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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
    Every studio that has made that mistake has seen the same subscriber curve: sharp bump up, overall steady decline from about a couple of months after the layoffs, when people figure out that bugs are no longer being fixed in a timely fashion and major content only comes out every year or two, at best, small bounce with major expansions but not enough to reverse the trendline. Whereas every game that kept investing in their product kept growing.
    Except for that isn't what happened here. We got several issues a year, IIRC (there were only two occasions where 220ish days elapsed between issues: between 6 and 7 and between 16 and 17... and those were the longest dry spells without new content this game ever saw).

    it almost certainly went cash-flow negative.
    Unless I am missing something here, we were told that CoH has been profitable for some time. I would have to assume that includes payment of Paragon's employees.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Interface View Post
    On VEATs, the only real choice is Fort/Widow or Spider/Bane, since you can still select powers from the initial set.
    What about Huntsman?
  3. Nothing.

    I have no issues with any corrections made to the game over the years... and didn't start playing until i10, so I didn't have any experience with the really big changes that happened before that.

    In fact, if things changed at the end, I would probably be a bit annoyed actually. I am very used to how things work. And I really like the majority of my characters exactly how they are.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
    Would be kind of a trip if Dream Doctor's method for removing Hamidon from Praetoria and bringing down Ouroboros was to trap the one in the other.
    Now THAT is intriguing.


    How/why were Kheldians a source of fuel for Battalion ships? What was Twilight's Son's role in all of that?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    I think this is part of why they haven't made everything on the market cost 0 points, or made all free players automatically VIP.

    Because they still think there is some chance that the game might continue, and don't want to trash the database (or worse, have to roll it back) if that happens.
    Here's hoping!
  6. Awesome!

    (...though an odd placement for the Loyalist logo.)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Oh, but you already did. You found yourself amongst friends, amongst believers, amongst people who are not prepared to let a corporation simply roll them over and tell them it's done.

    you found yourself amongst heroes
    Where is the damned Like button for this?
  8. I will be sending my main character after the festivities tonight on Virtue!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by thgebull0425 View Post
    Do we know Silos is Nemesis or is that just speculation?
    We do. It was confirmed in more recent content... I want to say Dark Astoria? My memory is hazy on the when.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Some things are easier to get away with doing while at the day job than others.
    Heh, I suppose so.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    either were gonna win this thing or go out with a bang, teeth gnashing, fist punching awesomesauce
    Your signature reminds me that I should make a smaller version of that, NT.

    Edit: Done! Will be posting the link in the Banner thread soon. They aren't too tiny, but they are definitely less gimungous!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    If you had the forewarning to prepare for the game's closing, along with 2 years of preparation, how would you end the story in-game?
    I had this same question! Thanks for posting it ahead of me!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    True Heroes never give up.

    True Villains never let go...
    'Sup, Code'? Surprised you have the time to drop in considering all the projects you are working on.
  14. To make use of some of the lovely Hero slogan we have flying around... I decided to make some "supportive" banners that one could use as a sig (with some shrinking) with a link to perhaps. Just something to add to our rallying cries. Also, the villains feel left out (now GuyPerfect can sport one?).

    All comments as to design and sloganeering is welcome! I will be cross posting this on the Official Forums.

    (This is posted in a thread with other options made by Xenophage, here:,4898.0.html)
  15. I will be rolling a new alt on Virtue today for this event... it will be... well... inspired by a certain Arbiter who has the Power to compell us with his hair!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
    Tonight, Arbiter Hawk showed up in the middle of the night on Virtue, and took a couple leagues-worth of players to the old D, and let us fight 16 (!) Statesmans. (It was Virtue, because he said it was the only server he had access to, from an old costume contest) His avatar was a big, gold car and someone dubbed him Carbiter Hawk. He said (before and afterward) "just remember we love you guys!"

    The night before, also in the wee-small hours, Freitag showed up, saying "I just stopped in to tell you guys we love you!" (and also that he was doing laundry.)
    Similarly, Alpha Wolf popped up on Justice and formed up 2 Mothership Raids... at virtually the same time. Quite awesome!

    So, these guys have their livelihoods in jeopardy, watch their friends become unemployed, and they're showing up on their own time to cheer US up?

    Tell me, how do we give up on this?
    We can't... and we won't!
  17. I'm rarely this positive, TA... something must be broken.

    At any rate, I had that thought occur, and figured I might as well share it!
  18. Let's assume for a moment that through one event or another, CoH is snatched from the abyss at the last moment AND development on the game is able to continue.

    Issue 24's title is/was Resurgence!

    Let that sink in a bit. The title would galvanize our efforts, and be perhaps the biggest resurgence possible for an MMO. Now with that in mind, wouldn't you want to tell your friends about it? Wouldn't that be an excellent selling point? Ripples. Lots of them.

    A success here would speak volumes about our community. And it would all be true, we are that awesome.

    Don't give up quite yet.
  19. The Dagger of Jocas! Finally, we see just what it does, and how truly epic it is. And it seems like the Dream Doctor had a few different names early on before he became what he is today (Mister E? Gerard the Green?).

    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    Ha, so every single Hero is embroiled in a Nemesis Plot, right from the moment of character creation!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Poison View Post
    Okay, that is all I have. I left out the Rularuu one, since it was mostly musing, very little background.
    Musings are good enough for me, could you please post that one too?
  21. Is the "Mister E" mentioned in the BP story the original name for the Dream Doctor?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
    I mentioned it in JU from as early as 7EST. I get back in game at 10 and AP has me and 2 others in it. I ask in JU and was told: "We do our own thing on Justice." I've been a part of Justice for almost 7 years and I have NEVER seen them ignore something like this. I logged off, pretty damn disgusted.
    I was part of not one but two RWZ Mothership raids on Justice tonight, both of which were formed by Alpha Wolf (Q/A Dev for Paragon)... I found this to be a much more fitting protest/send off. Actively fighting the same way we have for years.

    Nothing to be disgusted about, IMO.
  23. As the game comes to a close, I increasingly wonder how many players might live around me so as maybe we all could keep in touch, hold a meet and greet... something!

    So, who's around West Michigan (or willing to head in that direction)?