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  1. Centaurs? im guessing you mean Centauri in which case your some what missing the point what the OP is suggesting is that there be more unlockable costumes in the same vain that there is unlockable weapons. In there suggestion they mention the Roman, Talsorian, and Rularuu weapons that are unlocked when you complete a specific task within the game as has been pointed out that costumes already exist to go with Roman weapons and Talsorian (vanguard) weapons but more could be added.

    As a example you can unlock a Nemesis rifle if you get the revealer badge by Defeating 100 Fake Nemesis robots costume parts could be added to this reward as well so for a example Defeat 100 Fake Nemesis robots would grant a nemesis rifle and a selection nemesis costume parts

    the same could be done for Watchman Badge which could give you access to some rikti themed costume parts as well as the rikti themed weapons.

    of special note (i think) is the "Nictus Sword" this is currently rewarded for completing the ITF 5 times and acts very much as a carrot to those who have done it once but the carrot only works for sword users if they were to add Nictus based costume pieces along with this reward every one would benefit from completing the trial 5 times and gain a shiny new nictus themed costume
  2. I Kind of agree there are builds out there that stamina is pretty much mandatory but i wouldn't like to see stamina removed from the game personally

    I would like to see them once again go over all the sets and look at there end usage. No one can convince me that that the protection Dark armour offers is worth its horrendus end cost. The same go's for attack sets like mace and axe there high(ish) end cost combined with there well resisted damage types makes them end hogs. so please devs take a look at the end use of powers once again.

    Also how about having end recovery and hp recovery as slot-able powers from the get go? They would start at the base rate for the AT and could be slotted as a normal power effectively you would have two versions of health and stamina a inherent from lvl 1 version that you can slot to gain a small boost to you recovery rates and then there would be the power pool version that you can take at the cost of a power to gain more recovery.

    This would mean builds that currently don't need stamina would be unaffected, builds that require that little endurance boost could slot there inherent stamina and builds that seem to hemorrhage endurance with every attack can slot both there inherent stamina and take the pool power and slot that.
  3. Hehe

    Posi: any one Res
    Player: No
    Posi: Awaken?
    Player: No
    Posi: any one got a red so i can combine 3?
    Player: No! Just go to the Hosp


    BaB: watch me take on this assault suit 1 on 1
    BaB: dam forgot shields. Res?
  4. the only problem with this is if they were to implement it you can almost guarantee that within the week there would be a suggestion of a a "are you sure prompt" or a undo button or possible both. as some one would undoubtedly sell something that they didn't want to.
  5. TheMESS

    i13 release date

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    the winter events not due to go live till the 15th according the calendar and i cant see i13 hitting before the winter event as its been tested on the current i12 build and it seems strange to test it on a i12 build if its going to come after i13.

    realistically i recon we wont see i13 till after Jan 4th (end of the winter event)

    It would be nice if it came along before Jan 23rd as that's a DXP weekend and it would give all my lovely new toons a nice lvl boost.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I think the Winter Event's currently active (in a slightly updated form from last year's) on test, so that will have been hammered a bit and ready for live with I13 too.

    So if the devs want the updated WE to go live (which they will!) they'll have to get I13 out before then. There's a separate flag to turn the WE on and off, so barring a major bug showing up I'm guessing next week for I13 live.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah i was under the impression that the winter event was ended before i13 went live on Test but if that's not the case then the i13 date can be moved forward.

    So if they follow there normal Tuesday release dates it could be either the 2nd or the 9th
  6. I'm not dead

    so No16 Hellboy a quick Hellboy sketch done with pencil and markers

    No17 My Cat another markers attempt this time my cat tabby turned out pretty iffy

    No18 Cherub thing some random cherub monster

    No19 Tentical eyes and teeth Um yea seem obsessed with tentacle teeth eye monsters and find my self doodling them in the corner of pages probably means something deep and meaningful

    No 20 Some tainted sketches just some sketches of tainted

    No 21 More tainted this time on the hunt for a new host

    No 22 Atomic boom box My sonic rad corrupter with added speakers

    No 23 Dark Protector Even tainted has standards
  7. I tend to view any status resistance is better than no status resistance added to the fact that you wouldn't have to re toggle when you came out of the sleep would make low lvl scrappers happy at least (tanks less so because there protection comes much earlier)
  8. TheMESS

    Hami o's

    Hami o's are still worth selling or slotting they tend to give a better over all bonus than there equivalent IO so Hami that boosts Regen/endred is better than a IO that dose Regen/endred so if your not looking for set bonuses Hami o's are the way to go.
  9. They should bring those yellow ink men back they made things interesting in the early lvls and what with IOs now offering status protection, blaster Defiance 2.0, and the new changes to toggles they wouldn't be as deadly as they once were.
  10. TheMESS

    i13 release date

    the winter events not due to go live till the 15th according the calendar and i cant see i13 hitting before the winter event as its been tested on the current i12 build and it seems strange to test it on a i12 build if its going to come after i13.

    realistically i recon we wont see i13 till after Jan 4th (end of the winter event)

    It would be nice if it came along before Jan 23rd as that's a DXP weekend and it would give all my lovely new toons a nice lvl boost.
  11. Arg CoH Wiki how could i not look there?

    thanks Generalissimo now back to work i go
  12. OK weird question time, dose any one have a screenshot of Miss Francine the Freakshow teacher they could post up? Or know of a pic that exists out there on the Internet I've tried searching but cant seem to find anything.
  13. Yea i remember seeing Jason doing that one it was very interesting to watch him do all that switch between layers making little changes here and there I'm pretty sure i could have just spent the entire 2 days at the stall watching Jason and Kat work.