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
I love the concept and NovaFang's ideas. I would love to see Villain, Coop and FFA PvP zones added to the Shadow Shards.
Whilst sitting idly in bed this morning, I got to thinking about how awesome the Pillar from the new Signature Story Arc looks, and how the Rularuu Monuments of Anger etc, would be WAY more interesting if they were on the same scale as the aforementioned Pillars from "Who Will Die".
This then got me thinking about other things that the Shard could benefit from, Scaling Tech to represent Rularuu's minions being pushed back away from Firebase Zulu, a heavy Vanguard prescence and some ultra move upgrades in terms of making that liquid in the cascades use some of the new boiling water / steam particle effects from the lava in Who Will Die.
This then brought me onto the age old question of the Shadow Shard being Co-Op. If the shard WERE to go Co-Op, Arachnos would need a prescence in the shard to launch from.
Now this does draw inspiration from Krull (Awesome oldschool film btw) but in my mind, I would love to see some kind of armored spherical "cocoon" suspended on web cables between some of the Shard's floating islands, perhaps with a revised, heavily armed (turrets please) version of the Jade Spider ~ A la the mobile fortresses from the end of Appleseed!
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