Dauntless Reverie SG's 6th Annual ECHO !
Apologies for the delay in the aforementioned flyer. Pretty pictures will be resumed in a short while.
The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."
Um, it says September 20th...Thats already passed.
For the When: date that is.

Gods Ely, good to see some of you still around....I remember that glade and all the magical types destroying my prescious rules of physics.
Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---
Initial post has been edited to --hopefully-- get the poster to view correctly (Click on the word FLYER in the first sentence to view the gorgeous ECHO poster created by our own highly talented Niranen), and also to correct the date at the bottom of the post. (If anyone else has trouble viewing the poster, just let us know.)
Thanks for the sharp eyes and good catches on corrections.
So, to reiterate, the Dauntless Reverie 6th Annual ECHO RP event will take place on the Virtue server on Saturday, October 17th, beginning at 6pm EST, and with music and coverage by The Cape Radio and DJ Vangelus. All heroes are invited, and we hope to see you all there.
Kassai walked into her room at The Place. She threw herself on the bed and stared at the ceiling. It was no use, the image still remained in her mind.
With a great sigh, she lifted the sheet of paper clenched in her fist and read the flyer once more. The beautifully designed flyer did little to alleviate her anxiety.
She'd been with the Dauntless for quite some time. They were of incalculable help in some of her missions. They were each and every one of them, noble and fierce warriors. Without their help, she doubted she would have been able to easily triumph over the likes of the Freakshow or the Council. And on occassion, she provided what little help she could to the Dauntless on their own missions.
But, this...this was something she had to do alone. And she doubted she could.
With a start, she flew from her bed to her closet. Opening the doors, she found only despair staring back at her. There was her traditional tunic, which was heavily worn and still retained the faint odor of horses. There were several Wyvern uniforms, but the utilitarian and militaristic look of a Fang Agent would not be appropriate.
Then, there was that lovely piece designed for her by Serge of Icon. While it did make for a striking figure on the streets of Paragon City, it was not what she would consider as meeting the ECHO theme.
Finally, the last outfit was her Croatoa-inspired costume. She'd been told that it was reminiscent of the great hero "Robin Hood", but again, it was not "party wear".
It was hopeless. She could not do this on her own. She would have to ask for help.
Sighing once more, she picked up her cell phone and dialed Sarah's number. She would call Nyght later, after the sun had gone down.
It was time for another shopping trip. One that only the bravest, strongest and most fashionable Dauntless could attend.
She would find a costume. It will be perfect. She is kassai and she cannot fail.
I love how the consanants in my name look in the poster. :O
DJs for The Cape Radio
Makes videos & podcasts about reviewing toys, covering conventions, and more at Vangelus.ca
Hmm... after five ECHO parties, I'll have to be very creative with my costume. What to wear, what to wear...
Hmm... after five ECHO parties, I'll have to be very creative with my costume. What to wear, what to wear...
So please, join us in our 6th Annual ECHO as we celebrate The Season of Masks, and masquerade as your "echo" or "opposite" a reinterpretation or antithesis of yourself. There will be contests and prizes, good music and coverage of the party (graciously provided by The Cape Radio's own DJ Vangelus), dancing of course, good fellowship and fun. |

One week to go till the ECHO event. We're looking forward to hosting the Heroes of Virtue at this annual RP SG occasion, so ponder those "Echo" or "antithesis" costumes and get ready to party! To R.S.V.P., you can send an in-game email to Nyght-shade, an in-game tell to @Rhianwen, or visit the Dauntless Reverie website for our online reservation form.
....Why can I see Ankylus having stuck one of these posters onto the side of a DE monster?
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
ECHO in 4 days! All heroes of Virtue are invited, and RSVP's can be sent in-game by tell to @Rhianwen, or by in-game email to Nyght-shade.
Or, you can go to the Dauntless Reverie ECHO RSVP Form.
The ECHO location will be revealed Saturday morning, so keep an eye on this thread.
ECHO is only hours away, and it’s time at last to reveal the location for this year’s Annual ECHO party – the Southern-most leg of Skyway City’s Hide Park, (Location -706, 0, -1,077, 366 yards south of the Hide Park neighborhood marker), by the statue and reflecting pools.
As an extra bonus, those who’ve not already collected it can receive the “Dauntless Badge” while there!
So come join us tonight as we gather by Dauntless' statue in Hide Park, Skyway City, at 6:00 PM EST to show off our finery, greet our guests, and party! See you there!

NOTE: We have had some problems with our Dauntless Reverie website ECHO RSVP link. If you've submitted an RSVP through the website and not received a response, our apologies. The location for the ECHO party is posted above.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to send a tell to any of the Dauntless Reverie SG captains: @Rhianwen, @LyteInVirtue, @WhiteWiccan, @Andy, @TheVagabond, @Arinara (UK timezone), @TheElysienne (UK timezone).
I can't wait!

And remember, folks! Just because you've not RSVP'ed or just because our system fails as hard as a failing thing, that doesn't mean you can't just gatecrash. The more is always the merrier!
The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."
Have always had a great time at Dauntless parties and this years was no different .
Thank you for hosting everyone there was very easy to chat with and easy to get into RP with , was totally a great use of my online time
looking forward to next years
I kinda forgot about it, and didn't even RSVP, but i managed to jump in the last hour or so, got hems a Firefly costume "two by two, hands of blue, Hemily is coming for you!"
was a great party, at least the part i got to see of it, and then Detra wearing pants! *gasp*
It was a wonderfully fun ECHO party (and the Rikti Raid during the third round of trivia was a total bonus. :-D) Thanks to everyone who came, participated in the contests, danced and joked and laughed and RP'ed the evening away.
A special thanks to The Cape Radio and DJ Vangelus, who gave us fantastic coverage of the event, great commentary and rocking music. And Vangelus, Big Kudos for the action music montage during the Rikti Raid!
I'll post lists of contest winners and a link to screenies from the evening, once I've had time to sort it all out.
No matter how much planning goes into a party --and much thanks to our Dauntless Reverie Anointed for all the planning they put into it-- the final success falls to the guests who come and enjoy it. You all made this one grand, and we look forward to seeing you again next year.
In the meantime, look us up for RP and teams, and drop by the Dauntless Reverie website any time, or send a tell to any of us in-game: @Rhianwen, @LyteInVirtue, @WhiteWiccan; @Andy, @TheVagabond, @Arinara (UK timezone), @TheElysienne (UK timezone)
As a side note, we've opened the doors for the Dauntless Reverie SG Autumn Recruiting Cycle, which runs through the end of October. If you're interested, drop by the SG website, register, and log in to submit an application. Here endeth the commercial -- in this thread, at least. ;-)
The Dauntless Reverie
A FLYER has been found posted on light posts, trees, building walls, and business bulletin boards throughout Paragon City.
An accompanying card, black with silver and gold finely printed text, is found in a holder close to the FLYER. Heroes also may have received the card in the mail. The text of the card is below.
What do an oil tanker in Talos Island, the underbelly of Brickstown, a country bridge in Croatoa, a wooded clearing in Perez Park, and a small glade by a stream in Galaxy City all have in common? They have all played host to The Dauntless Reverie's yearly annual celebration of the coming of The Season of Masks. With great pride, I present...
The 6th Annual ECHO!
So please, join us in our 6th Annual ECHO as we celebrate The Season of Masks, and masquerade as your "echo" or "opposite" – a reinterpretation or antithesis of yourself. There will be contests and prizes, good music and coverage of the party (graciously provided by The Cape Radio's own JD Vangelus), dancing of course, good fellowship and fun.
Festivities will commence at 6 o'clock in the evening EST, Saturday the seventeenth day of October. Please RSVP to Nyght-shade by email on your Paragon PDA, or visit our on-line RSVP form.
The location will be released on the day of the event. Watch your inboxes ((and this forum thread)) for more information.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Warmest regards,
Fen Monique, otherwise known as Nyght-shade
Epicenter of the Dauntless Reverie
What: The 6th Annual ECHO
When: Saturday, October 17th, 6PM Eastern
Where: To be announced!!
Who: All heroes on Virtue!
Music and event coverage by DJ Vangelus, of Cape Radio
Contact: By in-game email to Nyght-shade, in-game “tell” to @Rhianwen, or visit the Dauntless Reverie website for our online reservation form.
Adding a temporary description to your player ID to explain the genesis of your costume helps towards having everyone become better acquainted.