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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The devs have put up some fiction to set the scene:
    They really all believe that they're the real one, don't they?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    If the devs want them to fulfill the role of OOH, SHINY MUST CHASE SHINY!, I'm cool with it, but for pity's sake make then genuinely rare!

    I don't see the point of making them drops unless adding them to your character is at least a little bit challenging. Right now they represent the worst of both words- pointless to acquisitive sorts like me and unnecessarily tedious for costume mavens who just want cherub wings for their archery/psi blaster.
    Bleh, in a game as mature as this one, any mope with a large pile of inf can buy a rare recipe in a hot second, inflated rarity is silly, and only leads to people making horrible costumes just to flaunt the fact that they have a lot of inf. That sort of exclusivity isn't special, it's just bragging.

    When it comes to costumes, bragging rights should go to whoever makes the best costume, not whoever has the most rare bits.
  3. ThePill

    Mutant issue....

    I guess I'll trot out my usual proposal of just set up the Outcasts as another group akin to any other group that goes from 5-50.

    Just straight up crime. No need to strike out against a world that hates them, other than for a smash and grab.

    Okay, now that's not a big deal. We've seen that plenty of times before. Only now, why not make them spandex clad and cape wearing villains?

    Yeah, it's just crime, but it's Spandex-clad supercrime.

    Y'know why? Because spandex is cool!

    There's a pile of powersets that the Outcasts don't cover yet. So, roll in the psychics, earth assault, spines, debuff and control sets and whatever else I'm missing here. Maybe hold off the psychic enemies for post 30 content. But, the scheme is simple.

    Toss them into a few tips, to give them a sorta bigger arc. Put them on street corners. Make them go to war with the Malta on Peregrine. Put them into the radios and newspaper madlibs. It's an all out Mutant resurgence.

    From 20-30, drop the t-shirts for spandex tops, with bosses going full-on themed(electric, flame and arctic patterns are already available) spandex from the neck down. Make all the bosses dual themed a la Frostfire.

    Post 30 all the way up, everybody wears spandex and masks,Lts get shoulderpads. bosses get capes, as well as crowns or whatever else. Just go all out spandex. Maybe post 35 toss auras on bosses to tip us off as to who's the big cheese in a mob. But mostly? Auras are cool.

    Toss in a handful of Supatrolls to round out the ranks of Lts. Call it a mutant-troll truce post 20, whatever. I just want more giant green dudes with horns smashing about the city in singlets with no shoes or sleeveless tops and tights. Call it a Supatroll menace, just toss them in. Then, for good measure, make a few of the huge guys Stone armor guys like the odd Ogre or Caliban(I can never remember which) as well as a couple of big green granite guys.

    C'mon, let's put some comic book back in the game.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    I design by slot with costumes. I usually select the fancier costume pieces for the character's later look for slots 3-5(with 6-9 for special conecpt looks, but since you cannot start with all the slots you need so i just delay the use of them till they are available.
    Plus, at this point, we're fairly aware what's out there in recipe and unlock land, that the recipe based stuff is about as simple as having access to inf(which if you've been playing for a medium amount of time you should have access to a fair amount of inf that you can funnel toward those endeavors), the auction house and a crafting table. So, saying that you don't design costumes around the easy to get your hands on items like most of the costume recipes is odd to me. Beside which, there's a small pile of incarnate tied things that I have to wait to claim in-game that sometimes makes a concept complete that I'll skip the short tutorial to go straight to Atlas or the Isles so that I can finish the costume anyways.

    That, and I'm constantly fiddling with costumes and concepts even post-creation, that I don't get taking such a hard line on your costume right from the get-go.
  5. ThePill

    Endless War

    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    They fight the Coming Storm/Batalion.

    Everyone else fights Not-that. Doesn't even have to be pre-fifty. Non-incarnate level fifty content is severely lacking as well and would be good for Preems&Freems.(not that pre-fifty content isn't highly desired)
    Speaking of which, the Battalion/the Coming Storm needs something other than the Shivan for everybody else to punch around when they finally make it to Earth. But, they're just the opening act to soften us up a bit.

    But once the invasion happens proper-like, I'd hope for something that was challenging, but not quite Incarnate-scaled, for the under 50 crowd. Because if it's an invader that's a danger to the entire world, their presence shouldn't be limited to just stuff that's locked behind Incarnate things.

    Also, please let them be something other than bulbous vaguely human-shaped blobs or whatever it is that the newer versions are made of. Also, maybe they might not have giant many pointed shoulder pads that look like they should be in some other fantasy based MMO, because we've seen plenty of that flavor already too.
  6. Quote:
    Electric Melee: Everything sans Lightning Clap (I hate the power)
    Willpower: Everything
    Flight: Hover
    Teleportation: Teleport, Teleport Foe, Zone Teleport
    Soul Mastery: Moonbeam, Shadow Meld, Soul Storm
    Looking at your power picks, I was wondering if you had considered the Presence or Leadership pools.

    Presence, primarily for it's Fear effects as a goddess can be awe-inspiring to believers and non-believers alike. Leadership for a token boon for anyone that works alongside/worships her receiving a small bonus just for being in her presence, whether it is intentional or a side-effect of her magnificence.

    As you're using Willpower, you should have more than enough end to go around for some of the leadership toggles and/or to offset the slightly high end cost for the fear from the presence pool once you get to the higher levels and have your character more slotted out.
  7. I'm all for more craftable costume pieces. Assuming that they aren't limited to something ridiculous like a extra rare drop in an Incarnate Trial.
  8. Doesn't group size do odd things to drops?
  9. I think Nolan's (*cough*over*cough*)done about all he can do with Batman since the previous film.

    So, Make Mine Marvel.
  10. I'm all for it. More temp power recipes.
  11. The one hairstyle that made me think of this working for right away is Crew Cut.

    A crew cut should not look like slicked back hair.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    This reminds me of something from years ago... I don't remember if it was a PC, or a NPC, but someone asked "how the hell did they get those skyskiffs throug the doors?".
    I want to say that some of the Sky Raider Sky Skiff bosses in police band bank robberies joke about it in the last room.
  13. ThePill

    Celestial Armor?

    My thought on any Tier 9 set is, "Yay! I get to use it as soon-ish as it comes out!"

    Anything after that, I don't really care.

    I've said before in other threads of a similar nature that I'd sooner have more pieces in more hands as soon as possible, as the "special"-ness, for me, is more about how you use the pieces rather than the fact that they're limited to any subset of people, other than buying a set that they like enough to purchase.

    My biggest thought of costume sets is that I'd rather that they'd just sell everything directly over the Paragon Market, because I want to see what people are capable of making.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Yeah, you're leaving out the bustier and forget the male shirts can't just be included since they're on the legacy NPC models. They can't be ported. They would have to made from scratch for the PC models. There are no male clothing pieces to port. Nor is there a "unisex belt" to port for the same reason.

    Like I said, if it's ported, it's only new female pieces. Another female set with a bustier
    What? No glow tats for everyone? Bogus.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
    No way, they should add that in as a function so that we can smack the crap out of it Red side and get the insp AND the inf. :-p
    Hey now, Vigilantes should get that option too.
  16. I still say I'd take these as power pools, and all that that entails as in reduced damage output, redraw etc., over an "epic" power pool.

    As somebody that plays a really really gimped /devices melee fighter, as in all his attacks come from assorted power pools and vet powers, I've managed to get to level 24 almost entirely solo and have fun.

    So, I'm fairly certain that, even with reduced damage/redraw etc taken into account, I'd love to do the same with a load of ranged attacks onto what is supposed to be a melee character and have as much, if not more fun, due to having the good toggles to cover my can built into the character.
  17. Just judging by where haste and a number of the other odd buffs show up on dogs, I wonder if the weapons would attach to dog/cat hind quarters.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    I am, at this moment, imagining a cat whorfing up a Force Field Generator, caltrops, and a Regeneration device, as if the three were hair balls.
    Heh, I'd still get used to it.

    I'm all for it, if it means a decent enough sized segment of the population was behind it. Don't want to stifle any out there concepts. Not sure if I'd make an AR/traps cat, but I'll give it the thumbs up just to support folks that think that that's key to the way they envision their character.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    Trick Arrow and Archery seem tricky too.
    I'd point to the picture of dogs shooting rockets out of their mouths. If we're going to go as absurd as dogs with swords, I'm not going to blink an eye at dogs shooting arrows from their mouths.
  20. I don't want Hero 1 to have a new costume. I really like his simple straightforward, already non-riktified awesome look.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Freedom Phalanx
    Shining Stars
    Praetorian Midnighters
    Black Knights

    If there's one thing City of Heroes has taught me is that Super Groups are hot dysfunctional messes and it's best to go solo.
    A lot of Super groups are a big dysfunctional mess though. Part of why you join a super group is to fill in your gaps in knowledge and to get backup when you need it and that it sometimes helps to have differing opinions and viewpoints on what may or may not be going on. It's usually supposed to be seen as an advantage than a hindrance.

    I'll grant you, we didn't see much of that going on with the most recent SSA, but that's a whole other ball of wax.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    Have Positron stay the heck away from leadership of the FP. He's the guy who builds stuff in the basement, he is not the inspiring leader type.
    According to one of the novels, he's the guy that put together the current incarnation of the Freedom Phalanx. Which is enough, for me, to at least give him a try as leader.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    Have the mods said anything against it? If not, I imagine it's fair game.
    They have modded/deleted a number of posts containing pictures, so I'd imagine that's some sort of statement.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    Well, if I was making Origin-exclusive powers I'd probably make em a power pool. (though that makes me wary of something like Feats in Dungeons and Dragons, where a misc power setting turns into total option overload)
    I can definitely see that, but given an option of more options as opposed to less, I'll almost always lean towards a more open system.

    On the other hand, I think Boomerang would work better as a full on Ranged Attack type powerset. Maybe. I'm not sure how things work at the moment.
    No argument here. But if Natural is a hard thing to pin down as it seems to be and the boomerang niche does seem a general gap across the board in terms of comic book/superhero MMOs, that a power pool could fill it without having to go all out and make Boomerang into Archery 2.0
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    I don't understand this mindset one iota! The Beta is open to -all- VIPs. It is, for all intents and purposes, an Open Beta. So who gives a fig if people post things from it (as long as they should have access to the thing in the first place, that is).
    I do see your point.

    But, I imagine a couple of these leaks were supposed to be unveiled for the first time at the Player Summit, which, I believe, was promising exclusive reveals. It's a bit of a shame that it's out there for everybody to see.

    But, as you said, what can you really do at this point, in terms of squashing rumors that are already out there?