272 -
That's it, no more beating around the bush!
The OFFICIAL meeting place for all RPers is in Galaxy City, behind the Freedom Corps building, under Galaxy Girl!
I was hemming and hawing myself, because I wanted a "group" consensus... but that got us NOWHERE!
So I, The Sly Fox, have decided on Galaxy Girl... for... ahem... obvious aesthetic reasons.
I will see you there!
~The Sly Fox~ -
FSS is blessed with at least three robots, and frankly, they are some of the best RPers among us.
It's easier to stay in character with a robot, because ANYTHING you might normally say would be OOC.
I dunno... I don't know why people chatting annoys you so much... I mean, if you were in a public place, trying to think or WHATEVER, and someone was talking right next to you, wouldn't you just move away if they were bothering you? -
Sly felt bad for the extremely put upon Jack...
... wait...
No he didn't!
If he was going to cross the line with THESE type of women, he deserved whatever he would get!
As Sly chuckled and turned back to the rest, the laughter died in his throat when he saw how Deth was looking at him.
"What?" He said, transforming his face into a sweet disarming smile.
"Deth, this is The Heart of Frost, and this is Mr. Icegun. Both good friends.
Now... I know you two girls can't STAND Jack... but well... maybe we should at least try and go help him find whatever he's looking for? I mean, how about we make him PROMISE to obey himself. I know he's a cad who has no respect at ALL for women, but I'm sure he's not... ... why are you two looking at me like that?" -
"Powderkeg... oh WONDERFUL..."
As Sly looked out at the old battlefield, he suddered...
"I HATE this place... Let's find Lobe and do WHATEVER else we need to do here, and get the hell HOME." -
With everyone finally at the Gate, Sly focused on Haunt's question and took the ring to get a better look.
"Oh no... not... ANOTHER... artifact!!" Sly handed the ring back to Haunt. For all his magical talents Sly often wondered why he so often was frustrated with ANYTHING magical...
"No, I haven't see this specific ring, but it's quite similar to everything ELSE we've found lately... gold and red... red and gold... and thugs LOVE it. Lightning Bug, this is quite a dangerous thing to hold onto. Let Haunt keep it for now... with Eidolon to watch his back he should be the safest to leave it with."
Sly glanced at Deth. "I'd give it to you, Milady, but I'm not sure you'd think me too forward to give you a ring just yet."
With a grin, Sly Fox spun around, presented his ID card to the guards, and motioned to all the heroes behind him.
"These brave souls are with me, The Sly Fox! Before we venture in, any of you happen to see a huge man jumping through this way? Big 'L' on his T-shirt? Did you happen to catch what direction he went in?" -
Before Sly could stop Icegun from zooming off, the speed demon was gone. Pity he hadn't briefed him that an Operative had already been dispatched to the area...
Sly was suddenly thinking Jack was not such a bad guy to have around... ANYONE who made him look good... comparatively... couldn't be all that bad!
"Well, Miss Frost, I am sorry I could not arrive sooner to prevent such a heinous act as treating you with such little respect..."
He grinned inwardly, and offered her his arm.
"However, since this was Jack's case, perhaps we need him to tell us what the next lead is. Want to make him jealous?"
Sly knew for a fact that Frost would probably freeze him simply for making ANY type of suggestive comment or action, but he couldn't resist, seeing how she handled such attention so well... -
I love Fox WAY too much to EVER get tired of him
But I am tired of some of the missions I keep getting, either hunts (kill 30!!) or timed missions... it seems like such a hassle...
So I finally created a new character, and I love him too.
But I haven't lost my love for Fox... heh... don't think I ever will!! -
Sly glanced at Icegun...
"And that's a problem for you? I'm sure either you OR Miss Frost over here could take care of that."
Sly took a bite of his meal, washed it down with his own soda, and then nudged his head over towards Jack and the crowd, which was finally beginning to dissipate.
"Frost... just what exactly happened BEFORE all this to warrant such a reaction? Did I miss something big?
And Icegun, I choose to remain anonymous from the public eye at the moment, until I know WHY they are here... one must never be so eager for publicity that one gets mixed up in bad news..." -
Sly watched Deth and her loving heart take the girl in her arms and help her, then teleport off... he sighed...
He nodded to everyone, and teleported off. Since he had been training recently, he beat Deth to the 'Boomtown' gate, and desided to pull everyone to him. Since he knew Lyle would probably be impatient, he reached out his magic to bring him over first.
"-ing train." Was what the man said as he appeared next to Sly.
"You need to talk to Valkyrie then Lyle, we'll wait," Sly winked to Deth who had just arrived, he then began pulling the rest of the hapless bunch... well, those who weren't as fast as him and weren't close already, that is... -
Sly had teleported back down when he saw Icegun arrive, and hailed him over with the food.
Then, when Frost landed beside him and explained just what she deserved, Sly eyed her sideways. Then he realized why Jack WASN'T speaking... absentmindedly moving his hand to his own jaw, he looked back to Frost and said,
"No Worries... I know... um... 'hazard pay' when I see it..." -
As Sly arrived at the scene he was greeted to flashing cameras and news reporters by the dozen. He could see Jack surrounded by the eager media, but for some odd reason the charmer didn't seem to be saying much.
A lone reporter at the back of the crowd glanced over Sly's way, dismissed him, then turned back to Jack.
When the reporter did a double take and realized who she had glanced at, Sly Fox was already gone.
Hope Icegun can find me with the food, he thought, floating high above the city where he had abruptly teleported to. While he did LOVE publicity, he was never one to steal someone's thunder...
Ok, that was a bold faced lie, but as long as he could get himself to believe it at this moment, couldn't you do the same?
You could say Sly just didn't like Jack that much... but probably only because Jack was too much like himself, and Sly was not too fond of "competition."
Why he really left, however, was because he wanted to find Frost and see what he had missed. He scanned the streets below him looking for the Ice Queen.... -
Sly looked at the map... the girl... the map again.
After he closed his mouth, he then cleared his throat and said, "Yup... pretty much sums THAT up. Ok, let's hop to it!" -
Thank you!
And to answer your question, yes, I would hide in the cellar.
By the way, LOVE the avatar!
~The Sly Fox~ -
Sly was trying to come to grips with this whole mess of where to go next, when out of the corner of his eye he saw the figure on the roof begin to fall, with a clockwork gripping her, no less.
Reacting quickly, he concentrated on her position and pulled her as she fell... right above him...
The crush as the woman landed on him aborted any chance for a typical witty remark at the save.
As the clock hit the ground a few yards away and broke into little whirring pieces, Sly's muffled voice came out from his prone position on the pavement.
"mmI vote for 'Boomtown.' I thought I saw Lobe jumping off in that direction when I first left the shop, and I'm worried about the big guy...
...ummm... Mistress... would you be so kind as to remove your form from on top of me... I don't want Deth to get... eheh... jealous..." -
Ugh... I'm about halfway to finishing the last chapter...
Need... more... time... wish... I was... a... vampire! Wouldn't... have to... sleep! -
Sly merely stopped the mopping up battle for a second to look up and wave at the the two figures on the roof.
Then he went back to watching Deth's... back... -
Instead of the Clockwork King would they go up against the dreaded Lollypop King!!???
All good server designations!
By the way, LOVED the article.
Never can frown at my name in the paper!
Oh yes! Almost forgot! "The Official Kitty Server!" -
Sly, not having a wallett, (he never carried one) looked down at it for a second...
"ummm... thanks? ..."
But he couldn't bring himself to do it.
"This isn't mine Icegun... although I really can understand why you might have thought so... I mean, how many other wallets have Bad "M.F." stiched onto them... gee... actually, you take this back. I'm not sure I want to hold onto this.
OK! You get the food, and I'll rush over to that warehouse! Come on! The poor Lady Frost is in the midst of evil! Plus, there are clockworks there!"
With a flash Sly teleported off on his way... -
I think they should make EVERY server the "Official Title" something.
Like the RPer one, the competitive one, the... errr...
Hmm... I wanted to cut down on the problem of making anyone "flock" to anything... but I've run out of Server designations... I'm sure we can ALL band together and think of something for each server, right? -
Lusty Lass...
I'm sorry, what were we talking about?
~The Sly Fox~ -
See? Look what her homeland DID to her? Look what communism wrought!
All the more reason to join a "capitalist" organization... heh
~The Sly Fox~
One little suggestion. I had to learn this myself the hard way, but it's easier to read these stories when you add a space in between each paragraph.
The format doesn't let you indent, so just double space the paragraphs.
Other than that, can't wait to hear what comes next! (I've got half of Chapter 6 done, myself... but... I have too much to do in-game... I may not finish for a bit... argh! Everyone is gonna forget The Sly Fox if I don't finish soon!!)
Well the Pale Guardian IS a tease, so, there you go!
~The Sly Fox~ -
WOW! These are great!!
I will be attending the memorial day parade at Atlas Park, City Hall today, mainly to hear The Ascendant's speech, heh, but also to perhaps... meet a few lovely ladies?
Hope to see you all there!
~The Sly Fox~ -
"All I know is everytime I go to Flander's Chicken they are closed. Let me call for a few pizzas, though, and have them delivered to that Garment Works address..."