AKA - A Failed Competition Entry (Reposted)




Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, (mainly rl) - I was unable to complete my CoH/CoV comic before the competition ended.

However, I have decided to post it here and let you guys take a look and comment if you wish

AKA - A Day in the Double Life




So you will not finish this?

Just for fun and for me!




Errr, I might do when/if I find some time - does anyone else want to see me finish it out of interest?

(cheers for the sentiment by the way )



A whole bunch o f french guys eager to see whats happening in other parts of Europe is waiting, just by the way have a look at the french forum, you'll find "toujours" some artwork and even the french "comic" connection!



I'd certainly want to see how the rest turns out - it has a nice bright, dynamic style to it.

Embarrassingly, my own (unfinished) effort (which stretches to around 1 and 1/3 pages) is rather flat, not to mention a little heavy on the text - I've gone a little rambly in my semi-old age!

Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell

Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation



No badly drawn stickmen and no shoddily cropped images stolen from Google. Not impressed.



I wouldn't want to plagurize (sp?) such fantastic work Q!