Tripp Hazzard

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  1. ...but I miss being able to tell when a thread was CREATED.

    Has anyone figured out a way to tell when a thread was started, without having to open the first post?
  2. To pick up from YOUR last post in a thread:

    Advanced Search.

    Your ID in the user name box

    At the bottom, select "by posts"

    Now each result shows the thread title, and below that the title of your post (which will be the same as the thread title unless you changed it). Click on your title to go to your last post.

    As otherwise mentioned, the little downarrow works well when you're browsing by threads.
  3. Well, there goes my discretionary income for the next few years . . .

    I can't decide whether to say "Thank you, Foamie!", or "I'm'a KILL you, Foamie!" I already had a list from some posts from last year, but it wasn't very well organized, and made it very difficult for me to decide what I wanted.

    These will make it so much easier!

    Edit to add some feedback:

    1. Including creator names
    2. Including both hardcover (HC) and trade paperback (TPB) editions in the listings
    3. Taking out the HC and TPB indicators
      Please don't. These are VERY useful.
    4. Making spiffier banners for the publishing companies
      Please add a text header for those of us who've turned off images to avoid sig images.
    5. Modifying the number of Hypes or Hisses needed to achieve a status
    6. Creating further posts for reading orders of specific characters that are listed purely chronologically
      Yes, please!
  4. And just a point of clarification; you can use the "Mac" pack on a PC to get the other goodies in the pack.

    Welcome to the game!
  5. Or just use Firefox and enlarge the page a click. Type is larger, easier to read, and stupid little down-arrow icons are MUCH easier to click on.

  6. Took Captain ZZap from 46 to 50 in two teamings, for my second 50!

    Most of that was from one of the invincible kill all ITF's on Saturday. We finally abandoned the "kill all" part due to the mapservering.
  7. Aaaaand . . . made it.

    Captain ZZap is my new 50. My second after almost two years of play.


    Catch ya on the flipside, and Have Fun!
  8. Went from 1 bar into L46 to 5 bars away from my second 50. I'm hoping to polish that off tonight.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
    Is there any way, when you search for your name, when it finds a thread you responded in, for it to take you TO your actual post that you made, like the old forums did, and not make you look through EVERY single freaking post made to find where the heck yours is in it :/
    Select "By Posts"
  10. This is a good idea.

    A place to do all those horrible experiments you don't really want to do in an actual reply.


  11. Tripp Hazzard

    XP not going up

    Welcome to the game, and to the forums!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    I don't see any way to subtract rep, only add it. As long as there's no way to "grief" someone, I don't really care.
    After you click on the scale, you choose whether it's for good or bad, and can add a comment.

    I've disabled it, too, but that doesn't stop people from giving you rep.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
    Why is WYSIWYG a good thing? >.>

    <-- Troglodyte

    Edit: and I've just noticed that I'm Forum Cartel again... no longer Cuppa Incarnate

    I wonder if they removed the Cuppa rank, or just changed the rank numbers...?
    If you have to ask . . .
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FoxLee View Post
    Words can barely describe my relief at having the new forums finally in play. Seriously, the old ones were ****. However, one thing is still bugging me: the board software automatically scaling avatars to 100x100 pixels.

    Now, I would be the first person in the world to recommend limiting the size of such images, but the problem is that the software also scales up images which are under the size limit, which makes them look horrible. My preferred forum avatar is a 60x60 pixel art image, but I can't use that here because it looks atrocious.

    So, how about removing whatever it is that forces images to scale up as well as down? Allowing people to use smaller images - which are probably faster loading - can't possibly be a bad thing.
    Workaround: put your 60x60 image in a 100x100 image with a transparent background?

    Yeah, more of the grey background will show, but hopefully that's only temporary.

    Thank you for posting this, though. I hadn't investigated why my avatar looked more pixilated here -- it's being upscaled. Gonna have to make a new version.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
    A-ha! I found the buttons for you!

    Got to Edit Options in your control panel, and scroll down to the bottom: "Miscellaneous Options". One of them is "Message Editor Interface", and you can select between Basic, Standard, and Enhanced. Standard is what you're used to.
    and Enhanced is WYSIWYG!!!


    "Preview" is no longer automatic. You have to choose submit or preview.

    "Search" appears to be MUCH more robust.

    And explore the options along the top. There's some sweet, sweet candy in there.

    Whoa, just accidentally figured out multi-quote! Wow!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maynia View Post
    This be truth. Not tested it really but I suspect any links to within the boards that were extant when they were migrated will be borked just because the links are still pointed to the old boards. Which no longer exist. Means the guide-guides will be broken too.
    Which means ALL the Guides to Guides posts are now broken?

    Ouch. That's going to make rebuilding my "Faves" list a bit difficult.

    And /signed to turning off images JUST in sigs.
  17. Eh, I'm not terribly surprised. Double XP is Double XP. Now if I could just figure a way to trigger a Rikti Invasion and a Zombie Invasion in Atlas Park at the same time, that would be fun to watch.
  18. Bear with me, testing avatar, sig and name.

    Woo hoo! I'm unique!

    It looks like everyone has the grey backround and outline on their avatars.

    So far, so good.
  19. deleted because after reading more of the thread, any reply is pointless.
  20. I actually LIKE to solo. And sometimes a mission will be just a little too tough to handle. But I don't want to drop it, so I wait a level or two so it becomes easier.

    Your suggestion, if I understand it, would eliminate that. If they conned yellow when I got the mission, they'd still con yellow even ten levels later.

    Not A Good Thing!
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Lol funny story.

    I especially like the name you chose to give to the PR.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But.. that actually is the toon name.

    [/ QUOTE ]You gave them a REAL character name?

    You are going to get SO flooded with offers now.

    You confirmed that character is active, and that you actually READ their emails. If they cared whether they were annoying people, they wouldn't do it in the first place.
  22. Tripp Hazzard

    Funny AFK

    [ QUOTE ]
    This makes me

    Garlic is toxic to cats.

    [/ QUOTE ]In large amounts. NOT in the small amount of bread I gave her. There's also evidence that small amounts are beneficial.

    I had a cat that ate everything from pineapple to jalepeƱo peppers. EVERYTHING got double-checked before she was allowed to have it.

    But your concern is appreciated. Don't ever hesitate to express it.
  23. Tripp Hazzard

    HBD Kheldarn!

    Seconded . . .er . . . third . . . er, Nintheded!
