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  1. The_Bronx


    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Okay, I've got a compromise-

    I flip the recipes, but deduct the profit from his final total, so it'll be like they never existed!
    The profit will vanish, but the exploitation of the [type of] player this character is portraying will forever remain.

    If you want to avoid temptation, slot them all. Yes, all however-many-you-have.

    This will avoid those self-conversations of what to do as you stare at them in your tray or recipe inventory.

    Then, when you've come to your good (albeit, villainous) senses down the road, you'll know you can 'spec and sell the babies after this project of yours.
  2. Just left the city a few weeks ago, and back on my island of isolation.

    I'll definitely keep you in mind next time I'm in the area, as well, ****, I like drinking and the more the merrier.

    I still need to make it out to Philly again to chill with Web.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GATTACA_NA View Post
    I finally found a name for my elec/elec tanker coming i16. Yep.
    What did you score?
  4. The_Bronx

    Hey Masterminds

    Originally Posted by CrackBack View Post
    I just rolled my first ever mastermind. Is necro/pd any good?
    As Hospy said, it isn't as good as say, Robots or Thugs Primary.

    However, Pain Domination definitely does the job.
  5. The_Bronx

    Hey Masterminds

    Originally Posted by Gulver View Post
    It's just too bad that I don't see "Customizable Henchmens" on the I16 teasers....
    That's actually coming.

    Don't know if I mentioned that, but it was discussed at Comic Con.

    But, word. Not i16 material.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SonicBang View Post
    I've got the trade channel on but I hate dropping what I'm doing to go buy an IO. I don't know, but the market and IO'ing is like doing work while playing a game for me.
    I wouldn't expect you to drop what you were doing, really.

    If you wanted something, and I had it, I'd simply hold it. Simple.

    I am a dick, but I'd rather sell to people on Champion than randoms elsewhere, as shown when I'll randomly advertise a couple dozen sets for sale.

    Hmm .. maybe that's why someone made this trade channel.
  7. Apparently, things do continue in my absence.

    But, seriously, what's the trade channel?

    And, if it's actually put to use with customers and sellers, how do I get in it?
  8. I recently released:

    - Spearmint

    While I was amused by the name, I really don't see anything ever happening with it, especially with me deleting a number of characters.
  9. I'll give you 40,000,718 for it. It is likely level fifty.

    If anyone would like to be the proud owner of level 52 and several select level 53 Hamidon Origin enhancements, feel free to contact me.
  10. The_Bronx


    He has no travel power, unlike every other super villain.

    He will use the funds from this investment (read: flipping) to pay for public transportation, and the weapons cache to conceal his swords from the eye of the possibly suspecting public.

    See? Flipping them has roleplaying value, too.

    Now, do it. I thought you were a villain?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SonicBang View Post
    And yet I walk around with my half IO'd toons because I hate being at the market and enhancing.
    You can always avoid the market and simply pay me.

    Whatever the other half of those HOs or IOs are, I am certain I have them.

    I do not inflate prices, like I do when listing and selling, when selling directly to players.
  12. The_Bronx

    Thanks, Ping

    Biscuit (no bacon) will be in the mail this week.

    Considering that's a villain, we'll need a more villainous screenshot for your card.
  13. The_Bronx

    Thanks, Ping

    Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post

    Can I be part of the Club to?
    Soft-cap and make the monies back.

    Then, your membership card will be in the mail.
  14. The_Bronx

    What'ya Think

    It shouldn't even be that difficult.

    /respec should bring you to what your management window looks like.

    Click one of two buttons. Either choose clear (start anew) or dynamic (change what you like).

    If it's been suggested in many forms, any of which to resemble new slash commands, I'm against it and think this is better.
  15. The_Bronx

    What'ya Think

    Mmm .. Chewy bacon.
  16. The_Bronx

    Freeform Respecs

    Excellent idea, Ace.

    As mentioned, I've also passed on trying to bank an upcoming Freespec as the tedious task of burning a previous one, even for a desired change, was too much of a chore.

    Being able to utilize a Respec in the same fashion as Mids' would be really nice.
  17. People who sit on Heroes all day complaining about no one playing Villains.
  18. I am still on vacation, and was at my home in Texas during the double exp weekend.

    The desktop at the house is terribad, and can barely handle the game, as is the horrid internet connection, but I still managed some goodies:

    - Warshade : 30 - 50
    - Despair : 1 - 50
    - Elegy : 1 - 50
    - Epidemic : 1 - 50
    - Shield : 1 - 50

    Made about a billion on the market, three or four off of it, selling purple sets to players and about twenty levels on Virtue sometime when I couldn't get on Champion.

    On Saturday, I spent most of it in Dallas out at the Museum of Art, the Sculpture Center (not as elaborate or as large as I thought it would have been or liked for it) and the Collection of Asian Art, which was all interesting.

    There was a bridge with a glass enclosement that linked two buildings that was filled with a thousand oragami cranes. I dug it.

    I saw several movies on Sunday and drank on one or all of those days. I honestly don't remember. If there were less issues with the servers during the times I was on, and I was at my Cuban computer, I likely would have beasted.

    Maybe with i16?
  19. Several days later and you are still getting showered with well wishes.

    I do hope this means you are still partying it up, as the celebration doesn't end until the wishes do.

    Or so I've been told.

    Chug, chug, chug.
  20. Happy ******* birthday, you.

    I would have called you and told you, but I don't have your number.

    Consider yourself special. I think I've only done this for Web.

    .. And, I hate these new ******* boards.
  21. Wait, the boards are going down for a while?

    What the [censored] am I supposed to do?

    Guess I'll be text'n the [censored] out of people.
  22. The_Bronx


    You didn't get that, either.

    So, get your [censored] face wrecked.
  23. The_Bronx

    Gratz ! to P.o.N

    It's just one day or a weekend like Comic Con?
  24. The_Bronx



    You won against the post prior to your Superbowl concoction.

    You didn't win me.

    Hai, Kas.