NaNoDraMo 08 (MESS)




OK no real idea what this is i gather the points to do 50 drawings between now and the end of November if so i best get started.



Well, if you read the thread Mess dearest
Or asked over the SG Channel.

But yes the idea is to draw 50 sketches/drawings by the end of November




Pic No10 UOS

well thats me finaly hit ten pics just got 40 more to do in 16 days



No 11 Some random ness from work

No 12 Yet more random ness

No 13 Um somthing weird

No 14 Woot somethin coH related Magmite my brute



Is it me or does #13 look like the result of crossbreeding a Warhulk with Doctor Vazhilok?

I like randomness and good on you for taking up the challenge.



hehe yea it dose a bit

any way on to number 15 heavily influenced by Dans pic i must admit


I'm really happy with how this one turned out the hands seem of but then i'm not entirely sure what type of hands a living Fen has.



I'm not dead

so No16 Hellboy a quick Hellboy sketch done with pencil and markers

No17 My Cat another markers attempt this time my cat tabby turned out pretty iffy

No18 Cherub thing some random cherub monster

No19 Tentical eyes and teeth Um yea seem obsessed with tentacle teeth eye monsters and find my self doodling them in the corner of pages probably means something deep and meaningful

No 20 Some tainted sketches just some sketches of tainted

No 21 More tainted this time on the hunt for a new host

No 22 Atomic boom box My sonic rad corrupter with added speakers

No 23 Dark Protector Even tainted has standards



Some great concept stuff here

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk




Well i failed in my bid to do 50 but on the upside i have rediscovered my love of drawing (and how much I've forgotten) so bring on next year