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  1. The_B


    Of course I'll be keeping up the website!

    And yes, you're right, this game will make me come crawling back eventually

    Thanks for all your comments so far, by the way...also, I forgot to mention a thanks to _Coin and Lodestar as fellow Hull-ites on the boards and in game. -Keep the Hull Heroes banner flying...

    (Wow, that's a lot of winking, I must have something in my eye... )
  2. The_B


    *Sneaks in*

    I know Bridger doesn't like these posts, but I just felt that I had to say this, just to let you all know.

    I've not been on much lately, and, unfortunately, after my account runs out at the end of this month I will not be renewing. Nothing to do with the game itself, it's just I'm not going to be able to find enough time to play anymore (especially coming upto the end of my BTEC National Diploma in Media Course = a LOT of work) and I don't have the time or resources to dedicate to CoH/CoV anymore...

    Far from being a sad post, I'd like to thank everyone I've met during my time on CoH and CoV, it's been an absoutely brilliant time and adventure, and I've loved every minute of it. Special mentions to TG, Lady_Darkforce, L'Austin, Plight, Syn, Question, Xironia and ALL the other players of CoH and CoV that have made the last 13 months an absolute blast for me.

    Also, a special thanks to Bridger, Rockjaw Amboss and Midoh for being an absolutely fantastic community team - Guys, you made my first foray into an MMORPG an absolutely fantastic one, and I don't think I could have hoped for a better community.

    Hopefully, I'll return in the future, when Real Life isn't such an issue (Hey, hopefully I'll be able to come back once I'm at Uni this September, hopefully ) but I want you all to know now, that I never got any charcter to 40 or 50, but damn it, I had one of the best gaming experiences of my life. If anyone still feels the need to stay in touch, you can always pop by on my website (link in sig) and thanks again.

    B, AWAY! (For now... )
  3. Still, better QuayTeq than PCWorld eh?
  4. The_B

    City of Carols!

    I bow down to you Weasel! Fantastic!
  5. The_B

    City of Carols!

    Yes indeed, as it's that time of year, I thought I might lead the way in some festive favourites given a good ol' "City of" twist. So, if your chestnuts are roasting on the fire and you have the decorations up, I present to you some carols, Paragon City Style!

    Jingle Bells

    Dashing through the snow,
    In a Super Speed-y way,
    O'er Atlas' Statue we go,
    Laughing all the way!
    Bells on jetpacks ring
    Aura's glowing bright,
    What fun it is to get drunk and sing
    At PDP tonight!

    Oh! Jingle Bells, Bridger Smells
    Statesman nerfed the sleigh!
    He wen't and took the reindeer off as Paragon couldn't affoard their pay - hey!
    Jingle Bells, Rockjaw Smells
    Midoh flew away!
    When Amboss went and found he'd spent
    One Million Influence away!
    We Wish You a Villanous Christmas

    We wish you a Villanous Christmas,
    We Wish you a Villanous Christmas,
    We Wish you a Villanous Christmas,
    As we fill you with fear!

    In Bloody Bay we will bring,
    Pets to do the MM's bid-ding

    We wish you a Villainous Christmas
    And we'll fill you with fear!
    Silent Night

    Silent Night,
    Stalker's Night
    Dominators are calm,
    MasterMind's are bright
    Round yon Brute angry and wild
    Holy corruptor attacks from a mile
    I choose a Stalker for me-eeeee
    Mainly 'cause they're good in PvP

    Lord Arachnos is Coming to Town

    You'd better get out,
    You'd better have SO-slotted fly!
    You'd better not have any debt, I'm telling you why,
    Lord Arachnos is comin' to town!

    He's making his list,
    He's checking it twice,
    Doesn't really care if your Tanker is fire or ice,
    Lord Arachnos is coming to town!

    He sees you when you're in Warburg,
    He knows if you're in Bloody Bay,
    He knows if you're in Siren's Call
    So call States for goodness sake!

    Run as fast as you can,
    Get your heros to flee,
    You ain't gonna like it if you're PvP
    Lord Arachnos is comin' to town!

    I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

    I'm dreaming of a White Christmas,
    Just like the ones with the Winter Lords!
    Where the Crash Site glistens,
    And heroes listen
    To hear, Hamidon go down in the snow, the snow!
    May your dings be merry and bright!
    And may Statesman never nerf your flight!

    -Enjoy! I might think of more later
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Gratz Jamus. Nice to see your still about after all this time. Still remember your help in the Hollows on my first day back in Feb . well if you are Jamus that is

    Gratz anyway hehe

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yup, same one!

    -Gratz Jamus, sorry I wasn't around to see it at the time!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    They really pick bad times of the month to judge it really - every month so far there's been something keeping em busy - this time it was
    Stealth Nerfs
    Incorrect Patch Notes
    Servers Down
    Disgruntled Customers
    City of Villains launch

    ...errr, maybe they need to hire a new Redname just for the Creative forum!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually last night at the expo party I met the girl who judges the creative forums for Rockjaw and produces a shortlist, though she doesn't post on the boards. Learnt from this weekend that Bridger and Rockjaw are waaaaaaaay too busy to be able to read all of the stories. So it does actually make sense though she is due to go back to uni soon.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So THAT'S what Ghost Widow does on her days off??!!!oneonetwo!ZOMG!onetwelfty!!one!
  8. Hey, what about Most Creative Expoee? - An award for who does the most creative thing while at the expo?

    -Whether that means 1001 ways to down a pint is up to them
  9. They really pick bad times of the month to judge it really - every month so far there's been something keeping em busy - this time it was
    Stealth Nerfs
    Incorrect Patch Notes
    Servers Down
    Disgruntled Customers
    City of Villains launch

    ...errr, maybe they need to hire a new Redname just for the Creative forum!
  10. The_B

    Pwnz Badge

    I solo'd it with my Fire Tank
  11. The_B

    Kheldian 1AT SG?

    [ QUOTE ]
    it's definately getting harder for us squiddies to find a etam .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Down the road from Woolies?

    *gets coat*
  12. The_B

    Stalker Binds

    Mine's quite simple:


  13. I wouldn't want to plagurize (sp?) such fantastic work Q!
  14. Errr, I might do when/if I find some time - does anyone else want to see me finish it out of interest?

    (cheers for the sentiment by the way )
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't this be an effect of the ED system? - Sounds like it to me is all...
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    i knew he wouldnt

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You back for good, or just for CoV?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wouldn't that make her back for bad?
  17. The_B

    A little Prayer

    Don't think so, I think Bridger was only able to save the winning threads afaik...
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    How about...

    "A Wizard did it!"


    [/ QUOTE ]


    You shall be the first to fall...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Is still running*
  19. The_B


    Couldn't resist... sorry...

    -Errr - yeh, what's gping to be your favourite thing being a Dominator? (Careful now- these boards are 12+ rated )
  20. How about...

    "A Wizard did it!"

  21. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, (mainly rl) - I was unable to complete my CoH/CoV comic before the competition ended.

    However, I have decided to post it here and let you guys take a look and comment if you wish

    AKA - A Day in the Double Life

  22. As a result of many of our members playing alts, we have decided to form a spin off SG from the Monkehs SG

    Are you worried when walking through Paragon City?
    Do tall buildings make you slightly panic?
    Ever feel inadequate because you're small?


    Mini Monkehs is an SG now looking for members, there are only two requirements:

    1. You must be a "small" (preferably under 4"5) Superhero

    2. You must like having fun in game-cos that's what we're all about!

    If you're intrested, drop a /t to:

    Mini B

    and we will come to you and take a look at your hero to see if they're small enough
    Mini Monkehs! - ALL the fun...Half The Size...