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  1. Not sure my title is exactly what Im meaning, but here goes. Not being to sharp on which scalers are used for which AT's all the time, Im wondering how the new APP Aoe's compare to the blaster AOE's from their primary?

    For instance, how equivelant is Energy Torrent in doms APP to Energy Torrent in the Energy blasters primary?

  2. I have been wanting to like DP, but it feels so slow to me after my Energy/Energy. Granted my Energy is 50 and has some purples, but Torrent, and Explosive blast are much faster.

    I cant stand the two big single target hitters either. Neither is that much slower than Energy's big hitter, but they sure seem so when I play them.

    I do love HOB though, lots of fun.
  3. I agree with everyone, play with what you like.

    I have spent so much time trying out, and wanting to like sets that are more efficient than my Energy/Energy blaster. In the end, even though he is not really optimal in any situation, he is who I play, because I like him the best.

    I have a 50 Arch/Dev. I like him ok, though its the Archery I tend to like least about it. Devices is nice for soloing and is a deliberate play style. If its for you, dont worry about what others say. On a team most wont even notice what secondary you have as a blaster. They will be cussing your KB. Just kidding, kinda.

    Good luck with it.
  4. Could just be playstyle issues too.

    I really wanted to like Traps. I could see its potential, understood its mechanics and dont mind being in melee range. All that being said, I just felt it too much fussying around for how I like to play and actually faceplanted more than my Kin/DP. Dont get me wrong, it should be a safer combo than that, but I lacked the patience to play it like it should be played. Sometimes I think its just how sets mesh personnaly with players.

    Also, I noticed for myself that I often believe a set it weaker than it is actually playing for me.

    I often think of my BS/WP as weaker than he should be, or not much tougher than my Eng/Eng blaster. The truth is, he is much tougher and faceplants rarely, but because I like playing my blaster more and feel epic when he triumphs in stituations that may be routine for my scrapper, I think of him as "better" than my scrapper, even though that is not true at all.
  5. I agree on Torrent. Its a great power solo and even ok teamed at times. I have recently been playing my Energy/Energy again. On the Cim wall some and ouro or radios.

    Very fun and pretty tough, though his old build is pure regen and recharge. He has no defense at all except fire shield.

    Personnely if I was building Energy for single target only, I would make a Dom. The chain is a bit better, and Power push is really great with the damage.
  6. Howdy all, trying to rekindle my COH interests with two chars, but for now the scrapper.

    I have settled on Claws as a nice balance between in AOE, Single target and looks.

    So Im curious how the Scrapper community rates these secondaries for the above mentioned claws.

    Smoothest 1-50 leveling.
    Best using SO's or common IO's.
    Best mission running.
    Best AV running using a less than 1 billion inf build.
    Most fun. obviously totally subjective.
    Best farmer.

    I may jut tally all the results and take the highest scoring.

    Was looking for a format like this.

    Smoothest 1-50 leveling


    From best to worse. (just an example.)

    Thanks, Robber
  7. Ahh, I had started to guess those properties of Chain induction, but had not known it for sure. Hmmm, it should be used before Thunderstrike then. Which is what I have started to do.

    Lightning Clap Im unsure of. I like KB mitigation, but it seems almost a bit counterproductive to ELM's strength of AOE until death, yours or theirs. lol.

    Anyway, Im liking it so far.
  8. Thanks for the response Hawk.

    I think Im going to follow our advice and work towards recharge. Looks more fun at a minimum. Things are trucking along and he is a lot of fun to play. Chain Induction continues to be a mystery to me, it actually seems to be firing off less and less and I dont know if Im just not seeing it, or there is something to it I dont understand.
  9. So after finding my frustration level is too low for my blasters right now, I have tried another scrapper.

    I went Elm/Ea. There doesnt seem to be much talk about Electric Armor and the guides for brutes dont go into IO's. Im wondering what direction people go with it. Recharge for Energize and general speeding up of the damage machine. Regen to supplement Energize or the always popular Def. Defense seems like I will need a bunch of Oblit sets as there is so much AOE and not many single target attacks to slot with Deaths.

    Im loving Electric melee, but not Electric armor yet. Its a young toon of lvl 22, and I have slotted for offense at this point, so I should not expect much from the defensive side yet. Still, Im wondering what direction to go with the build, or atleast be planning for. Is tough and weave needed?

    Thanks for any help.
  10. I have a build that doesnt seem impossible to afford that gives me perma dom 1, at 77% recharge. It hits 42.6 Ranged defense and 27.4 S/L defense. Seems pretty good. I threw in Poison Ray for the -Resistance. Not sure if it stacks with itself, Im thinking it doesnt.

    Still, all in all, it seems like while this build has zero AOE, it might be a fairy good big game hunter. Bosses and EB's probably easy enough, Im guessing my lack of a heal makes AV's undoable.

    Im wondering if Aid Self along with that nice Ranged defense would be better than the Scorpion shield though.
  11. I took out my DM/SR lvl 50 soft capped Scrapper. Havent played him a year or so. My god, he is simply unkillable against normal mobs, and he is a cheaply built version at that.

    I did it because I wanted to see how good Defense was, as I havent played for a year. I had been getting owned by an EB in an Ouro arc on my Mind/Nrg and wanted to see if defense is worth it. Well, I think it is. I can soft cap range for a reasonble price without going perma dom. Im seriously considering changing my focus to that now.

    The only thing that is holding me back is I did a quick and dirty look at burst damage, for both aoe and single target over several doms and corrs. Im sure dps translates roughly out about the same for rankings. I cried when I saw how badly Fire outclasses everything else I looked at. I think I could have nearly burned the EB Down in two cycles of the chain.

    Hehe, the AE farms are fixed and Im really wondering if I should continue with my Mind/Nrg or start either the Fire/Traps or ?/Fire Dom.

  12. So Im looking for a bit of a swiss army knife character.

    For better or worse I like ranged, snipes, good solo, good team, with the end possibility of going against AV's. I want good single target and decent AOE.

    So that is a tall order and no character can fill it perfectly. That being said Im limited to a couple sets. Fire, Energy, Archery, Electric, Dark, Radiation for blast or assault sets. These all have a snipe.

    Ill eliminate Energy as its AOE is not what Im looking for (have a lvl 50 blaster, I love him, but want a more team friendly AOE). Electric seems to lack punch in the single target blast or Assault sets, so its gone. Radiation is too varied in its AOE attacks for me, so its gone.

    I have a lvl 50 archer and find it great, but too slow for me for this poject. While I have always wanted to like Dark, I have found it weak both single and AOE, so out.

    So Im left with the perrenial favorite fire Blast or Assault. Either will give me a snipe, powerful single and multi target attacks.

    So that leaves me with a Corrupter, Blaster or Dominator as my choices. (I have a Fire/Rad troller, and dont find it blasty enough).


    Blaster: Fire/Mental or Ice. Gives me mitigation, some control outside chance at AV's maybe.

    Dominator: Just started playing them, fun AT. Earth or Plant/Fire. Good control, strong damage. Seems a stretch for AV's though fast for every other criteria.

    Corrupter: Fire/Traps, Rad or Dark. Seems traps can do it all, maybe Rad though I dont care for it much and Dark which seems the least AV capable, but great for the rest.

    So, what comes closest to my goals from the above Choices. Which are fun from the start? Which are great, but not so good until the later lvls?

    Anyway. Im thinking fun from the start to finish is Fire/Dark, but lacking in AV soloing. The Fire/Traps seems the strongest choice, but I have no experience with it. The blaster seems a distant third actually.

    Last question is which is cheapest to build strongly?


  13. Thanks Silas.

    Since my present Villians bank account is a couple million, not sure the ways I see to get there are within my grasp anytime soon. So I can continue to just build with frakenslotting, getting the most bang per individual power, but no real set bonuses or go the KB set route, unless Im missing something.

    I did use the sleep and confuse sets in the build I have been working on, but dont see any cheap alternatives to get the 7.5% recharge bonus. Cheap being under .5 billion.

    Ill keep working and earning and see how it goes.

    Im really struggling on which Mind powers to prioritize or expect to get mileage out of in the later stages. I just got Terrorize, which I love, as Im a fan of fear powers.

    Total Domination is not giving me much of a warm feeling, the poor acc might be the present problem, as its poorly slotted for me now.

    Not sure if its worth thinking about taking on AV's or even EB's with this combo, and if so, which of the single target powers, Confuse, Mezmerize, or Domination will prove most useful late game.

    Teaming I dont use any of them, solo I use them all, and find each useful in its way. I even wonder if Lift might not be worthwhile, though I already have a decent single target attack chain.

    Im comfortable with the Energy powers, as I have many hours on my lvl 50 Nrg blaster. The Mind powers, even after reading the guides, seem more a matter of taste.

    Further opinions on them, and what types of hunting they are each good for?
  14. Hello all,

    After trying several /Nrg doms, just by chance and lvling luck, the Mind/Energy has come to ther forefront and will be what Im going to work on. Im not even sure I think its the best, but I need to stick with one for a while, and he won.

    So to keep my spirits and interest up, I have been thinking of builds and direction with guy. I have no real Dom experience. I have been reading everything I can and getting atleast a theoretical feel for them. Practical experience is coming slowly. Im suprised to find that the mind is both fun and effective at this point (lvl 26) both soloed and teamed. The team is what most suprised me, and that the group sleep is actually useful on fast moving teams.

    I mostly play him like a ranged blaster, and is what I will continue to do.

    On to the questions. It appears I have three general ways to go. Build for defense, recharge (heading for perma dom) and pure damage.

    Considering my choice of Mind/Energy, what is the pros and cons of these plans for team, solo and cost.

    My general guess.

    I think I can fairly cheaply Perma Dom him at 70% or so recharge with use of the KB sets. This lowers my damage, as the set of six only gives 68% damage increase. This build seems best for soloing, fairly cheap, maybe second best team build.

    Defense. Seems expensive, good solo, less needed on teams and maybe less valuable.

    Damage. Always good. Best on teams, maybe middle of the road on cost and solo power.

    These are just my guesses. I play blueside and until the last 3 weeks, had been away from the game.

    So any advice, corrections to my assumptions. Is perma dom worthwhile if I lose out on damage?

    Anyway, looking forward to any advice or input.

  15. Im recently back from a year hiatus, but cant you set up a macro for either hasten or Dom to trigger when you move forward? I have one set up like that for TD on my Arch/Dev and anytime I move, if TG is not up, it triggers its activation. Is that possible for Hasten or Dom?
  16. I have been doing some reading and tried some combos.

    I wish I could make my beloved energy appeal to me but it doesnt on the doms. So it is out.

    Anyway, I tend to make less powerfull toons, but this time I think Im shooting for the more powerfull end of the spectrum.

    That seems to lead me to fire as a primary.

    The Secondarys that appeal to me and seem powerful are Earth, Plant or Fire. I have a Fire/Fire now and seems good, but lacks a bit of Visual or visceral feel to me. Plant seems to be a bit of a one trick pony, though a good one trick. Earth, well, Im a sucker for the animations, but have no experience with it.

    Im a new dom who primarily plays blue side blasters. I tend to like to be right in the start of a battle as opposed to hanging back.

    My favorite blaster is a Nrg/Nrg though I dont think that translates to what I want to do. I have lvl 50's in Fire/Fire and Arch/Dev. The Arch seems slow and the Fire squishy.

    Maybe that will help in giving me advice.

    Thanks for any input.
  17. Im had the mission ending early on a couple times I ran it. That did not stop me from killing every last boss, since that was the reason I was there.

    On an unrelated note, Im suprised they did not include something in Architect so that you could simply dissable exp or tickets from the missions, thus eliminating the issue for those wanting to build challenging missions for the pure challenge of it.
  18. I have found two missions that yield both far more experience and tickets. They are real farms, and not really fun at all. This one is profitable for sure, but hella fun while doing it. If I wanted to farm tickets for tickets sake, this would not be the one I would choose.
  19. I actually played it the last few times on my blaster. Honestly, the most fun I have had on him since he dinged years ago. He died often, having running battles through the halls, praying torrent would KB several at a time, and generally using all the tricks I have at my disposal. Was great fun, Im hoping something else will crop up like it.

    I have run a couple arcs with some good stories, but as much as I would like to be, Im not the kinda player who plays for that. I just play for the fighting.

    AV's have been a great challenge for many, but I found this one more to my liking for both my scrappers and blasters.
  20. It appears to be gone now. Too bad, just got back and wanted to see if my blaster could some how whittle them down.
  21. Rofl, well now Im just getting my azz handed to me.
  22. Unyielding.

    Two deaths so far, and only the first group destroyed. I need purps to survive the initial onslaught to get parry stacked. Even with that, my build is not really good enough. Been a long time since I played it, and forgot it is not endurance light enough to perma attack.

    Really fun. I imagine I can pull them, which I may try now, but that doesnt seem near as fun.
  23. Much fun. First day of I14, didnt realize difficulty applied to it. Was on Heroic for some reason on my BS/WP. Cut through it like butter. Upping diff to see if he can play with the big boys.