855 -
I was very disappointed that they weren't in the "Natural" pack.
Do wings have the same sinking/floating problem that the Raptor Pack does? Do Capes?
Then we have the attachment point. Wings and Capes are already mutually exclusive, no? Packs would be, too, then. Which is appropriate.
Okay, I read your post, but I'm not going to read the rest of the thread, so this is probably duplicatory.
One of the reasons I play this game is because I can avoid PvP. You open up the regular zones to PvP of any form at all, and I'm gone. Forever. The only way it wouldn't drive me out is if you restricted it so much that there'd be no point to it.
I do not want to have to deal with some pimple-faced weenie who thinks it's fun to camp the train station looking for characters weak enough that he can gank them.
I do not want to have to deal with constant barrages of duel challenges, or ignoring player after player who keeps sending me tells telling (not asking, DEMANDING) that I turn on my PvP flag so they can fight me.
I do not want to see the whining and moaning in the forums about how no-one will fight them in the new, world-wide PvP.
This is not a PVP game. If you think having World PvP will get you more opponents, you're wrong. The people who want to PvP already do so. Those who don't, don't want to. You make it harder for them to avoid, and all you'll do is drive many of them away.
I should have posted my workaround for my SuperJumper:
Use Run. (I bound it to Shift+R rather than the default R, so I'd quitting running into mobs when I tried to type.) Then you only need the space and arrow keys, and those seem to play together just fine on my keyboard.
Good luck! -
Wow. A deep, respectful bow to Steelclaw.
Hmm... so vis_scale pushes back the blurred distant objects. Will have to play with that (and watch my temps!).
Thanks for all the tips! -
Late to the action, but still got in. I've done many Hami raids, now, and this one was unquestionably MUCH faster.
You realize, though, that if we get TOO good at it, they'll have to make an adjustment? -
Quote:This. The Kinetic Crash(?) set does this just fine, and gives you even more KB resistance.Or you could slot the bejeezus out of it for knockback and have fun playing Hellion Golf.
When I need a mob OUT of melee range, being able to punch them into the next block is just so much FUN! -
Some keyboards don't transmit some multiple presses well. Arrow keys and letter keys are common examples.
On mine, for example, If I'm using W and space to superjump forward, I can't use the arrow keys to turn left or right. I can use the Q and E, though, just fine.
So it just may be that the keyboard can't "chord" those keys properly. You can try a different keyboard, or try to find an alternative way to do it.
Yeah, like Aggelakis said. -
I just upgraded my system from a just good enough video card to a pretty good one.
And went from routinely running on minimum graphics to max. Of course, effects and the overall appearance of the world are MUCH nicer. There are details in the powers, and side effects that I rarely saw because I was usually on either "Low" or "Performance" settings. Like leaves and branches falling out of trees. Semi-persistent rubble and debris from destroying things.
The game seems to even run faster (I upgraded CPU, too). Everything seems to move a little faster, and my load times are only a fraction of what they used to be.
But apparently there are things I have simply never seen because I couldn't run at the highest settings in any kind of group situation.
For example, last night I was in a Hami raid, and left my graphics on max with absolutely no problem. Now, in the past, Hamidon just flashed and disappeared when he was finally defeated at the end of a raid. Last night he did this whole shake, rattle, and BOOM thing that I had never seen before, apparently simply because I was never on a higher graphics setting before.
Wow! I had no idea that was even there.
So what else have I been missing? No spoilers, please, just tell me what I need to be sure to do with my new setup. (Hero side only -- I just can't get into villains.) -
Back when I thought the on-board graphics would do the job, I added a 500GB SATA drive to the bundle. I plan to migrate to that, so that's going to take out the old drives, too.
The case stays, though.
It's a black Raidmax Scorpio, as seen here, with multicolor LED fans in the window and rear exhaust positions, a red Cold Cathode in the top, red LED fans in the front, and red LED feet.
Picture (excuse the poor quality — shot without flash to show the lights):
Told ya it was "flashy"! -
Again, for those who care:
I spent an hour or so getting everything installed this morning, and then most of the day getting it all working. But that didn't actually surprise me. I was changing most of the significant hardware, and expected to have to jump through some hoops to make Windows happy with the changes.
But a DVD drive that couldn't read my Windows disc any more didn't help, I'll tell ya! A quick trip to pick up a cheap DVD-ROM, and I was back in business.
It's all good now, and I've been checking out the difference all evening.
I went from normally running at minimum settings to keep my machine happy, to where I can now crank the graphics up to max. And the difference is just . . . mind-blowing.
Thanks again to everyone who helped me get through this. Your patience and assistance were invaluable. -
It's all good, Father X. At this point, it's just simpler and easier to go with what I've got coming.
And my deepest appreciation to everyone who's posted. As usual, you've all been quite helpful. -
Plan C:
Shipping and restocking costs will just about cancel out any savings I would get from getting a smaller PSU and sending the 750w one back.
I've been doing more reading on PSUs, and it appears that the effects of using an oversized PSU are the higher cost and slightly more power consumption/waste heat than an optimal one under the same load.
Is that correct? Did I overlook some potential harm from using a PSU that's roughly twice as big as I need? If not, I'm going to stick with the one that's arriving tomorrow (hopefully). Hey, at least I'll have plenty of expansion room! -
The requirements are "OR"s, not "AND"s. Any one of the three should be enough for an invite (provided there aren't other reasons preventing it).
Elf: have you tried petitioning again this time? What response did you get? -
I love getting SB and IR during a mission. I don't mind the occasional "wall-plant".
And it's helpful to get a random one when I'm traveling between missions, especially on a lowbie.
But when I'm just standing around, especially in WW's or AE? It's pointless and a waste of time. It's not like you get any XP for random buffing, and it certainly isn't going to help me access the market any faster. It's just annoying.
And, as mentioned, it actually causes some people problems. -
Steelclaw, you have a sick, twisted mind.
I respect that.
My contributions:
"You know the blimp in Atlas Park? Once you get a flying power, if you can land on it and find the exact point where you can stand without slipping off, you'll get a boost to your flying speed."
"If you defeat a Clockwork Paladin by yourself, you get a one-use power to summon one of your own!"
"Once you're high enough to get on a Rikti Mothership Raid, don't forget to get the badge that's UNDER the Mothership. There's one on top of it, but there's another one under it. Look for the tunnel on the north side." -
Father, forgive me! I throw myself on your mercy!
Could I get you to recommend a power supply that fills my needs at a more reasonable cost? ±385W normal, ±430w peak startup, 8-pin 12v connector (I recognize some have 2 4-pins that both go in the 8-pin and do the job properly). Lights and windows are optional.
I'll send back this overpowered one, accepting the delay and possible return charges.
I should have followed your $600 rig to begin with, just dropping what I didn't need (case, drives, etc.). It wouldn't have cost me any more than I'm ending up spending any way.
I'll go to Fry's this weekend. I'd have to pay extra to get one delivered by Friday, and that would pretty much cancel out any money savings, and I might as well stick with the oversized one I've got, then.
So I want a known brand, something in the 450-500w range, with either 2 4-pin or 1 8-pin 12v connectors, and enough other connectors to make me happy, yes?
The brands I'm familiar with are Coolmax, Thermaltake, and Apevia (formerly Aspire). Do you recommend any other brands, or have warnings against any of those? -
Yeah, I plugged everything into eXtreme's Power Supply Calculator, and, allowing for aging and the drives I plan to add to it in the future, at peak load, it comes up with a max load estimate of ±525W.
My starting load, with what I'll have right now, will be closer to ±385W normal, ±430w peak startup. About 50-60% of the PSU's capacity.
(I have three multicolor LED fans and two regular fans, two cold cathodes, and several other LED lights in it it's a very "flashy" system)
What, I may not be putting enough demand on it? Is that a bad thing? (Man, I never heard of "too much" power before, regarding PSUs.)
Ah, yes, you're right.
The bundle I was originally going to get was discontinued and I had to change the system. Now it's a
- Gigabyte MA785GM-US2H Motherboard w/ MD785G w/ AMD Athlon II 240 CPU and fan bundle.
- Crucial 2048MB PC6400 Memory and Ultra TherMax T5 Aluminum Memory Cooler Bundle (2x each)
I discovered that when I went to order, then forget to post the new system for "vetting".
And that is what led to my video card lesson, when I thought the Radeon HD 4200 onboard graphics on that board would fill my bill.
After learning I was wrong, I added
- GeForce 9800 GTX+ 512MB video card, PCI Express x16 video card.
- Apevia ATX-WA750W Warlock 750-Watt ATX Power Supply
(My research did cover the 4-pin to 8-pin adapters -- you still risk drawing too much power through the connection with those.)
Since it's too late to warn me not to buy something, have I screwed up? That power supply should work with what I already have, according to my readings.
Do you see any glaring problems with this new setup? -
"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted."
I love reading other people's experiences with upgrades, especially the ones that don't go well, because I often learn something. In that vein, here's how mine went:
Everything arrived early last week, but I waited until this weekend to do the upgrade, so I'd have time to handle any problems that came up. And it was a good thing I did.
It took about two hours to remove the old components, install the new ones, and start hooking up cables. Then I couldn't find my SATA cables. I have two, that came with the old motherboard, but they weren't in my "Cables and Bits" box. I recently moved, and don't know where the computer hobbyist stores are in my area, so had to drive back to my old neighborhood (since I didn't have a computer to look online for local ones) to get new ones.
An hour later, I resumed hooking up, and THEN discovered the 4-pin vs 8-pin 12v power connection difference between a motherboard for a single processor CPU, and one for a dual-processor CPU. And, of course, my PSU is a 4-pin model.
I studied the MOBO manual, and figured out that I apparently could put the 4-pin 12v in one end of the 8-pin, but I also knew that I did not know enough to be sure it would work. I definitely needed to do more research. So out came all the new components, back went the old ones, and, after almost six hours, I was right back where I started from. (The old system booted up as though nothing had happened. Plan B worked!)
I little research online established that, yes, I could put the 4-pin supply in the 8-pin connector, but I risked overloading the supply and scorching or even melting the connector! No way I'm going to risk that with a brand-new system.
So, after more research, a new PSU has been ordered, and I'll try again next weekend. The good news is the new PSU has a PCI-E power connector for the video card, so I don't need to use up TWO molex connections for it.
And this is why my original budget was so low. I know, from past experience, that there is almost ALWAYS some significant unanticipated additional expense with a major upgrade, something I didn't know in advance, so I keep a reserve from my actual budget for just such a thing.
Next time (hopefully), the conclusion. -
PPD/Longbow/Vanguard saying "Thanks!" when you help them out on the street.
Ability to stand/ride on the in-game vehicles. "Don't be a Wimp, Party on the Blimp!" -
Good point, I forgot the high end cost, and agree that that's the primary balancing factor.
The one-click keybind eliminates the targeting reticule, which balances the press-and-click ones that preserve the reticule.
Click a point on a map? Okay, how high/low do you want to be when you get there? Are you allowed to click in the areas you haven't actually visited yet? What if there are higher buildings between you and the target point? Teleport as designed here won't let you teleport anywhere you can't see, and you can't teleport through anything, not even a window you can see through (WW's). So you stop half-way to your target with a building in your face.
Anything that makes Teleport easier to use would require nerfing it in some way to keep it "balanced" with the other travel powers.
How about you can set it to auto-fire, but then the End Cost goes up? Or you can pick any point on the map, but at the cost of ALL your endurance? And if that point happens to be in a building, you wake up in the hospital. Blind Jaunting is hazardous! -
It is my understanding that the forced manual clicking is the balance for the fastest travel power in the game.
By removing it, you would be unbalancing it.