831 -
Here and I would have guessed a hat.
Though, German Shepherd appears to be discounted this week. -
Quote:Recluse definitely does, they hint at a possible redemption in a couple of places as far as I can tell.And, yes, this also means Recluse and Lady Grey have narrative bulls-eyes on their backs.
For my money, Lady Grey sits more in the sort of position of somewhat mysterious other character, kind of like Dream Doctor, Mender Silos and Nemesis, than the supposed big two of Statesman and Lord Recluse. She's talked about in that sort of position, but I don't know if she is viewed as important in terms of overshadowing our characters, if that makes sense. -
Quote:Yes, exactly this.I'm just wondering what the Mustache-twirlers and World Destroyers are doing helping to stop Darrin Wade to begin with.
I mean, heck, you want an alternative interpretation for that dialogue? You could be lying. Maybe your character is going to try to take Wade's new power, or maybe he just wants to take Wade down because he had the audacity to try to take away your right to destroy the world.
What does it matter that you say it's for the greater good? You've got your own agenda. Why would you tell Scirocco the truth? He doesn't need to know...
The second your mustache-twirler/world destroyer realizes he's getting railroaded into saving the world, it comes down to you deciding either, "Hey, that's where I keep my stuff." or "How can I leverage this to my advantage?" or "Forget this." and quit out.
The game should probably account for it, but given the sheer scope of options, I don't know if the devs really can/should accommodate players that would just jump ship the second they're stuck saving the world again when they could just as easily choose not to do the arc once it takes a turn "For the greater good." -
I don't think it's too serious as much as it can seem a bit dark. The thing I think we forget or that may get lost in the process, is that the blueside/hero players are the ones trying to fix that.
So, while I can see the complaint, I'm always thinking, "How is the game going to let me attempt to fix this?"
As for the humor aspects? I don't really care for most of them. However, I do appreciate the geek references/homages that we run across. -
My biggest beef with the game has really been, Where's the comic book/supervillain part of this plan? And Wade better get some sort of costume and name at the end of the whole shebang. That, for all power he scrounged up, he had to take up some of the trappings of the genre.
So, imagine my muffled glee to see him all Rularruu-ed up. I do wish he'd have chosen something else self-important and full of himself. As is, it felt more like Infernia was making a joke than a proper name. But, given the lack of it in most of the rest of the game, I was content with getting a shade over half of what I was looking for here. -
Quote:Were I a betting man, I'd bet that the yellow pet is yellow as a very deliberate choice that referred back to who she learned it from.Hey Tunnel Rat!
Just some fast feedback.
Penny Yin new powers are awesome, love the VFX.
But her yellow pet clashes too much with her pink psionic powers and her red/white/black costume... It clashes so badly it doesnt make sense.
I think it should be pink like the rest of her powers.
Would you think about updating this. -
Quote:I assumed as much. Though, I have to say that my first thought after having flown to the top boat and back on that map was, "Man, I feel bad for anybody that didn't take flight."It's a shame that just about everyone will have a fly power, because you *can* get to the top boat with just Sprint and Hurdle jumping from boat to boat.
That's neat!
Are there Rularruu all the way up? I spied a couple on the way back. -
I thought Cheetara giving up so easily seemed really really off.
Are there any emotes that you can make the MM wolf pets do that will silence them? (are controller pets capable of doing petsay commands?)
I know that you can get the demons to quiet down if you get them to do some of the emotes. -
Quote:I'm surprised that some of these posters didn't read all the info. But thanks for actually paying attention too."The third one summoned will be an Alpha Wolf, which grants some leadership bonuses to the pack...
The third Howler Wolf you summon is an Alpha wolf. He has a self heal power and an AoE damage debuff. He serves more of a support role."
-Intrepid Informer #19
Beast Mastery
by Phil "Synapse" Zeleski
so ummmm yea there could easily be a distinction for the alpha wolf, bigger, blacker or another color [theyre all identical, arent they...? :/], fuzzier mane, aura, more fleas... anything.
20% bigger would work too. Just anything really to give it a bit physical distinctiveness. When I think alpha wolf, I don't think fleas is what I'd go with. -
The other special MM third tier 1 pets have something distinctive about them so that you can pick them out the pack.
Arsonists look different. Medics get a satchel, don't they?
Alpha Wolves should have something to make them stand out a notch. Not sure what you could add though. Maybe a tuft of hair on its head or back, a distinctive fur pattern, just anything to set it apart visually would be a nice addition. -
Instead of another super foot stomp as a pbaoe, I'd rather see a cone as a super strength judgement. Think of it like a super strength version of the Vorpal. Just to get a little more range in for my tanks/brutes
Quote:You could probably get it closer to looking like Buzz Lightyear using the Triton mask anyways.Sure I'm not suggesting that the "sci-fi skull cap with bubble helmet" look was invented with Buzz Lightyear. All I was suggesting is that it doesn't really take much to make Devs who are generally worried about IP infringement to think twice about things like this.
Quote:The hold shot is friggin perfect for the rayguns. Freeze ray!The rifle works fine for beam rifle IMHO.
Pistols also. Maybe at lv4 they would look strange, but once you've got swap ammo and you're running any of the toggles, the pistols would be fine. Heck doing bullet rain with cryo ammo would look more reasonable coming from those than from semi autos! -
Quote:I saw of it more as like the episode where they introduced Cousin Oliver on The Brady Bunch.Considering it's little more than a demo for Penny Yin with "er, wha?" story progression shoehorned into the final mission.
Only, in this case, I didn't dislike Cousin Oliver. More, "Neat powerset." and "Oh my, that's a nice glowy yellow ball you have there." -
Quote:While I appreciate a good joke...It's probably been suggested before, but shouldn't it be Lions and Tigers and Bears?
I think lions and tigers make more sense in the tier 2. But would be a bit odd to have them as tier 1, due to what happens to tier 1 pets once you hit the heavier hitting enemy range.
Also, does it seem odd to anyone else that summoning wolves uses a generic growl, as opposed to the perfectly serviceable Howl emote sound?
<*tinfoil hat time*> It's almost like they're planning ahead for power customization with the set. </tinfoil hat>
For the sake of easing my conspiracy theorist side, are either Dire Wolf or Umbra Beast summoned with a howl? Or a generic growl? -
Quote:Also, having set shoulders that appear to be part of the suit itself seems like it's going to limit our costume color/pattern/design options.Yeah, given my druthers, I'd either have them at all the joints (shoulders, elbows, and knees) or none them. Having them only at the shoulder seems kind of off. But I'll still be buying this set day one.
If they are a separate piece, cool. But, if it's a piece that is part of the suit and ends up limiting our options, much less cool.
That being said, what we've seen so far is pretty neat looking. -
Quote:Yeah, me too. The Quiver having a combat state doesn't make sense. It would make more sense if the quiver reduced the quantity of arrows based on your endurance bar than combat state related.that doesnt mean they couldn't have released at least one quiver by now. combat-state changing quiver? weapon sheaths for swords and the like, ok maybe. but quivers? i just want a bunch of arrows on my back.
Not that I need to have that. I just want a couple of quiver types, simple modern, Robin Hood style and maybe magical?