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  1. When I first logged on around 3:30pm Pacific, there was a patch, but no patch notes. It had been a few days since I logged in, so I didn't think anything of it.

    About 15 minutes ago, I logged out of the game and restarted it. There was another patch to download and apply. I was surprised, especially since again there are no patch notes and I couldn't see anything to indicate there was a problem.

    When I tried to log back in just now, it said "No response from this server. Please try another server or try again later." I tried every server and got the same response. I exited the game again and had it verify files. No errors, but when I logged back in again, I had the same problem. "No response from this server." On every server.

    What's going on here?
  2. Fitting that we're recruiting in October. Almost as if we planned it.
  3. Hmm... after five ECHO parties, I'll have to be very creative with my costume. What to wear, what to wear...
  4. TheVagabond

    I15 broke the

    Oh, that's easy. It's all about the new
  5. TheVagabond

    I15 broke the

    I hear at Comic Con, they'll be giving away
  6. TheVagabond

    I15 broke the


    It was just released that in Going Rogue you'll be able to
  7. TheVagabond

    I15 broke the

    I heard this thread is going to be deleted unless we all
  8. That would be ol' Vagz getting leered at by Pez. Who, by the way, still does not obey silly rules like "personal space" and "don't hump my leg".
  9. I'd also like to add that we have some of the best base-designers in the business. The Warrens is as much a member of the VG as any of the PCs.
  10. *paints the mouse in "plum" and "robin's egg"*
  11. And for a bit seedier of an establishment, the Monkey Fight Club is still open on Sharkshead.
  12. Join Anathema!

    Where an evening's conversation can cover such intriguing topics as theft, canniballism, wine-tasting, human mating rituals, murder, magic, ritual sacrifice, and bunnies!

    ...and that was just in a span of an hour. True story.
  13. Is she trapped in a magic longbow (an inanimate object)? Or trapped in a Magic Longbow (a person in a red-and-white uniform)?
  14. On an Architect mission Sunday afternoon. One of my teammates called Amy to help us with the AV and she turned on us. We thought it was something the AV had done, but this thread makes it sound like something more... sinister.

    Maybe Amy's gone Rogue already?
  15. Skimmed the thread, so I apologize if this is a repeat.

    Homeless - logging out in bus stops or under overpasses.

    Homeless + Commuter = Drifter (or possibly Highway[wo]man?)
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    If you are askeed by someone to help with a mission, go into it from a RP standpoint of you've never done it before. Even if you've done it a hundred times. If you're roleplaying the Vahzilock plague, it just spoils it for everyone if every misison you're going "this same thing happened to me once" or "man, how many times is this guy going to try this same plot? I've stopped him half a dozen times now!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I disagree. I think it can actually add to the potential RP, especially as the "wise, sage" high-level character (or re-rolled character) can then pass along his knowledge of the mission IC instead of having to drop OOC to say "hey, the best way to beat this guy is..."

    And personally, I think the revolving door in the Zig is a great running gag, especially since the first thing a new CoV villain does is break out.

    If you'd like the people you're teamed with to RP as if this is the first time ever something has happened for the sake of your character's RP, by all means, take a moment OOC and ask them to do so ["Guys, I built this character to have the Clockwork King as his arch-nemesis. Can we play this like you've never seen him before?"], but don't expect others to discount their own experiences in favor of yours.
  17. How much does CoH "read" my computer? When I change to a setting and it says "(not recommended)", does that mean it's checked my computer and the setting isn't recommended for me? Or is it just a general warning that the new setting is higher than default?
  18. ((Now I'm really bummed my board-time has been so limited lately. Very well-written, everyone.))
  19. ((I'm all for posting it. ))
  20. ((Heh... if we'd stuck around a little bit, it sounds like Cog would've been the hit of the party second only to Vionha. ))
  21. ((Happy to help. And happy that Sea Hawk called on Vagz, otherwise I might not even have known what was going on. ))

    ((And a big thanks to everyone who came along: Cog Sprocket, Comrade Smersh, Polaron, Sea Hawk, Vesperi, Wildcat X... and... damme. Sasha. Soviet something...? I'm so sorry! I'm blanking on your hero name!))
  22. Name: The Dauntless Reverie
    Leaders: Check website Roster for current Anointed.
    Preferred contact: Post to our Forums and introduce yourself or send a tell in-game to a captain to arrange a time to meet up.
    Description: The Dauntless Reverie is a fellowship of individuals, held together by a common bond of magic. Read the Doctrine to learn more.
  23. TheVagabond

    Villain Emotes

    Please excuse any repetitions of what has already been posted. Consider them repetition for emphasis.

    For both heroes and villains, the ability to use other emotes (specifically ;crossarms and ;yoga) while Hovering. Magneto and Superman have both done this frequently.

    A movement of the hand across the throat. A must-have.

    I definitely like the idea of being able to mug/attack the random citizenry, even if only in pantomime.

    A simple raising of the hand, either in acknowledgment of praise, or to hush the crowd.

    A thumbs-down, possibly accompanied by shaking the head "no".

    Walking on tip-toe/sneaking.

    On the knees pleading for mercy.

    Might not qualify as an emote, but the ability to kick sand/dirt/gravel/hot coals in the hero's eyes.